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《揭秘启示录》 第331节

(一滴水译本 2019)











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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 331

331. And behold, there was a great earthquake. This symbolizes the state of the church among those people completely changed, and their terror.

Earthquakes symbolize changes in the state of the church because the earth symbolizes the church (no. 285), and because in the spiritual world, when the state of the church is corrupted somewhere and a change is made, an earthquake occurs. And because this presages the people's destruction, they are in terror. For lands in the spiritual world are in appearance like lands in the natural world (no. 260). But because lands there, like everything else in that world, have a spiritual origin, therefore those lands change in accordance with the state of the church among the inhabitants upon them, and when the state of the church is corrupted, the lands tremble and quake, even sinking down and being moved from their location.

That this is what happened when the Last Judgment was imminent and taking place may be seen in the short work, The Last Judgment.

It can be seen from this what quakes, shakings and removals of the earth symbolize in the following places:

...there will be pestilences, famines, and earthquakes in various places. (Matthew 24:7, cf. Mark 13:8, Luke 21:11)

(These things are said there of the Last Judgment.)

...in the fire of My wrath I have spoken, if in that day there is not a great earthquake... so that... every person on the face of the earth shakes... and the mountains are overthrown... (Ezekiel 38:18-20).

...there was a great earthquake, such as had not occurred since people came on the earth. (Revelation 16:18)

...I will shake the heavens, and the earth will be moved out of her place, in the wrath of Jehovah of hosts... (Isaiah 13:13)

...the foundations of the earth are shaken... The earth is shaken exceedingly...(because) its transgression is heavy upon it... (Isaiah 24:18-20)

The earth shook and quaked, and the foundations of the hills..., because He was angry. (Psalms 18:7)

The mountains quake before (Jehovah)...and the rocks are overthrown... (Nahum 1:5-6)

So likewise in other places, as in Jeremiah 10:10; 49:21, Joel 2:10, Haggai 2:6-7, Revelation 11:19, and elsewhere.

These things, however, must be understood as taking place in the spiritual world, and not in the natural world. In the natural world they symbolize such things as stated above.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 331

331. 'And behold a great earthquake was brought about' signifies the state of the Church with those entirely changed, and terror. 'Earthquakes' signify changes of state in the Church, because 'land' [or 'earth'] (terra) signifies the Church (285); and because in the spiritual world, when the state of the Church is corrupted anywhere and there is a change, an earthquake is seen, and because this foretells their destruction, terror is produced. For the lands in the spiritual world are in appearance like the lands in the natural world (260); but because the lands there, just as all the other things in that world, are out of a spiritual origin, they are changed in accordance with the state of the Church of the inhabitants upon them, and when the state of the Church is corrupted, they quake and tremble, even sink down and are moved out of place. That it so happened when the last judgment was impending and taking place can be seen in the little work concerning THE LAST JUDGMENT. From these things it can be established what is signified by 'earthquakes,' 'tremors,' and 'movements' in the following passages:

There shall be pestilences, famines, earthquakes in divers places. Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11.

Those things are said of the last judgment.

In the fire of indignation will I speak if in that day there is not a great earthquake, so that every man upon the faces of the land shall tremble, and the mountains shall be overturned. Ezekiel 38:18-20.

There was a great earthquake, such as was not since there came to be men upon earth. Revelation 16:18.

I will shake heaven, and the land shall be shaken out of its place, in the indignation of Jehovah Zebaoth. Isaiah 13:13.

The foundations of the land have been shaken violently; shaking, the land has been shaken, for the transgression thereof is heavy upon it. Isaiah 24:18-20.

Violently shaken and shaken is the land, and the foundations of the mountains, because He was wroth. Psalms 18:7, 14 [H.B. 8, 15].

The mountains tremble before Jehovah, and the rocks are overturned. Nahum 1:5-6.

