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《揭秘启示录》 第296节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 296

296. And I heard one of the four living creatures saying, as though with a voice of thunder. This symbolically means, in accordance with the Divine truth in the Word.

To be shown that the four living creatures or cherubim mean the Word, see nos. 239, 275, 286 above; and that the voice of thunder means a perception of Divine truth, no. 236.

A voice of thunder is mentioned here because this living creature refers to the lion, which symbolizes the Divine truth of the Word in respect to its power (no. 241). That is why this living creature is said to speak as though with a voice of thunder. For later we are told that the second living creature spoke, and then the third and fourth.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 296

296. 'And I heard one of the four animals saying as with a voice of thunder' signifies in accordance with the Divine Truth of the Word. That by 'the four animals' or cherubs is understood the Word may be seen above (239, 275, 286); and by 'a voice of thunder' the perception of Divine Truth (236). 'A voice of thunder' is said here because by this 'animal' is understood the lion, by which the Divine Truth of the Word as to power is signified (241). This is why this animal is said to have spoken 'as with a voice of thunder,' for afterwards it is said that the second animal spoke, then the third, and the fourth.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 296

296. And I heard one of the four animals saying as with a voice of thunder, signifies according to the Divine truth of the Word. That by "the four animals," or "cherubim," is meant the Word, may be seen above, (239, 275, 286), and by "a voice of thunder," the perception of the Divine truth, (236). It is here said "a voice of thunder," because by this animal is meant the lion, by which is signified the Divine truth of the Word as to power, (241); hence it is, that this animal is said to have spoken "as a voice of thunder," for it is said afterwards, that the second animal spoke, then the third, and the fourth.

Apocalypsis Revelata 296 (original Latin 1766)

296. "Et audivi unum ex quatuor Animalibus dicens tanquam voce tonitrui," significat secundum Divinum Verum Verbi. - Quod per "quatuor Animalia" seu "Cherubos" intelligatur Verbum, videatur supra (239, 275, 286); et per "vocem tonitrui" perceptio Divini Veri (236). "Vox tonitrui" hic dicitur, quia per hoc Animal intelligatur Leo, per quem significatur Divinum Verum Verbi quoad potentiam (241); inde est, quod hoc Animal dicatur locutum "tanquam voce tonitrui;" dicitur enim postea, quod secundum Animal locutum sit, dein tertium et quartum

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