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《揭秘启示录》 第841节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 841

841. 20:2 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, which is the Devil and Satan. This symbolically means that those meant by the dragon were detained, who because they think about matters of faith sensually and not spiritually, are called that serpent of old, who because they are caught up in evils in the way they live, are called the Devil, and who because they are caught up in falsities as regards their doctrine, are called Satan.

Just who are meant by the dragon may be seen in no. 537 above. 1It is here and there called that serpent of old, the Devil and Satan, because a serpent symbolizes people who think sensually and not spiritually (nos. 455, 550), the Devil symbolizes people caught up in evils in the way they live, and Satan symbolizes people caught up in falsities as regards their doctrine (nos. 97, 550).

All people, indeed, who do not turn directly to the Lord think sensually about matters having to do with the church, and cannot think spiritually, for the Lord is the true light (nos. 796, 797). Consequently people who do not turn to the Lord directly cannot think in the light of spiritual light, which is the light of heaven, but do so in the light of natural light divorced from spiritual light, which is to think sensually. They are for that reason called that serpent of old. People who do not turn to the Lord directly and refrain from evils as being sins, remain in their sins, which is why the dragon is called the Devil. And because the same people are caught up in falsities as regards their doctrine, the dragon is therefore called Satan.


1. Namely, people in the Protestant Reformed Church who make God three entities and the Lord two, and who divorce charity from faith, making faith saving and not at the same time charity.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 841

841. [verse 2] 'And he arrested the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan' signifies that those were held back who are understood by 'the dragon,' who, because they think sensually and not spiritually about matters of faith, are termed the serpent of old, and because they are in evils as to life are termed 'the Devil,' and because they are in untruths as to doctrine are termed 'Satan.' Who they are who are understood by 'the dragon' may be seen above (537). The reason why both here and there he is called 'the serpent of old,' 'the Devil,' and 'Satan' is because a 'serpent' signifies those who think sensually and not spiritually (455, 550). 'The Devil' signifies those who are in evils as to life, and 'Satan' signifies those who are in untruths as to doctrine (97, 550). For all those who do not approach the Lord directly think sensually about matters of the Church, and they cannot think spiritually, for the Lord is the light itself (796, 799 1). 'Therefore those who do not approach the Lord directly cannot think out of the spiritual light that is the light of heaven but out of natural light separated from spiritual light, which is to think sensually. This is why they are termed 'the serpent of old.' Those who do not approach the Lord directly, nor flee from evils as sins, remain in sins, in consequence of which the dragon is termed 'the Devil'; and because the same are in untruths as to doctrine, the dragon is in consequence termed 'Satan


1. Perhaps 797 was intended.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 841

841. Verse 2. And he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, signifies that they were withheld who were meant by "the dragon," who, because they think sensually and not spiritually on things of faith, are called "the old serpent," and because they are in evils as to life, are called "the Devil," and because they are in falsities as to doctrine, are called "Satan." Who they are who are meant by "the dragon," maybe seen above, (537). The reason why both here and there he is called "the old serpent, the Devil, and Satan," is because "a serpent" signifies those who think sensually and not spiritually, (455[1-4], 550); "the Devil" signifies those who are in evils as to life; and "Satan" those who are in falsities as to doctrine, (97, 550). For all those who do not approach the Lord immediately, think sensually of things relating to the church, and cannot think spiritually, for the Lord is the light itself, (796, 799). Wherefore they who do not immediately approach the Lord, cannot think from spiritual light, which is the light of heaven, but from natural light separated from spiritual light, which is to think sensually; hence it is that they are called "the old serpent." They who do not immediately approach the Lord, nor shun evils as sins, remain in sins, thence it is that the dragon is called "the Devil;" and since the same are in falsities as to doctrine, therefore the dragon is called "Satan."

Apocalypsis Revelata 841 (original Latin 1766)

841. (Vers. 2.) "Et comprehendit Draconem Serpentem antiquum, qui est Diabolus et Satanas," significat quod detenti sint qui per "Draconem" intelliguntur, qui quia sensualiter et non spiritualiter de rebus fidei cogitant, dicuntur "Serpens antiquus," et quia in malis quoad vitam sunt, dicuntur "Diabolus," et quia in falsis quoad doctrinam sunt, dicuntur "Satanas." -Quinam sunt qui per "Draconem" intelliguntur, videatur supra (537); quod hic et ibi appelletur "Serpens antiquus, Diabolus et Satanas," est quia "serpens" significat illos qui sensualiter et non spiritualiter cogitant (455, 550), "Diabolus" illos qui in malis quoad vitam sunt, ac "Satanas" illos qui in falsis quoad doctrinam sunt (97, 550). Omnes enim illi qui non immediate adeunt Dominum, de rebus Ecclesiae cogitant sensualiter, et non possunt spiritualiter; est enim Dominus ipsa Lux (796, 797); 1quare qui Dominum non immediate adeunt, non possunt ex luce spirituali, quae est lux Caeli, cogitare, sed ex luce naturali separata a luce spirituali, quod est cogitare sensualiter; inde est quod illi dicantur "Serpens antiquus." Illi qui non adeunt immediate Dominum, nec fugiunt mala ut peccata, manent in peccatis; inde est quod Draco dicatur "Diabolus;" et quia iidem in falsis quoad doctrinam sunt, inde est quod Draco dicatur "Satanas."


1. 797 pro "799"

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