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《揭秘启示录》 第103节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 103

103. "'And I will give you the crown of life.'" This symbolically means that they will then have eternal life, their reward for overcoming.

Because the subject is temptations or trials until death, they are told that they will be given the crown of life, such as was given to martyrs who were faithful until death. Moreover, because the martyrs hoped for it, they were therefore given crowns after their death, which was a symbolic reward for their overcoming. They appear still with their crowns in heaven, as I have been granted to see.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 103

103. 'And I will give thee the crown of life' signifies their having eternal life, the reward for victory. Since it treats of temptations even to death, it is said that they are to be given the crown of life, such as was given to the martyrs who were faithful even unto death. And because the martyrs used to desire it, crowns were therefore given to them after death, by which was signified the reward for victory. In heaven they still appear in their crowns, and it has been granted me to see this.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 103

103. And I will give thee a crown of life, signifies that they will then have eternal life, the reward of victory. Because temptations even unto death are here treated of, it is said that a crown of life will be given them, such as the martyrs had, who were faithful even unto death; and because the martyrs wished for it, therefore after death crowns were given them, by which was signified the reward of victory; they still appear in their crowns in heaven, which it has been granted me to see.

Apocalypsis Revelata 103 (original Latin 1766)

103. "Et dabo tibi coronam vitae," significat quod illis tunc vita aeterna victoriae praemium. Quia agitur de tentationibus usque ad mortem, dicitur quod danda illis sit corona vitae, qualis martyribus, qui fideles usque ad mortem fuerunt: et quia martyres id optabant, ideo post mortem datae sunt illis coronae, per quod significabatur victoriae praemium: apparent illi adhuc in coronis suis in Caelo, quod mihi datum est videre.

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