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《揭秘启示录》 第7节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 7

7. To whatever he saw. This symbolizes their enlightenment in all matters contained in this revelation.

"Whatever he saw" means, in the spiritual sense, not what John saw - they were simply visions - but what those people meant by John see, people who possess goodness of life arising from charity and its accompanying faith, as we said above. These see in John's visions secrets concerning the state of the church, not so much when they read them themselves, but when they see them revealed.

"To see," moreover. This means, symbolically, to understand. Consequently we even say in common speech that one sees a matter, or that one sees it to be the truth. For a person has a sight belonging to his spirit as well as a sight belonging to his body. But with his spirit a person sees spiritual matters as they appear in the light of heaven, whereas with his body he sees natural objects as they appear in the light of the world. Spiritual matters are also realities, while natural objects are their forms. The sight of a person's spirit is what we call the intellect.

It is apparent from this what is meant in the spiritual sense by "whatever he saw," and likewise in places after this where it is said that he saw.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 7

7. 'Whatsoever things He saw' signifies their enlightenment in all the things that are in this Revelation. By 'whatsoever things he saw' in the spiritual sense is not understood the things that John saw, for those were only visions, but the things that they who are understood by 'John' see, and they are those who are in the good of a life derived from charity and its faith, as was said above. In the visions of John these see arcana concerning the state of the Church, thus not when they read them themselves, but when they see them revealed. Moreover to see signifies to understand, therefore in ordinary language it is said that one sees a thing, and one sees that it is the truth (veritas). For a man has sight pertaining to his spirit, just as he has sight pertaining to his body. With his spirit, however, a man sees spiritual things because he sees by virtue of the light of heaven, but with his body he sees natural things because he sees by virtue of the light of the world; and the spiritual things are realities, while the natural things are the forms of those realities. It is the sight of a man's spirit that is called the understanding. From these things it is plain what is understood in the spiritual sense by 'whatsoever things he saw.' Similarly in the places following where it is said that 'he saw.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 7

7. Whatsoever he saw, signifies their enlightenment in all things which are in this Revelation. By "whatsoever he saw," in the spiritual sense, are not meant what John saw, for they were only visions, but the things which they see who are meant by John, who are those who are in the good of life from charity and its faith, as was said above. These see in the visions of John, the arcana concerning the state of the church, not so much when they read them, but when they see them revealed. Moreover to see signifies to understand; on this account in common discourse it is said, that one sees a thing, and he sees that it is the truth; for man has sight as to his spirit as well as to his body. But man with his spirit sees spiritual things, because from the light of heaven, but with his body he sees natural things; because this sees from the light of the world, and spiritual things are real, but natural things are their forms. It is the spiritual sight of man which is called the understanding. From these things it is evident what is meant, in the spiritual sense, by "whatsoever things he saw;" in like manner in what follows, where it is said that he saw.

Apocalypsis Revelata 7 (original Latin 1766)

7. "Quaecunque vidit,"' significat illustrationem illorum in omnibus quae in hac Revelatione sunt. Per "quaecunque vidit," in sensu spirituali non intelligitur quae Johannes vidit, illa erant solum Visiones, sed quae vident illi qui per Johannem intelliguntur, qui sunt qui in bono vitae ex charitate et ejus fide sunt, ut supra dictum est; hi vident in Visionibus Johannis arcana de Ecclesiae statu, non ita cum ipsi illa legunt, sed cum vident illa revelata. Praeterea videre significat intelligere, quare etiam in communi loquela dicitur, quod videat illam rem, et quod videat quod veritas sit; est enim visus homini quoad ejus spiritum, aeque ac est ei visus quoad ejus corpus, sed homo spiritu suo videt spiritualia quia ex luce Caeli, at corpore naturalia quia ex luce mundi, et spiritualia sunt res, at naturalia sunt formae illarum; visus spiritus hominis est qui vocatur Intellectus. Ex his patet, quid per "quaecunque vidit," in spirituali sensu intelligitur, similiter in sequentibus, ubi dicitur quod viderit.

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