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《揭秘启示录》 第100节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 100

100. "'That you may be tested.'" This symbolically means, through falsities assailing them.

This is the symbolic meaning because every spiritual temptation or trial is a combat between the devil and the Lord as to who will possess the person. The devil or hell puts forth its falsities so as to reproach and condemn, while the Lord puts forth truths by which to lead away from falsities and liberate.

This combat is one that appears to a person to take place in him, because it is caused by evil spirits with him, and it is called a temptation or trial. I know from experience that this is what a spiritual temptation is, because in my temptations I have seen the infernal spirits who induced them and have perceived the influx from the Lord that delivered me from them.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 100

100. 'That you may be put to the test' signifies a fighting against them by means of untruths. This is signified because every spiritual temptation is a combat of the devil and the Lord [as to] who shall take possession of a man. The devil or hell brings out his untruths, and rebukes and condemns, but the Lord brings out truths and leads away out of untruths and deliverse This is a combat that appears to the man as in him, because it is from the evil spirits who are with him; and it is called temptation. I know from experience that spiritual temptation is nothing else, because in my temptations I have seen the infernals who induced them and have seen the influx from the Lord Who delivered me.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 100

100. That ye may be tried, signifies by falsities fighting against them. The reason why this is signified is, because all spiritual temptation is a combat of the devil and the Lord, which shall have possession of man. The devil or hell brings out his falsities, and reproaches and condemns him; but the Lord brings out his truths, and withdraws him from falsities, and delivers him. It is this combat which appears to man as in himself, because it is from evil spirits who are with him, and is called temptation. That spiritual temptation is nothing else, I know from experience, because in my temptations I have seen the infernals who induced them, and have perceived the influx from the Lord, who liberated.

Apocalypsis Revelata 100 (original Latin 1766)

100. "Ut 1tentemini" significat per falsa pugnantia contra illos. - Quod hoc significetur, est quia omnis tentatio spiritualis est pugna diaboli ac Domini, quis illum possidebit; diabolus seu infernum expromit falsa ejus, ac increpat et condemnat; Dominus autem vera, et e falsis abducit et liberat. Haec pugna est, quae apparet homini sicut in illo, quia est ex spiritibus malis qui apud illum, et vocatur Tentatio. Quod tentatio Spiritualis non aliud sit, ab experientia scio, quia in tentationibus meis vidi infernales qui induxerunt, et percepi influxum a Domino Qui liberavit.


1. Ut pro "Et"

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