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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 944

944. For thou alone art holy. That this signifies because He is good and truth itself, and thence all good and truth are from Him, is evident from the signification of holy, as denoting the Divine which proceeds from the Lord; for this alone is holy, and is called Divine good united to Divine truth; and because this proceeds from the Lord, it is Himself; for what proceeds from Him is what is in Him, and therefore is Himself. Hence it is that the Lord is Divine good and Divine truth itself.

[2] The case is the same as with the heat and light that proceed from the sun in the world, or even from the flame of a fire. The heat and light are from the sun, for they are from that which is in the sun. In the sun is pure fire. This fire outside the sun is heat decreasing according to distance from it; and light is its modification or interior action in substances that are outside the sun, being also from its fire; those substances in which they exist and operate are called atmospheres. From a correspondent analogy a conclusion may be drawn concerning the heat and light that proceed from the Lord as a sun in heaven. The Lord there as a sun is Divine love; and the heat proceeding therefrom is Divine Good, and the light Divine truth. The heat proceeding, which is Divine Good, is Divine Love in its extension; and the light proceeding, which is Divine truth, is the modification or interior action thereof in substances that are outside Him. Those substances in which this modification takes place are spiritual atmospheres, from which the angels breathe and live.

Because similar things in the world are correspondent analogies, therefore fire in the Word signifies love; heat, Divine Good; and light, Divine truth. The difference is, that, as the heat and light of heaven vivify spiritual essences, so the heat and light of the world vivify natural essences. But yet the heat and light of the world do not vivify of themselves, but from the heat and light of heaven; thus, from the Lord. These things are mentioned, in order that it may be known that the Lord is Divine Good and Divine truth itself, thus, alone holy.


Into this state a man comes, who shuns evils because they are sins, and looks to the Lord. And he comes into this state as he turns away from and detests evils as sins, and as he acknowledges in heart, and worships the Lord alone, and also His Divine in the Human. This is a summary.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 944

944. For Thou only art holy, signifies because He is good itself and truth itself, consequently all good and truth are from Him. This is evident from the signification of "holy," as being the Divine that proceeds from the Lord, for this alone is holy, and is called the Divine good united to the Divine truth. And as this proceeds from the Lord it is Himself; for that which proceeds is from that which is in Him, and therefore it is Himself. This is why the Lord is the Divine good itself and the Divine truth itself.

[2] It is the same as with the heat and light that proceed from the sun in the world, or from a flame of fire. The heat and light are from the sun, for they are from what is in the sun; in the sun is pure fire; this fire outside the sun is heat decreasing as the distance from the sun increases; and light is its modification or interior action in substances that are outside the sun, but are also from its fire. These substances in which these exist and take place are called atmospheres. From an analogous correspondence a conclusion may be formed respecting the heat and light that proceed from the Lord as a sun in heaven. The Lord there as a sun is the Divine love; and the heat proceeding therefrom is the Divine good; and the light proceeding therefrom is the Divine truth. The heat that proceeds, which is the Divine good, is the Divine love in its extension; and the light that proceeds, which is the Divine truth, is a modification or interior action of this in substances that are outside of Him. These substances, in which this modification takes place, are the spiritual atmospheres, from which the angels breathe and live.

[3] As like things in the world are analogous correspondences, so "fire" signifies in the Word love, "heat" the Divine good, and "light" the Divine truth. The difference is that as the heat and light of heaven vivify spiritual essences, so the heat and light of the world vivify natural essences. And yet the heat and light of the world do not vivify from themselves, but from the heat and light of heaven, thus from the Lord. All this has been said to make known that the Lord is the Divine good itself and the Divine truth itself; thus He only is holy.

[4] Into this state the man comes who shuns evils because they are sins, and looks to the Lord; and so far as he comes into this state he turns away from and detests evils as sins, and acknowledges in heart and worships the Lord only, and His Divine in the Human. This is a summary.

Apocalypsis Explicata 944 (original Latin 1759)

944. "Quia solus sanctus." - Quod significet quia est ipsum Bonum et Verum, et inde ab Ipso omne bonum et omne verum, constat ex significatione "sancti", quod sit Divinum quod procedit a Domino, hoc enim solum Sanctum est, et vocatur Divinum Bonum unitum Divino Vero; et quia hoc procedit a Domino, est illud Ipse; quod enim procedit est ex Ipso quod in Ipso, et ideo est Ipse; inde est quod Dominus sit ipsum Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum.

[2] Hoc simile est cum calore et luce quae procedunt a sole in mundo, aut etiam ex ignis flamma: calor et lux sunt ex sole, est enim ex eo quod est in sole; in sole est purus ignis; hic ignis extra solem est calor decrescens secundum distantiam ab illo, et lux est modificatio seu interior actio ejus in substantiis quae extra solem sunt, etiam ab igne ejus; substantiae illae in quibus existunt et fiunt, vocantur atmosphaerae. Ex analogo correspondente concludi potest de calore et luce quae procedunt a Domino ut Sole in caelo; Dominus ibi ut Sol est Divinus Amor, et calor procedens inde est Divinum Bonum, et lux procedens inde est Divinum Verum. Calor procedens, qui est Divinum Bonum, est Divinus Amor in sua extensione; et lux procedens, quae est Divinum Verum, est modificatio seu interior actio in substantiis quae extra Ipsum; substantiae illae, in quibus modificatio illa fit, sunt atmosphaerae spirituales, ex quibus respirant et vivunt angeli.

[3] Quia similia in mundo sunt analoga correspondentia, ideo "ignis" in Verbo significat amorem, "calor" Divinum Bonum, et "lux" Divinum Verum: differentia est, quod sicut calor et lux caeli vivificant essentias spirituales, ita calor et lux mundi vivificant essentias naturales; sed usque calor et lux mundi non vivificant ex se, sed ex calore et luce caeli, ita a Domino. Haec dicta sunt ut sciatur quod Dominus sit ipsum Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum, ita solus Sanctus.

[4] (Continuatio.)

In hunc statum venit homo qui fugit mala quia peccata, et spectat ad Dominum: et tantum in illum statum venit, quantum mala ut peccata aversatur et detestatur, et quantum Dominum solum, ac Divinum Ipsius etiam in Humano, corde agnoscit et colit. Hoc summarium est.

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