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《揭秘启示录》 第605节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  605.“都在右手上,或是在额上,受一个印记”表若不以信和爱来接受这教义,就不承认他是一个改革宗基督徒。“受一个印记”表示承认是一个改革宗基督徒,或肯定该教义所教导的;“印记”是指这种承认和肯定;“右手”表示人之理性能力(intellectual power)的全部,因而表示人的信仰的全部,因为“右手”表示人的能力(457节);“额”表示人之意志能力(voluntary power)的全部,因而表示人之爱的全部,因为“额”表示爱(347节)。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 605

605. To receive from it a mark on their right hand and on their foreheads. This symbolically means that no one is acknowledged as a Protestant Reformed Christian but one who accepts that doctrine in faith and love.

To receive a mark means, symbolically, to be acknowledged as a Protestant Reformed Christian, or to be among those who confess what the doctrine teaches. The mark is an acknowledgement that the person is such a one, and also a confession that he is such. The right hand symbolizes everything in a person relating to the power of his intellect, thus to his faith; for the right hand symbolizes a person's power (no. 457). The forehead symbolizes everything in a person relating to the power of his will, thus to his love; for the forehead symbolizes love (no. 347).

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 605

605. 'That he give them a mark upon their right hand, and upon their foreheads' signifies that no one is acknowledged as a Reformed Christian unless he receives that doctrine in faith and love. By 'to give a mark' is signified to acknowledge as a Reformed Christian, or as being of the confession that the doctrine teaches. The 'mark' is the acknowledgment that he is such, as also the confession that he is. By 'the right hand' is signified everything of a man as to intellectual power, thus as to faith, for 'the right hand' signifies a man's power (457); by 'the forehead' is signified everything of a man as to will power, thus as to love, for 'the forehead' signifies love (347).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 605

605. That he should give them a mark upon their right hand and upon their foreheads, signifies that no one is acknowledged as a Reformed Christian unless he receives that doctrine in faith and love. By "giving a mark" is signified to acknowledge as a Reformed Christian, or of the confession which that doctrine teaches; "a mark" is such acknowledgment and confession; by "the right hand" is signified the all of man as to intellectual power, thus as to faith, for "the right hand" signifies the power of man, (457); by "the forehead" is signified the all of man as to voluntary power, thus as to love, for "the forehead" signifies the love, (347).

Apocalypsis Revelata 605 (original Latin 1766)

605. "Ut det illis characterem super manu eorum dextra et super frontibus eorum," significat quod nemo pro Christiano Reformato agnoscatur, nisi qui fide et amore recipit doctrinam illam. - Per "dare characterem" significatur agnoscere pro Christiano Reformato, seu quod sit ex confessione illa, quam doctrina docet; "character" est agnitio quod talis, ut et confessio quod sit; per "manum dextram" significatur omne hominis quoad potentiam intellectualem, ita quoad fidem, "manus dextra" enim significat potentiam hominis (457); per "frontem" significatur omne hominis quoad potentiam voluntariam, ita quoad amorem, "frons" enim significat amorem (347).

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