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《揭秘启示录》 第242节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  242. “第二个活物像牛犊”表圣言的神性真理的情感。地上的走兽表示各种属世情感,因为它们的确是这类情感。其中“牛犊”表示求知欲或对认识的情感(affection of knowing),在灵界,这种情感以牛犊来代表。故在圣言中,它也由“牛犊”来表示,如何西阿书:












  一切神性敬拜皆出于对真理和良善的情感,并由此出于对它们的认知。所以,在主要以祭祀为主的以色列人教会的敬拜中,祭物由各种动物构成,如羔羊、山羊、小山羊、绵羊、公山羊、牛犊、公牛。祭物也出自牛犊,因为牛犊表示对认识真理和良善的情感,也就是最初的属世情感。这就是“献牛犊为祭”所表示的(出埃及记29:1112;利未记4:313等;9:216:323:18;民数记8:8 等;15:2428:1920;士师记6:25-29;撒母耳记上1:2516:2;列王纪上18:23-2633)。第二个活物像牛犊,因它所表示的圣言神性真理而感染、教导、充满心灵。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 242

242. The second living creature like a calf. This symbolizes the Divine truth of the Word in respect to its affection.

Beasts of the earth symbolize various natural affections. They are also embodiments of them. And a calf symbolizes an affection for knowing. This affection is represented by a calf in the spiritual world, and in the Word it is consequently also symbolized by a calf, as in Hosea,

...we repay (to Jehovah) the calves of our lips. (Hosea 14:2)

"Calves of the lips" are confessions from an affection for truth.

In Malachi:

To you who fear My name the sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in its wings... that you may grow fat like fattened calves. (Malachi 4:2)

A comparison is made with fattened calves because they symbolize people who are filled with concepts of truth and goodness owing to an affection for knowing them.

In the book of Psalms:

The voice of Jehovah... makes (the cedars of Lebanon) dance like a calf... (Psalms 29:5, 6)

The cedars of Lebanon symbolize concepts of truth. That is why the passage says that the voice of Jehovah makes them dance like a calf. The voice of Jehovah is Divine truth, in the process here of affecting.

[2] Since the Egyptians loved knowledge, they therefore made themselves calves as a sign of their affection for it. But after they began to worship the calves as deities, then calves in the Word symbolized affections for knowing falsities, as in Jeremiah 46:20-21). Therefore we are told in Hosea:

...they have made for themselves a molten image... of their silver... Sacrificing a human being, they kiss the calves. (Hosea 13:2)

To make for oneself a molten image of silver means, symbolically, to falsify truth. To sacrifice a human being means, symbolically, to destroy wisdom. And to kiss calves means, symbolically, to accept falsities out of an affection for them.

In Isaiah:

There the calf will feed; there it will lie down and consume its branches. (Isaiah 27:10)

The same is symbolically meant by the calf in Jeremiah 34:18-20.

[3] Since all Divine worship springs from affections for truth and goodness and so for concepts of them, therefore the sacrifices in which the worship of the church primarily consisted among the children of Israel used various animals, such as lambs, she-goats, kids, sheep, he-goats, calves, and oxen; and calves were used because they symbolized an affection for knowing truths and goods, which is the first natural affection. This affection was symbolically meant by the sacrifices of calves in Exodus 29:11-12, 11 Samuel 1:25; 16:2, 1 Kings 18:23-26, 33.

The second living creature looked like a calf because the Divine truth of the Word, which it symbolizes, affects hearts, and so teaches and instills.


1. Prima editio: 29.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 242

242. 'And the second animal like a calf' signifies the Divine Truth of the Word as to affection. By the beasts of the land the various natural affections are signified, and indeed exist; and by a 'calf' is signified the affection of knowing. In the spiritual world this affection is represented by a calf, and therefore it is also signified by a 'calf' in the Word, as in Hosea:

We will repay to Jehovah the calves of our lips, Hosea 14:2; [H.B. 3].

'Calves of the lips' are confessions resulting from the affection of truth. In Malachi:

The sun of justice shall arise unto you who fear My Name, and healing in the wings, so that you may grow like fatted calves. Malachi 4:2 [H.B. Malachi 3:2].

