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《揭秘启示录》 第346节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  346.启7:2,3. “他就向那得着权柄能伤害地和海的四位天使大声喊着,说,不可伤害地、海和树林”表主拦阻并遏制进入低层区域的更密切、更强劲的流注。这就是这些话的含义,这一点从前面的解释(343节)明显可知。从字义上看,是四位天使拦阻流注;但从灵义上看,其实是主。“不可伤害地、海和树林”表示他们不可通过激烈的流注,而是通过温和的流注运作。因为主通过进入天堂的各种不同程度的流注来安排、控制、调节、缓和天堂和地狱中的一切事物,并经由天堂和地狱安排、控制、调节、缓和世上的一切事物。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 346

346. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, "Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees." This symbolizes the Lord's restraining and holding back the closer and stronger influx into the lower regions.

That this is the symbolism is apparent from the exposition above in no. 343.

It seems from the literal sense that the four angels held back the influx, but according to the spiritual sense it was the Lord. That they should not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees means, symbolically, that it was not by an intense influx but by a temperate one. For the Lord employs varying degrees of influx into the heavens to dispose, order, temper and regulate everything in them and in the hells, and through the heavens and the hells, everything in the world.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 346

346. 'And he cried with a great voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to harm the land and the sea, [verse 3] saying, Do no harm to land, or sea, or trees' signifies the restraining and holding back by the Lord of the nearer and stronger influx into the lower regions. That these things are signified is plain on account of the things that have been expounded above (343). Out of the sense of the letter is [the thought] that the four angels held back the influx; but out of the spiritual sense, it is the Lord. That they should 'do no harm to land, sea and trees' signifies that it is not by a violent but by a moderate influx; for the Lord by varying degrees of influx into the heavens disposes, arranges in order, tempers and moderates all things there and in the hells and, by means of the heavens and the hells, all things in the world.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 346

346. And he cried with a great voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, (verse 3) saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, signifies the preventing and withholding by the Lord of a nearer and stronger influx into the lower parts. That this is the signification of these words is evident from the explanation above, (343). In the sense of the letter it was the four angels that withheld influx, but, in the spiritual sense, it was the Lord. "Not to hurt the earth, the sea, nor the trees," signifies that they should not operate by a vehement, but by a moderate, influx. For the Lord, by various degrees of influx into the heavens, disposes, regulates, tempers, and moderates all things there and in the hells, and, through the heavens and the hells, all things in the world.

Apocalypsis Revelata 346 (original Latin 1766)

346. "Et clamavit voce magna quatuor Angelis, quibus datum est damno afficere terram et mare," (Vers. 3.) "dicens, Ne damno afficiatis terram, neque male, neque arbores," significata Domino inhibitionem et retentionem influxus propioris et fortioris in inferiora. - Quod haec significentur patet ex illis quae supra (343) explicata sunt. Ex Sensu literae est, quod quatuor Angeli retinerent influxum, sed ex Sensu spirituali est, quod Dominus. Quod "non damno afficerent terram, mare et arbores," significat quod non per influxum vehementem, sed moderatum; Dominus enim per varios gradus influxus in Caelos, disponit, ordinat, temperat et moderatur omnia ibi et in Infernis, et per Caelos et Inferna omnia in mundo.

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