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《揭秘启示录》 第52节

(一滴水译本 2019)

































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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 52

52. And issuing from His mouth a sharp two-edged sword. This symbolizes a dispersion of falsities by the Lord by means of the Word and doctrine drawn from it.

Swords are often mentioned in the Word, and they symbolize nothing else than truth combating falsities and destroying them. In an opposite sense they also symbolize falsity combating truths. For wars in the Word symbolize spiritual wars, which are those of truth against falsity, and of falsity against truth. Therefore the weapons of war symbolize the means by which the combat is carried on in these wars.

It is apparent that the sword here means a dispersion of falsities by the Lord, because it was seen to issue from His mouth, and to issue from the Lord's mouth is to do so from the Word, for the Lord spoke it with His mouth. Furthermore, because the Word is understood by means of doctrine drawn from it, this too is symbolically meant.

It is called a sharp two-edged sword because it pierces the heart and soul.

[2] To show that the sword here means a dispersion of falsities by the Lord by means of the Word, we will cite some passages which mention a sword, from which the reality of this can be seen. Namely:

A sword against... Babylon, ...her princes and her wise men! A sword against the liars, that they may become fools! A sword against her mighty men, that they may be dismayed! A sword against her horses and her chariots...! A sword against her treasures, that they may be plundered! A drought upon her waters, that they may be dried up! (Jeremiah 50:35-38)

The subject here is Babylon, and by it are meant people who falsify and adulterate the Word. Consequently the liars who are to become fools, the horses and chariots with a sword upon them, and the treasures that will be plundered symbolize their doctrinal falsities. The waters that will have a drought upon them that they may be dried up symbolize truths, as may be seen just above in no. 50.

[3] ...prophesy and say..., "A sword... is sharpened and also polished! Sharpened to make a great slaughter... Let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain, a sword for a great slaughter, piercing the innermost recesses, that... stumbling blocks may be multiplied." (Ezekiel 21:9-15, 19-20)

A sword here means also the laying waste of truth in the church.

Jehovah will contend... with His sword against all flesh, and the slain by Jehovah shall be multiplied. (Isaiah 66:16)

Here and elsewhere in the Word, the slain by Jehovah are what people are called who perish as a result of falsities.

On all the desolate heights in the wilderness the plunderers have come, ...the sword of Jehovah devouring from one end of the land to the other. (Jeremiah 12:12)

At the peril of our lives we bring in our bread, because of the sword in the wilderness. (Lamentations 5:9)

Woe to the worthless shepherd who deserts the flock! A sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye. (Zechariah 11:17)

The sword against the shepherd's right eye is falsity in his intellect.

...the sons of men are set on fire..., their tongue a sharp sword. (Psalms 57:4)

Behold, they belch with their mouth; a sword is in their lips. (Psalms 59:7)

(The workers of iniquity) sharpen their tongue like a sword... (Psalms 64:3)

A sword has similar symbolic meanings elsewhere, as in Isaiah 13:15; 21:14-15; 37:6-7, 38; 31:7-8, Jeremiah 2:30; 5:12; 11:22; 14:13-18, Ezekiel 7:15; 32:10-12.

[4] It can be seen from this what the Lord meant by a sword in the following places:

(Jesus said that He did not come) to bring peace on the earth... but a sword. (Matthew 10:34)

(Jesus said,) ."..he who does (not) have a purse... and... knapsack..., let him sell his garments and buy (a sword)...." (The disciples) said, "Lord, look, here are two swords." And He said..., "It is enough." (Luke 22:36, 38)

...all who take the sword will perish by the sword. (Matthew 26:51-52)

Regarding the end of the age, Jesus says,

They will fall by the edge of the sword, and be taken captive among all the nations. And (finally) Jerusalem will be trampled... (Luke 21:24)

The end of the age is the final period of the church. The sword is falsity destroying truth. The nations are evils. The Jerusalem which will be trampled is the church.

[5] It is apparent from this, now, that a sharp sword issuing from the mouth of the Son of Man symbolizes a dispersion of falsities by the Lord by means of the Word.