A comparison is made with fatted calves, because by them are signified those who are filled with cognitions of truth and good resulting from the affection of knowing them. In David:

The voice of Jehovah makes the cedars of Lebanon to skip like a calf. Psalms 29:6.

By 'cedars of Lebanon' the cognitions of truth are signified. It is consequently said that 'the voice of Jehovah makes them to skip like a calf.' The 'voice of Jehovah' is Divine Truth, here affecting [them].

[2] Since the Egyptians loved knowledges, they therefore made calves for themselves as a sign of the affection thereof; but after they began to worship the calves as gods, then by 'calves' in the Word are signified the affections of knowing untruths, as in Jeremiah 46:20-21; Psalms 68:30; [H.B. 31], and elsewhere. A similar thing is therefore signified by the 'calf' that the Sons of Israel made for themselves in the wilderness (Exodus 32), likewise by the 'calves' of Samaria (1 Kings 12:28-32; Hosea 8:5-6; 10:5). Therefore it is said in Hosea:

They are making a molten thing for themselves out of silver, they are sacrificing a man, they are kissing calves. Hosea 13:2.

To 'make a molten thing for themselves out of silver' signifies to falsify truth, to 'sacrifice a man' signifies to destroy wisdom, and to 'kiss calves' signifies out of affection to acknowledge untruths. In Isaiah:

There shall the calf feed, there shall he lie down, and consume the branches thereof. 27:10.

A similar thing is signified by 'calf' [in] Jeremiah 34:18-20.

[3] Since all Divine worship is derived from affections of truth and good and the cognitions therefrom, therefore the sacrifices, in which the worship of the Church among the sons of Israel used chiefly to consist, were made of various beasts, as of lambs, she-goats, kids, sheep, he-goats, calves, oxen; and [they were made] of 'calves,' because they used to signify the affection of knowing truths and goods, which is the first natural affection. This was signified by 'sacrifices of calves' (Exodus 29:11-12; Leviticus 4:3, 13 seq., 8:14 seq., 9:2; 16:3; 23:18; Numbers 8:8 seq., 15:24; 28:19-20; Judges 6:25-29; 1 Samuel 1:25; 16:2; 1 Kings 18:23-26, 33). The second animal was seen like a 'calf,' because the Divine Truth of the Word, which is signified thereby, affects minds (animus), and so instructs and imbues.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 242

242. And the second animal like a calf signifies the Divine truth of the Word as to affection. By the beasts of the earth are signified the various natural affections, for such indeed they are; and by "a calf," is signified the affection of knowing; in the spiritual world this affection is represented by a calf, therefore it is also signified by "a calf" in the Word, as in Hosea:

We will render unto Jehovah the calves of our lips, (Hosea 14:2).

"Calves of the lips" are confessions from the affection of truth. In Malachi:

But unto you that fear My name, shall the sun of justice arise, and healing in his wings, that ye may grow up as fatted calves, (Malachi 4:2).

They are compared to "fatted calves" because by them are signified those who are filled with the knowledges of truth and good from the affection of knowing them. In David:

The voice of Jehovah maketh the cedars of Lebanon to skip like a calf, (Psalms 29:6).

By "the cedars of Lebanon" are signified the knowledges of truth; hence it is said that "the voice of Jehovah maketh them to skip like a calf.""The voice of Jehovah" is the Divine truth, here affecting.

[2] Since the Egyptians loved the sciences, they made to themselves calves as a sign of their affection for them; but afterwards they began to worship the calves as gods, then by them, in the Word, are signified the affections of knowing falsities as in Jeremiah 46:20-21; Psalm 68:30 and in other places; therefore the same is signified by the calf which the sons of Israel made for themselves in the wilderness (Exodus 32); as also by the calves of Samaria, (1 Kings 12:28-32; Hosea 8:5; 10:5). Therefore it is said in Hosea:

They make for themselves a molten image of silver, sacrificing a man, they kiss the calves, (13:2).

To "make for themselves a molten image of silver," signifies to falsify truth, "to sacrifice a man" signifies to destroy wisdom, and "to kiss calves" signifies to acknowledge falsities from affection. In Isaiah:

There shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down and consume the branches thereof, (27:10).

The same is signified by calf in Jeremiah 34:18-20.

