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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 956

956. And none could enter into the temple. That this signifies its being in obscurity as to the understanding of it, is evident from the signification of the temple, as denoting the Word; see above. Hence by not being able to enter the temple by reason of the smoke, is signified that the Word is in obscurity as to the understanding of it.

The reason why the Word is in obscurity, and therefore not understood is, that at the end of the church there are no truths; and therefore all things of the Word are falsified. Therefore before genuine truths are discovered, the Word is in obscurity before the understanding.

Continuation concerning the First Precept:-

[2] Because a man, from the general influx out of heaven, sees, in his spirit, that God is a man, it follows that those who belong to the church where the Word is, if they shun evils and turn away from them as sins, from the light of heaven in which they then are, see the Divine in the Lord's Human, and the Trine in Him; and Himself as the God of heaven and earth. But those cannot see this, who, by intelligence from the proprium, have destroyed in themselves the idea of God as a man; nor do they see that God is one from the Trinity which they think of; they call Him one with their lips only.

Those, however, who are not purified from evils, and, therefore, are not in the light of heaven, do not, in their spirit, see the Lord as the God of heaven and earth, but some other instead. Some of them regard some one whom they believe to be God the Father; others, one whom they call God, because He prevails in power; others, some devil whom they fear because he can bring evil upon them; others, nature, as in the world; and others, no God at all.

It is said, in their spirit, because such are they when they become spirits after death, therefore what lay concealed in their spirit, in the world, is then made manifest. But all those who are in heaven acknowledge the Lord only. For the whole heaven is from the Divine which proceeds from Him, and has reference to Him as a man.

No one, therefore, can enter heaven unless he is in the Lord; for he enters into Him when he enters heaven. Others, if they enter, become mentally impotent and fall backwards.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 956

956. And no one was able to enter into the temple, signifies that it is in obscurity before the understanding. This is evident from the signification of the "temple," as being the Word (See above); therefore "not to enter the temple on account of the smoke" signifies that the Word is in obscurity before the understanding. The Word is in obscurity even so as not to be understood because in the end of the church there are no truths, and thus all things of the Word are falsified; therefore until genuine truths have been disclosed the Word is in obscurity before the understanding.

(Continuation respecting the First Commandment)

[2] As man from a general influx out of heaven sees in his spirit that God is Man, it follows that those who are of the church where the Word is, if they shun and turn away from evils as sins, see, from the light of heaven in which they then are, the Divine in the Lord's Human, and the trine in Him, and Himself to be the God of heaven and earth. But those cannot see this who by intelligence from what is their own [proprium] have destroyed in themselves the idea of God as Man; neither do they see from the trinity that is in their thought that God is one; they call Him one with the lips only. But those who have not been purified from evils, and therefore are not in the light of heaven, do not in their spirit see the Lord to be the God of heaven and earth; but in place of the Lord some other being is acknowledged; by some of these someone whom they believe to be God the Father; by others someone whom they call God because he is especially powerful; by others some devil whom they fear because he can bring evil upon them; by others nature, as in the world; and by others no God at all. It is said "in their spirit," because they are such after death when they become spirits; therefore what lay concealed in their spirit in the world then becomes manifest. But all who are in heaven acknowledge the Lord only, since the whole heaven is from the Divine that proceeds from Him, and relates to Him as Man; and for this reason no one can enter heaven unless he is in the Lord, for he enters into the Lord when he enters into heaven. If others enter they become impotent in mind and fall backwards.

Apocalypsis Explicata 956 (original Latin 1759)

956. "Et nemo potuit ingredi in templum." - Quod significet id in obscuro coram intellectu, constat ex significatione "templi", quod sit Verbum (ut supra); inde per "non ingredi in templum propter fumum", significatur Verbum in obscuro esse coram intellectu. Quod Verbum in obscuro sit, usque ut non intelligatur, est quia in fine ecclesiae non aliqua vera sunt, et inde omnia Verbi falsificata; quare priusquam genuina vera detecta sunt, Verbum in obscuro est coram intellectu.

[2] (Continuatio de Primo Praecepto.)

Quoniam homo ex communi influxu e caelo in spiritu suo videt quod Deus Homo sit, sequitur quod illi qui ab ecclesia sunt ubi Verbum est, si mala ut peccata fugiunt et aversantur, ex luce caeli, in qua tunc sunt, videant Divinum in Humano Domini, ac Trinum in Ipso, et Ipsum Deum caeli et terrae: sed illi hoc videre non possunt qui ideam Dei ut Hominis per intelligentiam ex proprio apud se destruxerunt; hi nec vident quod Deus unus sit ex Trinitate quam cogitant; ore modo unum dicunt. Illi autem qui non a malis purificati sunt, et ideo nec in luce caeli, in spiritu suo non vident Dominum ut Deum caeli et terrae, sed alium loco Ipsius; quidam aliquem quem Deum Patrem credunt, quidam aliquem quem Deum vocant quia potentia valet; quidam aliquem diabolum, quem timent quia potest malefacere; quidam Naturam, ut in mundo; et quidam nullum Deum. In spiritu suo dicitur, quia tales sunt post mortem dum fiunt spiritus; quare quod in spiritu eorum latuit in mundo, hoc tunc manifestatur. Sed omnes, quotcunque in caelo sunt, unice agnoscunt Dominum; universum enim caelum est ex Divino quod procedit ab Ipso, ac refert Ipsum ut Hominem; quare nemo potest intrare caelum nisi in Domino sit, nam intrat in Ipsum dum in caelum; alii si intrant, fiunt impotes mentis, et retrorsum cadunt.

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