So, too, in the following places in the book of Revelation:

...to the one who sat on (the fiery red horse)...there was given... a great sword. (Revelation 6:4)

From the mouth (of Him who sat on the white horse) came a sharp sword, that with it He might strike the nations... ...the rest were killed with the sword... of Him who sat on the horse. (Revelation 19:15, 21)

He who sat on the white horse means the Lord in relation to the Word, something that is openly stated there in verses 13 and 16.

The like is meant in the book of Psalms:

Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O Mighty One... ride upon the word of truth... Your arrows are sharp... (Psalms 45:3-5)

The subject is the Lord. Moreover, elsewhere:

Let the saints exult... and let a two-edged sword be in their hand. (Psalms 149:5-6)

And in Isaiah:

(Jehovah) has made My mouth like a sharp sword. (Isaiah 49:2)

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 52

52. 'And out of His mouth a sharp two-edged sword (romphaea) going forth' signifies the dispersion by the Lord of untruths by means of the Word and doctrine. Mention is frequently made in the Word of 'sword' (gladius), short sword' (machoera), and 'long sword' (romphaea), and by them nothing else is signified but truth fighting against untruths and destroying them, and also in the opposite sense what is untrue fighting against truths; for by 'wars' in the Word spiritual wars are signified, and these are of what is true against what is untrue and of what is untrue against what is true, and therefore by 'weapons of war' such things are signified as are fought with in these wars. It is plain that the dispersion by the Lord of untruths is understood here by 'sword' (romphaea), because it was seen to go out of His mouth, and to go out of the Lord's mouth is to go out of the Word, for the Lord has spoken this with the mouth; and because the Word is understood by means of doctrine therefrom, this is signified also. It is said, 'a sharp two-edged sword' because it penetrates the heart and soul.

[2] So that it may be known that by 'sword' (romphaea) here the dispersion by the Lord of untruths by means of the Word is understood, some passages will be adduced where 'sword' (gladius) is mentioned, from which this can be seen viz:

O sword against Babel, her princes and wise men: O sword against the liars, that they may become foolish: O sword against the mighty, that they may be dismayed: O sword against her horses and chariots. O sword against her treasures, that they may be plundered. A drought upon her waters that they may be dried up. Jeremiah 50:35-38.

These things [are said] of Babel, by which those who falsify and adulterate the Word are understood. Consequently by the 'liars' who will become foolish, 'the horses and chariots' upon which the sword [will fall], and the 'treasures' that will be plundered, are signified the untruths of their doctrine. That the waters 'upon which there is a drought that they may be dried up' signify truths maybe seen just above (50).

[3] Prophesy and say, The sword is sharpened, and also furbished, sharpened to slaughter a slaughtering; let the sword be repeated the third time, the sword of those who are pierced; the sword of a great piercing, piercing the innermost recesses, that stumbling blocks may be multiplied. Ezekiel 21:14-20, 28.

By 'sword' here also is understood the laying waste of truth in the Church.

Jehovah will deliver judgment with His sword upon all flesh, and the pierced of Jehovah shall be multiplied. Isaiah 66:16.

Here and elsewhere in the Word, they are said to be 'pierced of Jehovah' who perish through untruths.

The spoilers have come upon all the hills in the wilderness; the sword of Jehovah devouring from one end of the land even to the other. Jeremiah 12:12.

We get our bread with the peril of our souls because of the sword of the wilderness, Lamentations 5:9.

Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock; the sword [shall be] upon his arm, and upon his right eye, Zechariah 11:17.

The sword upon the shepherd's right eye is the untruth of his understanding.

The sons of men are set on fire, their tongue is a sharp sword. Psalms 57:4; [H.B. 5].

Behold, they belch out with their mouth, a sword in their lips. Psalms 59:7; [H.B. 8].

The workers of iniquity whet their tongue like a sword. Psalms 64:3; [H.B. 4].

Like things are signified by 'sword' elsewhere, as Isaiah 13:13, 15; 21:14-15; 27:1; 31:7-8; Jeremiah 2:30; 5:12; 11:22; 14:13-18; Ezekiel 7:15; 32:10-12.

