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《揭秘启示录》 第829节

(一滴水译本 2019)







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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 829

829. He treads the winepress of the fury and wrath of Almighty God. This symbolically means that the Lord alone has endured all the church's evils and all the violence done to the Word, thus to Him.

The wine of the fury and wrath of God symbolizes the church's goods and truths that it has from the Word, profaned and adulterated, thus the church's evils and falsities (nos. 316, 632, 635, 758). To tread the press of that wine symbolizes to endure those evils and falsities, to fight against them and condemn them, and thus to free angels in heaven and people on earth from being assailed by them. For the Lord came into the world in order to conquer the hells, which had by then risen up to the point that they were beginning to assail the angels, and He conquered them by combats against them, thus through temptations or trials. For spiritual temptations or trials are nothing else than combats against the hells. And because every person associated with spirits in respect to his affections and consequent thoughts - an evil person with spirits from hell, and a good one with angels from heaven - therefore when the Lord conquered the hells, He freed from assault not only angels in heaven, but also people on earth.

[2] This is consequently what is symbolized by these declarations in Isaiah:

...He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows... He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities... and by His wound we were healed... Jehovah has caused to fall on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed..., He was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of My people, a plague upon them... He has... made His soul guilty... (Isaiah 53:4-10)

The subject here is the Lord and His temptations or trials by the hells, and lastly by the Jews who crucified Him.

The Lord's combats are also described in Isaiah 63:1-10, where we also find the following declarations:

...Your garments like those of one who treads in the winepress. I have trodden the winepress alone... (Isaiah 63:2-3)

This symbolically means that the Lord endured the church's evils and falsities, and all the violence done to the Word, thus to Himself, alone.

We say "the violence done to the Word, thus to Himself," because the Lord embodies the Word, and violence was done to the Word and to the Lord Himself by the Roman Catholic religion and by the faith-alone religion among the Protestant Reformed. The Lord endured the evils and falsities of both when He executed the Last Judgment, by which He conquered the hells again. If He had not conquered them again, no flesh could have been saved, as He Himself says in Matthew 24:21-22. 1


1. "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened."

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 829

829. 'And He Himself is treading the wine-press of the fury and wrath of Almighty God' signifies that the Lord alone has endured all the evils of the Church and all the violence inflicted on the Word, thus on Himself. By 'the wine of the fury and wrath of God' are signified the Church's goods and truths, which are derived from the Word, profaned and adulterated, thus the evils and untruths of the Church (316, 632, 635, 758). By 'to tread the wine-press of that wine' is signified to endure them, to fight against them and condemn them, and thus to liberate the angels in the heavens and the men on earth from infestation thereby. For the Lord came into the world in order to subjugate the hells, which were then increasing from beneath so as to begin to infest the angels; and He subjugated them by combats against them, thus by temptations; for spiritual temptations are nothing else but fights against the hells. And because every man is in company with spirits as to his affections and the consequent thoughts, an evil man with spirits out of hell and a good man with angels out of heaven, therefore when the Lord subjugated the hells He not only liberated the angels of heaven from infestation but also the men of the earth.

[2] This therefore is what is signified by these words in Isaiah:

He has borne our diseases, and He has carried our woes; moreover He has been wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities; and by His wound health has been given to us: Jehovah has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all; He sustained exaction, He was cut off out of the land of the living, for the transgression of My people, a stroke upon them, and He has laid guilt upon His soul. Isaiah 53:4-10.

These things are concerning the Lord and His temptations by the hells, and at lengths by the Jews, by whom He was crucified. The Lord's combats are also described in Isaiah 63:1-10, in the course of which there are these words:

Thy garments as of one treading the wine-press; I have trodden the wine-press alone [Isaiah 63:2-3]; by which is signified that He Only endured the evils and untruths of the Church and all the violence inflicted on the Word, thus on Himself. It is said 'the violence inflicted on the Word, thus on Himself' because the Lord is the Word, and on the Word and on the Lord Himself has violence been inflicted by the Roman Catholic form of religion, also by the form of religion with the Reformed concerning faith alone. The Lord endured the evils and untruths of both of these when He effected the last judgment, by which He again subjugated the hells; and unless the hells had been subjugated again no flesh could have been saved, as He Himself says in Matthew 24:21-22.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 829

829. And He treadeth the wine-press of the wine of the fury and anger of God Almighty, signifies that the Lord endured alone all the evils of the church, and all the violence offered to the Word, thus to Himself. By "the wine of the fury and anger of God" are signified the goods and truths of the church, which are from the Word, profaned and adulterated, thus the evils and falsities of the church, (316, 632, 635, 758). By "treading the wine-press" of that wine is signified to endure them, to fight against them, and to condemn them, and thus to liberate the angels in the heavens and the men on earth from infestation by them. For the Lord came into the world to subjugate the hells, which had then increased so that they began to infest the angels; and He subjugated them by combats against them, and thus by temptations; for spiritual temptations are nothing else than combats against the hells. And because every man is in consort with spirits as to his affections and thence thoughts, an evil man with spirits from hell and a good man with angels from heaven, therefore when the Lord subjugated the hells, He not only liberated the angels of heaven from infestation, but also the men of the earth.

