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《揭秘启示录》 第123节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 123

123. "'Which no one knows except him who receives it.'" This symbolically means, which is not apparent to anyone, because it is engraved on their life.

In the case of the people here described, truths united to good are not matters of memory, but are engraved on their life, as may be seen just above in nos. 121 and 122. And what is engraved on the life only and not on the memory is not apparent to anyone, not even to the people themselves, except in this respect, that they perceive whether something is true, and what is true, whenever they hear or read it. For the interior regions of their minds are opened toward the Lord; and because the Lord is present in them, and He sees everything, therefore He causes them to see as though of themselves. But owing to their wisdom, they nevertheless know that they do not see truths of themselves, but from the Lord.

It can be seen from this, now, what is meant by all these words, that "I will give him to eat of the hidden manna," and, "I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written, which no one knows except him who receives it." The symbolic meaning in sum is that they will be angels of the third heaven if they read the Word, draw from it doctrinal truths, and turn to the Lord.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 123

123. Which no one knows except him who receives signifies that it is not apparent to anyone because it is inscribed on their life. That truths united to good are not with those as matters of the memory, but are inscribed on their life, may be seen just above (121-122), and what has been inscribed on the life only, and not on the memory, is not apparent to anyone, not even to themselves, except as a result of their perceiving whether it is true and what is true, when they are hearing and reading. For the interiors of their minds are opened as far as to the Lord; and because the Lord is in them, and He sees all things, therefore He causes them to see as if from themselves, but yet they know out of their own wisdom that they do not see truths from themselves, but from the Lord. From these things it can now be established what is understood by all these words, 'I will give him to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give him a little white stone, and in the little stone a new name written, which no one knows except him who receives, by which, to sum up, is signified that they are going to be angels of the third heaven, if they read the Word, draw truths of doctrine therefrom, and approach the Lord.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 123

123. Which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it, signifies that it does not appear to anyone, because it is inscribed on their life. That truths united to good are not inscribed on their memories, but on their lives, may be seen above, (121, 122), and what is inscribed on the life alone, and not on the memory, does not appear to anyone, not even to themselves, except from this, that they perceive whether it is true, and what is true, when they hear and read; for the interiors of their mind are open even unto the Lord; and because the Lord is in them, and He sees all things, therefore He causes them to see as from themselves; but yet from their wisdom they know that they do not see truths from themselves, but from the Lord. Hence, it may appear what is meant by all this, "I will give him to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it:" the sum of its signification is, that they will be angels of the third heaven, if they read the Word, draw therefrom truths of doctrine, and approach the Lord.

Apocalypsis Revelata 123 (original Latin 1766)

123. "Quod nemo novit nisi qui recipit," significat quod non apparet alicui, quia vitae eorum inscriptum. Quod vera unita bono, non sint apud illos memoriae, sed vitae eorum inscripta, videatur mox supra (121, 122), et quod soli vitae, et non memoriae, inscriptum est, hoc non apparet alicui, ne quidem illis, nisi ex eo, quod percipiant num verum sit, et quid verum, cum audiunt et legunt; sunt enim interiora mentis eorum aperta usque ad Dominum; et quia Dominus in illis est, et Ipse videt omnia, ideo facit ut illi videant sicut a se; sed usque ex sapientia sua sciunt, quod non videant vera a se, sed a Domino. Ex his nunc constare potest, quid intelligitur per omnia haec, "Dabo illi edere de manne abscondito, et dabo illi calculum album, et in calculo nomen novum scriptum, quod nemo novit nisi qui recipit;" per quae significatur in summa, quod futuri sint Angeli Caeli tertii, si legunt Verbum, hauriunt inde vera doctrinae, et adeunt Dominum.

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