[4] It can be established from these what was understood by the Lord by means of 'sword' in these places:

Jesus said, He had not come to send peace upon the land, but a sword. Matthew 10:34.

Jesus said, He who does not have a purse and scrip, let him sell his garments, and buy a sword. The disciples said, Lord, Behold two swords, and He said, It is enough. Luke 22:36, 38.

All they who take the sword, shall perish by the sword. Matthew 26:51-52.

Jesus says concerning the consummation of the age:

They shall fall by the mouth of the sword, and they shall be led away captive among all nations, and at length Jerusalem shall be trodden down. Luke 21:24.

'The consummation of the age' is the last time of the Church; the 'sword' is what is untrue destroying what is true; the 'nations' are evils; the 'Jerusalem' that shall be trodden down is the Church.

[5] From these things it is now plain that by 'a sharp sword (machaera) going forth out of the mouth of the Son of Man' is signified the dispersion of untruths by the Lord by means of the Word. In like manner in the following passages in the Apocalypse:

A great sword (machaera) was given to the one sitting upon the red horse. Revelation 6:4.

Out of the mouth of the One sitting upon the white horse there went out a sharp sword (romphaea), that with it He should smite the nations. The remnant were slain with the sword of Him sitting upon the horse. Revelation 19:15, 21.

By 'the One sitting upon the white horse' the Lord is understood as to the Word, and this is openly stated there (verse 13, 16). The like is understood in David:

Gird thy sword (gladius) upon Thy thigh, O Mighty One. Ride upon the Word of the truth (veritas). Thine arrows are sharp. Psalms 45:3-5 (H.B. 4-6].

These things [are said] concerning the Lord; and elsewhere:

The saints shall exult, and the sword (gladius) of mouths in their hand. Psalms 149:5-6.

And in Isaiah:

Jehovah has made my mouth a sharp sword (gladius). Isaiah 49:2.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 52

52. And out of his mouth a sharp two-edged sword going forth, signifies the dispersion of falsities by the Word, and by doctrine thence from the Lord. Mention is very often made in the Word of "sword," "saber," and "long sword," and by them nothing else is signified but truth fighting against falsities and destroying them; and, also, in the opposite sense, the falsity fighting against truths; for by "wars" in the Word, are signified spiritual wars, which are wars of truth against falsity, and of falsity against truth; wherefore, by "the arms of war," such things are signified as are made use of in spiritual wars. That the dispersion of falsities by the Lord is here meant by sword [romphoea] is evident, because, it was seen "to go out of his mouth;" and to go out of the mouth of the Lord, is to go out of the Word, for this the Lord spoke with His mouth; and as the Word is understood by doctrine, thence this is also signified. It is called "a sharp two-edged sword," because it penetrates the heart and soul.

[2] To show that by "sword" is here meant the dispersion of falsities by the Word from the Lord, some passages shall be adduced in which sword [gladius] is mentioned:

A sword against Babylon, her princes, and her wise ones; O sword against the liars that they may become foolish; O sword against the mighty, that they may be dismayed; O sword against her horses, and her chariots; O sword against her treasures, that they may be despoiled. A drought is upon her waters, that they may be dried up, (Jeremiah 50:35-38).

These things are said of Babylon, by which those are meant who falsify and adulterate the Word, therefore by the "liars" who will become foolish, and the "horses and chariots" upon whom there is a sword, and the "treasures" which will be despoiled, are signified the falsities of their doctrine. That the "waters" upon which is a drought that they may be dried up, signify truths, may be seen above, (50).

[3] Prophesy, and say, A sword is sharpened, and also furbished, sharpened to make a great slaughter; and let the sword be repeated the third time; the sword of the pierced; the sword of a great piercing, penetrating the inner parts, that stumbling blocks may be multiplied, (Ezekiel 21:9-20).

By "sword" is here also meant the devastation of truth in the church.

Jehovah will plead by His sword with all flesh, and the pierced of Jehovah shall be multiplied, (Isaiah 66:16).

They are called "the pierced of Jehovah" here, and in other parts of the Word, who perish by falsities.