[3] Since all Divine worship is from the affections of truth and good, and thence from the knowledge of them, therefore sacrifices, in which the worship of the church with the sons of Israel chiefly consisted, were made of various beasts, such as lambs, goats, kids, sheep, he-goats, calves, oxen; they were from calves, because they signified the affection of knowing truths and goods, which is the first natural affection. This is what was signified by "sacrifices of calves" (Exodus 29:11-12; Leviticus 4:3, 13 and following verses, (4:13); 8:14; 9:2; 16:3; 23:18; Numbers 8:8, 15, 24; 28:19-20; Judges 6:25-29; 1 Samuel 1:25; 16:2; 1 Kings 18:23-26, 33). The second animal appeared like a calf, because the Divine truth of the Word, which is signified by it, affects minds and thus instructs and imbues.

Apocalypsis Revelata 242 (original Latin 1766)

242. "Et secundum Animal simile Vitulo," significat Divinum Verum Verbi quoad affectionem. - Per Bestias terrae significantur variae affectiones naturales; Sunt etiam: et per "vitulum" significatur affectio sciendi; haec affectio per vitulum repraesentatur in mundo spirituali, quare etiam illa per "vitulum" significatur in Verbo, ut apud Hoscheam:

"Rependemus Jehovae Vitulos labiorum nostrorum," (14:3 (B.A. 2))); 1

"vituli labiorum" sunt confessiones ex affectione veri. Apud Malachiam:

"Exorietur vobis timentibus Nomen Meum sol justitiae, et sanitas in alis ut crescatis sicut Vituli saginati," (3:20 (B.A. 4:2));

comparatio fit cum "vitulis saginatis," quia per illo significantur qui impleti cognitionibus veri et boni ex affectione sciendi illas. Apud Davidem:

"Vox Jehovae saltare facit cedros Libani sicut Vitulum," (Psalm 29:6)

per "cedros Libani" significantur cognitiones veri; inde dicitur quod "vox Jehovae illas saltare faciat sicut vitulum;" "vox Jehovae" est Divinum Verum, hic afficiens. Quoniam Aegyptii amaverunt scientias, ideo fecerunt sibi vitulos in signum affectionis illarum; sed postquam coeperunt colere vitulos ut deos, tunc per illos in Verbo significantur affectiones sciendi falsa (Ut Jeremias 46:20-21; 2Psalm 68:31 (B.A. 30); et alibi).

Simile itaque significatur per Vitulum quem filii Israelis sibi fecerunt in deserto, (Exodus 32);

Tum simile per Vitulos Samariae, (1 Regnum 12:28-32; Hoschea 8:4, 5; 10:5);

quare dicitur apud Hoscheam:

"Faciunt sibi fusile ex argento, sacrificantes hominem. Vitulos osculantur," (13:2);

"facere sibi fusile ex argento" significat falsificare verum, "sacrificare hominem" significat destruere sapientiam, et "osculari vitulos" significat agnoscere falsa ex affectione. Apud Esajam:

"Ibi pascet Vitulus, ibi cubabit, et consumet ramos ejus," (27:10).

(Simile per Vitulum significatur Jeremias 34:18-20). 3

Quoniam omnis Divinus cultus est ex affectionibus veri et boni, et inde cognitionibus illorum, ideo Sacrificia, in quibus cultus Ecclesiae apud filios Israelis principaliter constabat, fiebant ex variis Bestiis, ut ex agnis, capris, haedis, ovibus, hircis, vitulis, bobus; et ex vitulis, quia significabant affectionem sciendi vera et bona, quae est affectio prima naturalis: haec significabatur per "Sacrificia ex Vitulis," (Exodus 29:11-12; Leviticus 4:3, 13, seq.; 8:14, 4seq.; 9:2; 16:3; 523:18; Numeri 8:8, seq.; 15:24; 28:19-20; Judicum 6:25-28; 61 Samuelis 1:25; 16:2; 1 Regnum 18:23-26, 33).

Visum est secundum Animal simile Vitulo, quia Divinum Verum Verbi, quod per illud significatur, afficit animos, ac sic instruit et imbuit.


1. 3 pro "13"

2. 20, 21 pro "20, 22"

3. xxxiv. pro "xxiv."

4. 14 pro "15"

5. 3 pro "1"

6. 28 pro "29"

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