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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 93

93. It is here first written to the angel of the church of Ephesus. By the angel of that church are meant all those in the church that are in the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good, thus in the knowledges (cognitiones) of such things as pertain to heaven and the church, and who nevertheless are not, or not as yet, in a life according to them. By these knowledges are chiefly meant doctrinals; but doctrinals alone, or knowledges alone, of good and truth, do not make man spiritual, but a life according to them; for doctrinals or knowledges (cognitiones) without a life according to them, reside only in the memory, and thence in the thought; and all things which only reside there, reside in his natural man; a man therefore does not become spiritual before those things enter into his life, and they then enter into his life when he wills the things which he thinks, and thence does them. That this is the case, any one may know from this fact alone that, supposing any one to know all the laws of moral and civil life, and not to live according to them, he would yet not be a moral and civil man; he may indeed speak respecting them with more knowledge than others, but nevertheless he is rejected. The same also is the case if any one knows the ten precepts of the Decalogue, so that he can even explain them and preach them intelligently, and yet does not live according to them. Those therefore within the church who have the knowledges (cognitiones) of such things as pertain to the church, that is, who have the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good from the Word, and are not, or not as yet, in a life according to them, are here first treated of; and they are described by the things written to the angel of the Ephesian church.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 93

93. The angel of the Ephesian church is the first here written to; and by the angel of that church all those in the church are meant who are in the knowledges of truth and good, thus in the knowledges of such things as are of heaven and of the church, and who still are not, or not yet, in a life according to them. By these knowledges are especially meant doctrinals; but doctrinals alone, or the knowledges of truth and good alone, do not make a man spiritual, but a life according to them; for doctrinals or knowledges without a life according to them abide only in the memory and thence in the thought, and all things that abide there only, abide in the natural man; consequently a man does not become spiritual until these enter the life, and they enter the life when a man wills the things which he thinks, and consequently does them.

That this is so anyone can see from this alone, that if anyone knows all the laws of moral and civil life, and does not live according to them, he still is not a moral and civil man; he may indeed talk about them more learnedly than others, but still he is rejected. It is the same with one who knows the ten precepts of the Decalogue, so as to be able even to explain and discourse about them with intelligence, and yet does not live according to them. Those, therefore, within the church who are in the knowledges of such things as pertain to the church, that is, who are in knowledges of truth and good from the Word, but are not, or not yet, in a life according to them, are here first treated of, and these are described by the things written to the angel of the Ephesian church.

Apocalypsis Explicata 93 (original Latin 1759)

93. Scribitur hic primum ad Angelum Ecclesiae Ephesinae; et per angelum illius ecclesiae intelliguntur omnes illi in ecclesia qui in cognitionibus veri et boni sunt, ita in cognitionibus talium quae caeli et ecclesiae, et tamen non aut nondum in vita secundum illas. Per cognitiones has intelliguntur imprimis doctrinalia; ast sola doctrinalia seu solae cognitiones veri et boni non faciunt hominem spiritualem, sed vita secundum illa; doctrinalia enim seu cognitiones, absque vita secundum illa, resident modo in memoria et inde in cogitatione, et omnia quae ibi solum resident, in naturali ejus homine resident: quapropter homo non prius fit spiritualis quam cum illa intrant vitam; et tunc intrant vitam quando homo vult illa quae cogitat, et inde facit illa. Quod ita sit, quisque solum ex eo scire potest, quod si quis novit omnes leges vitae moralis et civilis, et non vivit secundum illas, usque non sit moralis et civilis homo; loqui quidem potest de illis scientius quam alii, sed usque rejicitur: simile etiam est, si quis decem praecepta Decalogi sciat usque ut possit explicare et intelligenter praedicare illa, et tamen non vivit secundum illa. De illis itaque intra ecclesiam qui in cognitionibus talium quae ecclesiae sunt, hoc est, qui in cognitionibus veri et boni ex Verbo sunt, et non aut nondum in vita secundum illa, agitur hic primum; et illi describuntur per ea quae scripta sunt ad Angelum Ecclesiae Ephesinae.

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