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《揭秘启示录》 第22节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 22

22. To Him be glory and might forever and ever. This symbolically means, to whom alone belong Divine majesty and Divine omnipotence to eternity.

When glory is mentioned in the Word in relation to the Lord, it means His Divine majesty and is predicated of His Divine wisdom, and might means His Divine omnipotence and is predicated of His Divine love. "Forever and ever" means to eternity.

That these are the meanings of glory, might and forever when said of Jehovah or the Lord can be confirmed by many passages in the Word.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 22

22. 'To Him be glory and strength for ages of ages' signifies Who Only has Divine Majesty and Divine Omnipotence to eternity. By 'glory' in the Word where [it treats] of the Lord is understood the Divine Majesty, and it is predicated of His Divine Wisdom; and by 'strength' the Divine Omnipotence is understood, and it is predicated of His Divine Love; and by 'ages of ages' eternity is understood. It can be confirmed from many passages in the Word that these things are understood by 'glory,' 'strength,' and 'ages of ages.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 22

22. To Him be glory and might unto the ages of ages, signifies, to whom alone belong Divine majesty and Divine omnipotence to eternity. By "glory" in the Word, where the Lord is treated of, is meant the Divine majesty; this being predicated of His Divine wisdom; and by "might," is meant the Divine omnipotence, this being predicated of His Divine love; and by "ages of ages," is meant eternity. That such is the meaning of "glory," "might," and "ages of ages," when spoken of Jehovah or the Lord, may be confirmed from many passages in the Word.

Apocalypsis Revelata 22 (original Latin 1766)

22. "Ipsi gloria et robur in saecula saeculorum," significat Cui Soli Divina Majestas et Divina Omnipotentia in aeternum. -Per "gloriam" in Verbo, ubi de Domino, intelligitur Divina Majestas, et praedicatur de Divina Ipsius Sapientia; et per "robur" intelligitur Divina Omnipotentia, et praedicatur de Divino Ipsius Amore; et per "saecula saeculorum" intelligitur aeternum. Quod illa per "gloriam," "robur" et "saecula saeculorum" intelligantur, ubi dicuntur de Jehovah seu Domino, ex multis locis in Verbo confirmari potest.

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