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《揭秘启示录》 第240节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 240

240. Full of eyes in front and in back. This symbolizes the Divine wisdom in the Word.

When eyes are mentioned in application to people, they symbolize the intellect, but when they are mentioned in application to the Lord, they symbolize Divine wisdom (nos. 48, 125). So likewise in application to the Word, as in the present instance, because the Word comes from the Lord, and is about the Lord, and so embodies the Lord.

The same statement is made in reference to the cherubim in Ezekiel, that they were "full of eyes" (Ezekiel 10:12).

"In front and in back," when said of the Word given by the Lord, symbolizes the Divine wisdom and love present in it.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 240

240. 'Full of eyes before and behind' signifies Divine Wisdom therein. By 'eyes,' when [said] concerning man, the understanding is signified, and when concerning the Lord, the Divine Wisdom (48, 125). In like manner, when [said] concerning the Word, as here, since the Word is from the Lord and concerning the Lord, and so is the Lord. The like is said concerning the cherubs in Ezekiel, that they 'were full of eyes' (chapter 10:12). [By] 'before and behind,' when [said] concerning the Word from the Lord, is signified the Divine Wisdom and Divine Love therein.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 240

240. Full of eyes before and behind, signifies the Divine wisdom, therein. By "eyes," when spoken of man, is signified the understanding, and when of the Lord, the Divine wisdom, (48, 125); the same when said of the Word, as here, because the Word is from the Lord, and concerning the Lord, and thus is the Lord. The like is said of the cherubim in Ezekiel, that "they were full of eyes" (10:12). "Before and behind," when it relates to the Word from the Lord, signifies the Divine wisdom and Divine love therein.

Apocalypsis Revelata 240 (original Latin 1766)

240. "Plena oculis ante et retro," significat Divinam Sapientiam inibi. - Per "oculos," cum de homine, significatur intellectus, et cum de Domino Divina Sapientia (48, 125); Similiter cum de Verbo, ut hic, quia Verbum est a Domino, et de Domino, et sic Dominus. Simile de Cherubis apud Ezechielem dicitur, quod Pleni essent oculis, (10:12).

(per) "ante et retro," cum de Verbo a Domino, significatur Divina Sapientia et Divinus Amor inibi.

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