Likewise in other places, as Jeremiah 10:10; 49:21; Joel 2:10; Haggai 2:6-7; Revelation 11:19, and elsewhere. These things, however, are to be understood as being done in the spiritual world but not in the natural world. In this respect they signify such things as have been stated above.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 331

331. And, behold, there was a great earthquake, signifies the state of the church with these altogether changed, and terror. "Earthquakes" signify changes of state in the church, because "the earth" signifies the church, (285); and because in the spiritual world, when the state of the church is perverted anywhere, and there is a change, there is an earthquake, and as this is a prelude to their destruction, they are in terror. For the earths in the spiritual world are in appearance like the earths in the natural world, (260); but as the earths there, like all other things in that world, are from a spiritual origin, therefore changes occur according to the state of the church among the inhabitants, and when the state of the church is perverted, they quake and tremble, yea, sink down and are moved out of their place. That this was the case, when the Last Judgment was at hand and accomplished, may be seen in the small work on The Last Judgment. Hence it may appear what is meant by "earthquakes," "shakings," and "commotions" of the earth, in the following passages:

There shall be pestilences, famines, and earthquakes in diverse places, (Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11).

This is said of the Last Judgment:

In the fire of indignation have I spoken; surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake, and every man upon the face of the earth shall tremble, and the mountains shall be overturned, (Ezekiel 38:19-20).

There was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, (Revelation 16:18).

I will shake heaven, and the earth shall be removed out of her place in the indignation of Jehovah of Hosts, (Isaiah 13:13).

And the foundations of the earth have been shaken, the earth is moved exceedingly, for the transgression thereof is heavy upon it, (Isaiah 24:18-20).

The earth is shaken and moved, and the foundations of the mountains, because He was wroth, (Psalms 18:7).

The mountains tremble before Jehovah, and the rocks are overturned (Nahum 1 and so in other places; as Jeremiah 10:10; 49:21; Joel 2:10; Haggai 2:6-7; Revelation 11:19; and elsewhere).

But these things are to be understood as being done in the spiritual world, but not in the natural world; in this respect they signify such things as are explained above.

Apocalypsis Revelata 331 (original Latin 1766)

331. "Et ecce terrae motus magnus factus est," significat statum Ecclesiae apud illos prorsus immutatum, et terrorem. -Quod "terrae motus" significent status mutationes in Ecclesia, est quia "terra" significat Ecclesiam (285) et quia in mundo spirituali, dum alicubi pervertitur status Ecclesiae, et fit mutatio, existit terrae motus, et quia hic praenuntiat interitum illorum, fit terror. Terrae enim in mundo spirituali sunt quoad faciem similes terris in mundo naturali (260); sed quia terrae ibi, sicut omnia alia in illo mundo, sunt ex origine spirituali, ideo secundum statum Ecclesiae habitatorum super illis mutantur, et dum pervertitur status Ecclesiae, commoventur et tremiscunt, imo subsidunt et emoventur loco: quod ita factum sit cum Ultimum Judicium instabat et fiebat, videri potest in Opusculo de Ultimo Judicio. Ex his constare potest, quid significatur per "terrae motus," "concussiones" et "commotiones," in sequentibus locis:

"Erunt Pestes, Fames, Terrae motus in variis locis," (Matthaeus 24:7; 1Marcus 13:8; Luca 21:11);

illa ibi dicta sunt de Ultimo Judicio.

"In igne indignationis loquar, si non in die illo fuerit Terrae motus magnus, Ut contremiscat omnis homo super faciebus terrae, et evertantur montes," (Ezechiel 38:19-20); 2

"Factus est Terrae motus magnus, qualis non factus est, ex quo homines facti sunt super terra," (Apocalypsis 16:18);

"Commovebo Caelum, et Commovebitur Terra e loco suo, in indignatione Jehovae Zebaoth," (Esaias 13:13); 1

"Concussa sunt fundamenta terrae, Commovendo Commota est Terra, quia gravis super illam praevaricatio ejus," (Esaias 24:18-20);

"Concussa et Commota est Terra, et fundamenta montium, quia exarsit Ipsi," (Psalm 18:8 (B.A. 7)); 4

"Montes Contremiscunt coram Jehovah, et Petrae Evertuntur," (Nahum 1:5-6).

(Similiter alibi, ut Jeremias 10:10; 49:21; Joel 2:10; Haggaeus 2:6-7; Apocalypsis 11:19; et alibi.)

Sed haec intelligenda sunt fieri in mundo spirituali, non autem in mundo naturali; in hoc significant talia quae supra dicta sunt.


1. 7 pro "8"

2. 19, 20 pro "18, 19, 20"

4. 8 pro "17, 18"

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