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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 999

999. And out of the mouth of the false prophet. That this signifies the doctrine of faith separated from life, and of justification by it, confirmed from the Word falsified, is evident from the signification of the false prophet, as denoting the doctrine of falsity from the falsified truth of the Word. This is signified by the false prophet, because by a prophet is meant the doctrine of truth from the Word, and, in the highest sense, the Word, as may be seen above (n. 624). Hence the contrary is meant by a false prophet. Moreover, the false prophet here has the same signification as the beast ascending out of the earth; for it is said, out of the mouth of the beast, and of the false prophet. For there were two beasts, by which the dragon is further described, one seen ascending out of the sea, the other out of the earth. And by the beast out of the sea is signified confirmations of faith separated from life, by reasonings from the natural man; but by the beast out of the earth are signified confirmations from the Word, of faith separated from life, and the consequent falsification thereof. And as it is thence made a doctrine of the church, and as that doctrine teaches the separation of faith from life, and justification by that separated faith, therefore, this other beast is meant by the false prophet.

Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-

From love truly conjugial there is power and protection against the hells, because against the evils and falsities which ascend from the hells. The reason is, that by conjugial love man has conjunction with the Lord, and the Lord alone can prevail over all the hells. Also, because by conjugial love man possesses heaven and the church. Wherefore, as the Lord continually protects heaven and the church from the evils and falsities that rise up from the hells, so He protects all those who are in love truly conjugial, because heaven and the church are with these only. For heaven and the church are the marriage of good and truth, from which is conjugial love, as said above.

Hence it is, that man by conjugial love has peace, which is inmost joy of heart, arising from security of every kind against the hells, and from protection against the infestations of evil and falsity therefrom.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 999

999. And out of the mouth of the false prophet, signifies the doctrine of faith separated from life, and of justification by it confirmed from the Word falsified. This is evident from the signification of "the false prophet," as being the doctrine of falsity from truths of the Word falsified. This is signified by the "false prophet" because a "prophet" means the doctrine of truth from the Word, and in the highest sense the Word (See above, n. 624); so a "false prophet" means the contrary of this. Moreover, "the false prophet" here has the same signification as "the beast coming up out of the earth," for it is said, "out of the mouth of the beast and of the false prophet." For there were two beasts by which the dragon has been further described, one seen coming up "out of the sea," the other "out of the earth;" and "the beast out of the sea" signifies confirmations of faith separated from the life by reasonings from the natural man, but "the beast out of the earth" signifies confirmations from the Word of faith separated from the life, and the consequent falsifications of the Word. And because the doctrine of the church was made from this, and that doctrine teaches the separation of faith from the life and justification by that separated faith, so this second beast is meant by "the false prophet."

(Continuation respecting the Sixth Commandment)

[2] From true conjugial love there is power and protection against the hells, because it is against the evils and falsities that ascend from the hells, and for the reason that through conjugial love man has conjunction with the Lord, and the Lord alone has power over all the hells; also because through conjugial love man has heaven and the church; consequently as the Lord unceasingly protects heaven and the church from the evils and falsities that rise up from the hells, so He protects all who are in true conjugial love because heaven and the church is with these and with no others. For heaven and the church are the marriage of good and truth, from which is conjugial love, as has been said above. And this is why through conjugial love man has peace, which is inmost joy of heart from a complete safety from the hells and a protection from infestations of the evil and falsity therefrom.

Apocalypsis Explicata 999 (original Latin 1759)

999. "Et ex ore pseudoprophetae." - Quod significet doctrinam fidei separatae a vita, ac justificationis per illam, confirmatam ex Verbo falsificato, constat ex significatione "pseudoprophetae", quod sit doctrina falsi ex falsificatis veris Verbi: quod hoc per "pseudoprophetam" significetur, est quia per "prophetam" intelligitur doctrina veri ex Verbo, et in sensu supremo Verbum (videatur (supra, ) n. 624); inde contrarium per "pseudoprophetam" intelligitur. Praeterea per "pseudoprophetam" simile hic significatur quod per "bestiam ascendentem ex terra"; nam dicitur "ex ore bestiae et pseudoprophetae": erant enim binae bestiae per quas draco ulterius descriptus est, una visa "ex mari", altera "ex terra", ascendens; per "bestiam ex mari" significantur confirmationes fidei separatae a vita per ratiocinia ex naturali homine, per "bestiam" autem "ex terra" significantur confirmationes fidei separatae a vita ex Verbo, et inde falsificationes ejus; et quia inde facta est doctrina ecclesiae, et doctrina illa docet separationem fidei a vita, ac justificationem per fidem illam separatam, ideo altera haec bestia intelligitur per "pseudoprophetam."

[2] (Continuatio de Sexto Praecepto.)

Ex amore vere conjugiali est potentia et tutela contra inferna quia contra mala et falsa quae ex infernis ascendunt; causa est quia per amorem conjugialem est homini conjunctio cum Domino, et solus Dominus valet super omnia inferna; tum quia per amorem conjugialem est homini caelum et ecclesia, quare sicut Dominus continue tutatur caelum et ecclesiam a malis et falsis quae ab infernis assurgunt, ita omnes qui in amore vere conjugiali sunt, nam apud hos et non apud alios est caelum et ecclesia; est enim caelum et ecclesia conjugium boni et veri, ex quo est amor conjugialis, ut supra dictum est. Inde est quod homini per amorem conjugialem sit pax, quae est intimum gaudium cordis ex omnimoda securitate ab infernis, et ex tutatione ab infestationibus mali et falsi inde.

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