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《揭秘启示录》 第69节

(一滴水译本 2019)



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 69


This and the following chapter have as their subject seven churches which describe all those people in the Christian Church who have religion, and out of whom a new church can be formed, which is the New Jerusalem; and it is formed of those who go to the Lord alone and at the same time repent of their evil works. The rest, who do not go to the Lord alone, owing to their entrenched denial that His humanity is Divine, are indeed in the church, but they do not have anything of the church in them.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 69



In this and the following chapter [the Word] treats of the seven Churches, by means of which are described all those in the Christian Church who have religion, and out of whom the New Church that is the New Jerusalem can be formed; and it is formed from those who COME TO THE ONLY LORD, AND AT THE SAME TIME REPENT OF EVIL WORKS. The rest, who do not come to the Only Lord on account of the confirmed denial that His Human is Divine, and who do not repent of evil works, are indeed in the Church, but they do not have anything of the Church in themselves.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 69


This and the following chapter treat of the seven churches, by which are described all those in the Christian church who have any religion, and out of whom the New Church, which is the New Jerusalem, can be formed; and this is formed of those who approach the Lord alone, and at the same time perform repentance from evil works. The rest, who do not approach the Lord alone, from the confirmed denial of the Divinity of His human, and who do not perform repentance from evil works, are indeed in the church, but have nothing of the church in them.

Apocalypsis Revelata 69 (original Latin 1766)


Agitur in hoc capite et in sequente de Septem Ecclesiis, per quas describuntur omnes qui in Ecclesia Christiana sunt, quibus est Religio, et ex quibus Nova Ecclesia, quae est Nova Hierosolyma, formari potest, et ab illis formatur, qui Solum Dominum adeunt, et simul Paenitentiam a malis operibus agunt; reliqui, qui non adeunt Solum Dominum, ex negatione confirmata, quod Humanum Ipsius non Sit Divinum, et qui non paenitentiam a malis operibus agunt, quidem in Ecclesia sunt, sed non aliquid Ecclesiae in se habent.

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