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《揭秘启示录》 第807节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 807

807. 19:3 And a second time they said, "Alleluia! Her smoke rises up forever and ever!" This symbolizes a thanksgiving and celebration of the Lord with joy, that the profane Roman Catholic religion has been damned to eternity.

Their speaking a second time originates from a different affection of joy, because they had been freed from the assault of those who were caught up in the Roman Catholic religion, and from the fear of their resurgence and their assailing them again. That alleluia symbolizes a thanksgiving and celebration of the Lord may be seen in no. 803 above. Her smoke symbolizes the Roman Catholic religion in respect to its dreadful falsities, since falsities arising from evil appear in the spiritual world as billows of smoke from a fire (no. 422). Fire there is the love of self (nos. 468 at the end, 494, 766). The smoke produced by burning, in reference to Babylon, symbolizes profanation (nos. 766, 767). Rising up forever and ever symbolizes the damnation of that religion to eternity.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 807

807. [verse 3] 'And a second time they said, Hallelujah, her smoke goes up for ages of ages' signifies thanksgiving and celebration of the Lord for joy that that profane form of religion has been condemned for ever. That 'they said a second time' results from the varying affection of joy, that they have been liberated from infestation on the part of those who were in that religion, also out of fear of their rising and infesting them again. That by 'Hallelujah' is signified thanksgiving and celebration of the Lord may be seen above (803). By 'her smoke' is signified that form of religion as to its dreadful falsities, since untruths derived from evil appear as smoke from fire (422), the fire there being the love of self (468, 494, 766). By 'the smoke of her burning,' where it treats of Babylon, is signified profanation (766-767). By 'to go up for ages of ages' is signified her damnation for ever.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 807

807. Verse 3. And a second time they said, Alleluia, and her smoke went up for ages of ages, signifies thanksgiving and celebration of the Lord from joy, that that profane religious persuasion is condemned to eternity. "That they said a second time" is from their varying affection of joy, that they were liberated from infestation from those who were in that religious persuasion, also from fear lest they should rise again and infest again. That thanksgiving and celebration of the Lord is signified by "Alleluia" may be seen above, (803). By "her smoke" is signified that religious persuasion as to its direful falsities, since falsities from evil appear like the smokes from fire, (422); the fire here is the love of self, (468, 494, 766). That by "the smoke of a burning," when treating of Babylon, profanation is signified, (766, 767). By "its going up for ages of ages" is signified her damnation to eternity.

Apocalypsis Revelata 807 (original Latin 1766)

807. (Vers. 3.) "Et secundo dixerunt, Alleluja; (et) fumus ejus ascendit in saecula saeculorum," significat ex gaudio gratiarum actionem et celebrationem Domini, quod prophanum illud Religiosum damnatum sit in aeternum. - Quod "secundo dixerint," est ex varia affectione gaudii, quod liberati sint ab infestatione ex illis qui in illo Religioso erant, tum ex timore ne resurgant et iterum infestent; quod per "Alleluja" significetur gratiarum actio et celebratio Domini, videatur supra (803); per "fumum ejus" significatur Religiosum illud quoad diras ejus falsitates, quoniam falsa ex malo apparent sicut fumi ex igne (422); ignis ibi est amor sui (468, 494, 766); quod per "fumum combustionis," ubi de Babylone, significetur prophanatio (766, 767); per "ascendere in saecula saeculorum" significatur damnatio ejus in aeternum.

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