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《揭秘启示录》 第391节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 391

391. And to them were given seven trumpets. This symbolizes an examination and exposure of the state of the church and consequent life of people caught up in faith alone.

Trumpets here have the same symbolism as sounding, because the angels used them to produce the sound, and to sound with trumpets means, symbolically, to call together for ceremonial occasions, of which there were a variety. Here it means to examine and expose what people caught up in faith alone are like, thus what people of the Protestant Reformed churches are like today.

It should be known that the church in the Protestant Reformed world today is divided into three branches, originating from three leaders, namely Luther, Calvin, and Melanchthon; and although these three branches differ on various points, they all agree on this one, that a person is justified by faith apart from works of the law - a remarkable circumstance.

That sounding with trumpets means, symbolically, to call together will be seen in no. 397 below.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 391

391. 'And seven trumpets were given to them' signifies the examination and disclosure of the state of the Church and consequently of the life of those who are in faith alone. By 'trumpets' here is signified much the same as by 'to sound,' because they sounded with them, and by 'to sound with trumpets' is signified a calling together for solemn occasions and these were various; here a calling together for examining and disclosing what those who are in faith alone are like, thus the quality of those who at this day belong to the Churches of the Reformed. It should be known that the Church in the Reformed world at this day has been divided into three on account of the three leaders, LUTHER, CALVIN and MELANCTHON, and that those three Churches differ in various matters; but in this article, that man is justified by faith without the works of the law, they all agree, which is quite remarkable. That by 'to sound with trumpets' is signified to call together will be seen below (397).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 391

391. And there were given to them seven trumpets, signifies the exploration and disclosure of the state of the church, and thence of the life of those who are in faith alone. Here, by "trumpets" the same thing is signified as by "sounding," because they sounded with them, and by "sounding with trumpets" is signified to call together upon solemn occasions, which were various; in this case, to explore and discover the quality of those who are in faith alone, thus the quality of those who are at this day of the churches of the Reformed. It should be known, that the church in the Reformed world is at this day divided into three, from the three leaders, Luther, Calvin, and Melancthon, and that these three churches differ in various things; but in this article, that man is justified by faith without the works of the law, they all agree, which is remarkable. That by "sounding with trumpets" is signified to call together, will be seen below, (397).

Apocalypsis Revelata 391 (original Latin 1766)

391. "Et datae sunt illis septem tubae," significat explorationem et detectionem status Ecclesiae et inde vitae illorum qui in sola fide sunt. - Per tubas hic significatur simile quod per "clangere," quia illis clangebant; et per "clangere tubis" significatur convocare ad solennitates, quae erant variae, hic ad explorandum et detegendum quales sunt qui in sola fide, ita quales sunt qui ab Ecclesiis Reformatorum hodie.

Sciendum est, quod Ecclesia in orbe Reformato hodie divisa sit in tres, ex tribus Antesignanis, qui fuerunt Lutherus, Calvinus, et Melanchthon, et quod tres illae Ecclesiae in variis discrepent: sed in hoc articulo, quod homo justificetur fide absque operibus legis, omnes conveniant; quod mirabile est.

Quod per "clangere tubis," significetur convocare, videbitur infra (397).

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