The wasters are come upon all the hills in the wilderness; the sword of Jehovah is devouring from the end of the earth, even to the end of the earth, (Jeremiah 12:12).

We get our bread with the peril of our lives, because of the sword of the wilderness, (Lamentations 5:9).

Woe to the worthless shepherd that deserteth the flock; the sword shall be upon his arm and upon his right eye, (Zechariah 11:17).

The sword upon the right eye of the shepherd is the falsity of his understanding.

The sons of men are inflamed, their tongue is a sharp sword, (Psalms 57:4).

Behold they belch out with their mouth; a sword is in their lips, (Psalms 59:7).

The workers of iniquity whet their tongue like a sword, (Psalms 64:3).

The same is signified by sword in other places, as in Isaiah 13:13, 15; 21:14-15; 27:1; 31:7-8; Jeremiah 2:30; 5:12; 11:22; 14:13-18; Ezekiel 7:15; 32:10-12.

[4] Hence it may appear what the Lord meant by "sword" in the following passages:

Jesus said, He came not to send peace on earth, but a sword, (Matthew 10:34).

Jesus said, He that hath not a purse and a scrip, let him sell his garments and buy a sword. The disciples said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And He said unto them, It is enough, (Luke 22:36, 38).

All they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword, (Matthew 26:51-52).

Jesus says, concerning the consummation of the age:

They shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations, and at length Jerusalem shall be trodden down, (Luke 21:24).

"The consummation of the age" is the last time of the church; "the sword" is falsity destroying truth; the "nations" are evils; "Jerusalem" which shall be trodden down, is the church.

[5] Hence, then, it is evident, that by "a sharp sword going out of the mouth of the Son of man," is signified the dispersion of falsities by the Lord by means of the Word. The same is signified in the following passages in Revelation:

And there was given unto him who sat upon the red horse a great sword, (Revelation 6:4).

And out of the mouth of Him who sat upon the white horse goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations. And the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, (Revelation 19:15, 21).

By "Him who sat upon the white horse," the Lord as to the Word, is meant, which is plainly declared (verses 13, 16). The same is meant in David:

Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O Mighty One. Ride upon the word of truth. Thine arrows are sharp, (Psalms 45:3-5);

speaking of the Lord. And in another place:

The saints shall exult, and the sword of their mouths is in their hand, (Psalms 149:5-6).

And in Isaiah:

Jehovah hath made my mouth a sharp sword, (Isaiah 49:2).

Apocalypsis Revelata 52 (original Latin 1766)

52. "Et ex ore Ipsius romphaea anceps acuta exiens," significat dispersionem falsorum per Verbum et per doctrinam inde a Domino. - In Verbo saepius dicitur "gladius," "machaera," et "romphaea," et per illa non aliud significatur quam verum pugnans contra falsa et destruens illa, et quoque in opposito sensu falsum pugnans contra vera: per "bella" enim in Verbo significantur bella spiritualia, quae sunt veri contra falsum, ac falsi contra verum; quare per "arma belli" significantur talia, per quae in his bellis pugnatur. Quod dispersio falsorum a Domino per "romphaeam" intelligatur, patet, quia visa est "exire ex ore Ipsius," exire ex ore Domini est ex Verbo, hoc enim ore locutus Dominus: et quia Verbum per Doctrinam inde intelligatur, etiam haec significatur: dicitur "romphaea anceps acuta," quia penetrat cor et animam. Ut sciatur, quod per romphaeam" hic intelligatur dispersio falsorum per Verbum a Domino, adducentur aliqua loca, ubi Gladius nominatur ex quibus hoc videri potest; quae sunt,

"Gladie contra Babelem, principes et sapientes ejus: Gladie contra mendaces ut stultescant: Gladie contra fortes ut consternentur: Gladie contra equos ejus et currus ejus: Gladie contra thesauros ejus ut diripiantur; siccitas super aquis ejus ut exarescant," (Jeremias 50:35-38);

haec de Babele, per quam intelliguntur qui falsificant et adulterant Verbum, inde per "mendaces" qui stultescent, per "equos et currus" super quos gladius, et per "thesauros" qui diripientur, significantur falsa doctrinae eorum; quod ~quae," super quibus siccitas ut exarescant, significent 1vera, videatur mox supra (50).

