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《揭秘启示录》 第663节

(一滴水译本 2019)



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 663

663. Saying: "Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty!" This symbolically means that everything in the world, in heaven and in the church was created and formed by the Lord out of Divine love by means of Divine wisdom.

The Lord's works symbolize everything created and formed by Him, which in general is everything in the world, everything in heaven, and everything in the church, which could not possibly be enumerated in particular. These works are called great and marvelous because greatness is predicated of love, and marvelousness of wisdom, as in no. 656 above. Moreover, the Lord is also called the Lord in the Word because of the Divine goodness of His Divine love, and God because of the Divine truth of His Divine wisdom.

The Lord is called almighty because He is, lives, and can do all things of Himself, and also directs all things from Himself, as may be seen in no. 31 above.

So it is that, in a universal sense, "Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty!" means symbolically that everything in the world, in heaven and in the church was created and formed by the Lord out of His Divine love by means of His Divine wisdom.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 663

663. 'Saying, Great and marvellous are Thy works, O Lord God Almighty' signifies that all the things of the world, of heaven and of the Church have been created and done by the Lord out of Divine Love by means of His Divine Wisdom. By the Lord's 'works' are signified all the things that have been created and done by Him, these being in general all the things of the world, all those of heaven, and all those of the Church, which cannot possibly be enumerated specifically. They are termed 'great and marvellous' because 'great' is said of love and 'marvellous' of wisdom, as above (656); and also in the Word the Lord is termed 'Lord' by virtue of the Divine Good of Divine Love and 'God' by virtue of the Divine Truth of Divine Wisdom. That the Lord is called 'Almighty' because He Is, Lives, and is all powerful out of His Very Self, and also rules all things out of His Very Self, may be seen above (31). Consequently by 'great and marvellous are Thy works, O Lord God Almighty' in the universal sense is signified that all the things of the world, of heaven and of the Church have been created and done by the Lord out of Divine Love by means of His Divine Wisdom.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 663

663. Saying, Great and marvelous are Thy works, O Lord God Almighty, signifies that all things of the world, of heaven, and of the church, were created and made by the Lord from His Divine love by His Divine wisdom. By "the works of the Lord" are signified all thing which were created and made by Him, these being in general all things of the world, all things of heaven, and all things of the church, which it is not possible to enumerate particularly. They are called "great and marvelous," because "great" is said of love, and "marvelous" of wisdom, as above, (656). The Lord is also in the Word called "Lord" from the Divine good of the Divine love, and "God" from the Divine truth of the Divine wisdom. That the Lord is called "Almighty" because He is, lives, and does all things from Himself, and also rules all things from Himself, may be seen above, (31). Hence it is, that by "great and marvelous are Thy works, O Lord God Almighty," in the universal sense, is signified that all things of the world, of heaven, and of the church, were created and made by the Lord from His Divine love by His Divine wisdom.

Apocalypsis Revelata 663 (original Latin 1766)

663. "Dicentes, Magna et mirabilia opera Tua, Domine Deus Omnipotens," significat quod omnia Mundi, Caeli et Ecclesiae, creata et facta sint a Domino ex Divino Amore per Divinam Sapientiam Ipsius. - Per "opera Domini" significantur omnia quae ab Ipso creata et facta sunt, quae in genere sunt omnia Mundi, omnia Caeli, et omnia Ecclesiae, quae in specie nequicquam possunt enumerari: dicuntur "magna et mirabilia, quia magnum" dicitur de amore, et "mirabile" de sapientia (ut supra 656); et quoque Dominus in Verbo dicitur "Dominus" ex Divino Bono Divini Amoris, ac "Deus" ex Divino Vero Divinae Sapientiae. Quod Dominus dicatur Omnipotens, quia est, vivit, et potest omnia, ex Se Ipso, et quoque regit omnia ex Se Ipso, videatur supra (31); inde est, quod per "magna et mirabilia opera Sua, Domine Deus Omnipotens," in universali sensu significetur quod omnia Mundi, Caeli et Ecclesiae, creata et facta sint a Domino ex Divino Amore per Divinam Sapientiam Ipsius.

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