[2] This therefore is what is signified by these words in Isaiah:

He hath borne our diseases, and He hath carried our pains; also He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; and by His wound healing is given to us; Jehovah hath laid upon Him the iniquity of us all; He sustained exaction; He was cut off out of the land of the living, for the transgression of My people was He stricken; and He hath laid guilt upon His soul, (Isaiah 53:4-10).

These things are concerning the Lord, and concerning His temptations by the hells, and at length by the Jews, by whom He was crucified. The Lord's combats are also described in Isaiah 63:1-10; where are these words also:

Thy garments are as of him that treadeth in the wine-press; I have trodden the wine-press alone, (Isaiah 63:2-3).

By this is signified that He alone endured the evils and falsities of the church, and all the violence offered to the Word, thus to Himself. It is said, the violence offered to the Word, and thus to Himself, because the Lord is the Word; and violence is offered to the Word and to the Lord Himself by the Roman Catholic religious persuasion, also by the religious persuasion with the Reformed concerning faith alone. The Lord endured the evils and falsities of both, when He executed the Last Judgment, by which He again subjugated the hells; and unless they had been subjugated again, no flesh could have been saved; as He says in Matthew 24:21-22.

Apocalypsis Revelata 829 (original Latin 1766)

829. "Et Ipse calcat torcular vini furoris et illae Dei Omnipotentis," significat quod Dominus solus sustinuerit omnia mala Ecclesiae, et omnem violentiam illatam Verbo, ita Sibi. - Per "vinum furoris et irae Dei" significantur bona et vera Ecclesiae, quae ex Verbo sunt, prophanata et adulterata, ita mala et falsa Ecclesiae (316, 632, 635, 758); per "calcare torcular" illius vini, significatur sustinere illa, pugnare contra illa, et condemnare, et sic liberare angelos in Caelis et homines in terris ab infestatione ex illis. Dominus enim in mundum venit, ut subjugaret inferna, quae tunc succreverant ut inciperent infestare angelos; et subjugavit illa per pugnas contra illa, ita per tentationes; nam tentationes spirituales non aliud sunt quam pugnae contra inferna. Et quia omnis homo in consortio est cum spiritibus quoad ejus affectiones et inde cogitationes, homo malus cum spiritibus ex Inferno, et homo bonus cum angelis e Caelo, quare cum Dominus subjugavit inferna, non solum liberavit angelos Caeli ab infestatione, sed etiam homines telluris. Hoc itaque est, quod significatur per haec apud Esajam:

"Morbos nostros Ille tulit, et dolores nostros Ille portavit; atque Ille confossus est propter praevaricationes nostras, contusus propter iniquitates nostras: et vulnere Ejus sanitas data est nobis; Jehovah incurrere fecit in Illum iniquitatem omnium nostrum; exactionem sustinuit, excisus est e terra viventium, ob praevaricationem populi Mei, plagam illis, et posuit reatum animam Suam," (53:4-10); 1

haec de Domino et de Ipsius tentationibus ab Infernis, et tandem a Judaeis, a quibus crucifixus est. Pugnae Domini etiam describuntur apud Esajam 63:1-10, inter quae etiam haec sunt:

"Vestes Tuae sicut calcantis in torculari; torcular calcavi solus" ((vers. 2, 3));

per quae significatur, quod Solus sustinuerit mala et falsa Ecclesiae, et omnem violentiam illatam Verbo, ita Sibi. Dicitur violentiam illata Verbo, ita Sibi, quia Dominus est Verbum; et Verbo et Ipsi Domino illata est violentia a Religioso Catholico Romano, tum a Religioso apud Reformatos de sola Fide: hujus et istius mala et falsa sustinuit Dominus, cum Ultimum Judicium fecit, per quod subjugavit iterum inferna; quae nisi iterum subjugata fuissent, non potuisset ulla caro salvari, ut Ipse apud Matthaeum 24:21-22), dicit.


1. 10 pro "9"

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