"Propheta, et dic, Gladius exacutus, etiamque expolitus, ut mactet mactationem exacutus; iteretur Gladius tertio; Gladius confossorum; Gladius confossionis magnae, penetralia penetrans, ut multiplicentur offendicula," (Ezechiel 21:14-20, 24, 25 (B.A. 9-15, 19-20)); 2

per "Gladium" etiam hic intelligitur devastatio veri in Ecclesia.

"Jehovah disceptabit in Gladio Suo super omni carne, et multiplicabuntur confossi Jehovae," (Esaias 66:16);

"confossi Jehovae" hic et alibi in Verbo dicuntur qui pereunt per falsa.

"Super omnes colles in deserto venerunt vastatores; Gladius Jehovae devorans a fine terrae usque ad finem terrae," (Jeremias 12:12);

"Cum periculo animarum nostrarum adducimus panem nostrum propter Gladium deserti," (Threni 5:9);

"Vae pastori nihili deserenti gregem, Gladius super brachio ejus, et super oculo dextro ejus," (Sacharias 11:17);

"Gladius super oculo dextro pastoris" est falsum intellectus ejus.

"Inflammantur filii hominis, lingua eorum Gladius acutus," (Psalm 57:5 (B.A. 4));

"Ecce eructant ore suo, Gladius in labiis eorum," (Psalm 59:8 (B.A. 7));

"Operantes iniquitatem acuunt sicut Gladium linguam suam," (Psalm 64:4 (B.A. 3)).

(Similia per "Gladium" significantur alibi, ut Esaias 13:13, 15; 21:14-15; 27:1; 331:7-8; (37:7, 38;) Jeremias 2:30; 5:12; 11:22; 14:13-18; Ezechiel 7:15; 32:10-12).

Ex his constare potest, quid per "Gladium" a Domino intellectum est in his locis:

Jesus dixit, Se non venisse "mittere pacem super terram, sed Gladium," (Matthaeus 10:34);

Jesus dixit, Qui non habet crumenam et peram, vendat vestimenta sua, et emat Gladium: discipuli dixerunt, "Domine, ecce Gladii duo; et Ipse dixit, Sufficit," (Luca 22:36, 38);

"Omnes accipientes Gladium, per Gladium peribunt," (Matthaeus 26:51-52);

Jesus de consummatione saeculi dicit, "Cadent ore Gladii, et captivabuntur inter omnes gentes, et tandem Hierosolyma erit conculcata," (Luca 21:24);

"consummatio saeculi" est ultimum tempus Ecclesiae, "Gladius" est falsum destruens verum, "gentes" sunt mala, "Hierosolyma" quae erit conculcata est Ecclesia. Ex his nunc patet, quod per "machaeram acutam ex ore Filii Hominis exeuntem," significetur dispersio falsorum per Verbum a Domino. Similiter in sequentibus in Apocalypsi:

Data est Machaera magna Sedenti super Equo rufo, (6:4);

Ex ore Sedentis super Equo albo, exibat "Romphaea acuta, ut per eam percutiat gentes: reliqui occisi sunt Romphaea Sedentis super Equo," (19:15, 21); 4

per "Sedentem super Equo albo," intelligitur Dominus quoad Verbum, quod aperte ibi dicitur (vers. 13, 16). Simile intelligitur apud Davidem:

"Accinge Gladium super femur Tuum, Potens; equita super verbo veritatis; tela Tua acuta sunt," (Psalm 45:4-6 (B.A. 3-5));

haec de Domino: et alibi,

"Exultabunt sancti, et Gladius Orium in manu eorum," (Psalm 149:5-6);

et apud Esajam.

"Jehovah posuit Os Meum Gladium acutum," (49:2).


1. significent pro "significentur"

2. 14-20, 24, 25 pro "14 ad 20, 23"

3. 1 pro "6, 7, 38" (7, 38 cum cap. xxxvii. cohaerent.)"

4. 15, 21 pro "15, 22"

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