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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 975

975. (Verse 6) Because they have shed the blood of saints and of Prophets. That this signifies, because they have falsified the truths of the Word and of doctrine from the Word, is evident from the signification of blood, as denoting Divine truth (concerning which see n. 30, 328, 329, 476, 748) and from the signification of shedding it, as denoting to offer violence to Divine truth, which is to falsify it (seen. 329) and from the signification of saints, as denoting those who are in Divine truth from the Lord (see n. 204); but in the abstract sense, Divine truths from the Lord (n. 325); and because by saints are meant the Divine truths in the Word, therefore the Word is meant thereby; and from the signification of prophets, as denoting those who teach doctrine from the Word; and, in the abstract sense, the truths of doctrine from the Word (see n. 624). Hence, then, by shedding the blood of the saints and of the prophets, is signified to falsify the truths of the Word, and the truths of doctrine from the Word.

Continuation concerning the Fifth Precept:-

[2] It was said, that so far as man shuns evils as sins and turns away from them, so far he does good, and that the goods which he does are the good works meant in the Word, by reason of their being wrought in the Lord. Also, that these works are good, in so far as man turns away from the evils opposed to them, because they are so far done from the Lord, and not from man.

Works, however, are more or less good according to the excellence of uses, for works must be uses. The best are those that are done for the sake of uses to the church. In the quality of goodness follow those that are done for the sake of uses to one's native country, and so on. Uses determine the good quality of works. The good quality of works also increases with man according to the plenitude of the truths from whose affection they are done. For a man who turns away from evils as sins desires to know truths, because truths teach uses and the quality of their good. Hence it is that good loves truth, and truth loves good, and that they desire to be conjoined. In proportion, therefore, as such a man learns truths from affection for them, in the same proportion he does goods more wisely and more fully; more wisely, because he knows how to distinguish uses, and to do them with judgment and justice; and more fully, because all truths are present in the performance of uses and form a spiritual sphere, which the affection of them produces.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 975

975. Verse 6. For they have poured out the blood of saints and prophets, signifies because they have falsified the truths of the Word and of doctrine from the Word. This is evident from the signification of "blood" as being the Divine truth (See above, n. 30, 328, 329, 476, 748); also from the signification of "pouring it out," as being to do violence to the Divine truth, which is to falsify it (See n. 329; also from the signification of "saints," as being those who are in the Divine truth from the Lord (See n. 204; but in the abstract sense Divine truths from the Lord. n. 325); and as holy things mean Divine truths in the Word, so they mean the Word. Also from the signification of "prophets" as being those who teach doctrine from the Word; and in the abstract sense truths of doctrine from the Word (See n. 624). Therefore "to pour out the blood of saints and prophets" signifies to falsify the truths of the Word and the truths of Doctrine from the Word.

(Continuation respecting the Fifth Commandment)

[2] It has been said that so far as a man shuns and turns away from evils as sins he does goods, and that the goods that he does are the good works which are meant in the Word, for the reason that they are done in the Lord; also that these works are good so far as man turns away from the evils opposed to them, because so far they are done from the Lord and not from man. Nevertheless, works are more or less good according to the excellence of the use; for works must be uses. The best are those that are done for the sake of the uses of the church. Next in point of goodness come those that are done as uses of one's country; and so on, the uses determining the goodness of the works. The goodness of works increases with man according to the fullness of truths from affection for which they are done; since the man who turns away from evils as sins wishes to know truths because truths teach uses and the quality of their good. This is why good loves truth and truth loves good, and they wish to be conjoined. So far, therefore, as such a man learns truths from the affection of them so far he does goods more wisely and more fully, more wisely because he knows how to distinguish uses and to do them with judgment and justice, and more fully because all truths are present in the performance of uses, and form the spiritual sphere that the affection of them produces.

Apocalypsis Explicata 975 (original Latin 1759)

975. [Vers. 6.] "Quia sanguinem sanctorum et prophetarum effuderunt." - Quod significet quia vera Verbi et doctrinae ex Verbo falsificaverunt, constat ex significatione "sanguinis", quod sit Divinum Verum (de qua [supra] , n. 30, 328 [a] , 329, 476, 748), et ex significatione "effundere" illam, quod sit violentiam inferre Divino Vero, quod est falsificare illud (de qua, n. 329); ex significatione "sanctorum", quod sint qui in Divino Vero a Domino sunt (de qua, n. 204), at in sensu abstracto Divina vera a Domino (n. 325 [a]); et quia per "sancta" intelliguntur Divina vera in Verbo, ita per illa intelligitur Verbum: et ex significatione "prophetarum", quod sint qui docent doctrinam ex Verbo, et in sensu abstracto vera doctrinae ex Verbo (de qua, n. 624 [b-e]): inde nunc per "effundere sanguinem sanctorum et prophetarum" significatur falsificare vera Verbi et vera doctrinae ex Verbo.

[2] (Continuatio de Quinto Praecepto.)

Dictum est quod quantum homo fugit et aversatur mala ut peccata, tantum bona faciat; et quod bona, quae facit, sint bona opera quae intelliguntur in Verbo, ex causa quia illa in Domino fiunt; tum quod haec opera in tantum bona sint quantum homo aversatur mala eis opposita, quoniam tantum fiunt a Domino, et non ab homine. Sunt tamen opera plus et minus bona secundum praestantiam usuum, nam opera erunt usus: optima sunt quae fiunt propter usus ecclesiae; illis bonitate succedunt quae fiunt usus patriae, et sic porro; usus determinant bonitatem operum. Bonitas operum crescit apud hominem secundum plenitudinem veritatum ex quarum affectione fiunt; nam homo qui aversatur mala ut peccata, vult vera scire, quoniam vera docent usus, et quale boni eorum; inde est quod bonum amet verum, ac verum amet bonum, et quod velint conjungi; quantum itaque homo talis discit vera ex affectione illorum, tantum bona sapientius et plenius facit; sapientius, quia scit distinguere usus, et illos cum judicio et justitia facere; ac plenius, quia omnia vera in operando usus adsunt, ac formant sphaeram spiritualem, quam affectio illorum producit.

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