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《揭秘启示录》 第873节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 873

873. This is the second death. This symbolically means that this is their final damnation.

That the second death symbolically means spiritual death, which is damnation, may be seen in no. 853 above. It is mentioned here because the impious at heart, who in themselves are devils and satanic spirits, and yet seem to be people of the church, are more damned than others.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 873

873. 'This is the second death' signifies that these suffer damnation itself. That by 'the second death' is signified the spiritual death that is damnation may be seen above (853). This is said because those who are wicked-hearted and in themselves devils and satans and yet are like the men of the Church are damned beyond the rest.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 873

873. This is the second death, signifies that with these there is damnation itself. That by "the second death" is signified spiritual death, which is damnation, may be seen above, (853). This is said, because they who are wicked at heart, and in themselves devils and satans, and yet appear like men of the church are condemned beyond all others.

Apocalypsis Revelata 873 (original Latin 1766)

873. "Haec est altera mors," significat quod his sit ipsa damnatio.-Quod per "alteram mortem" significetur mors spiritualis, quae est damnatio, videatur supra (853); hoc dicitur, quia illi qui impii corde sunt, et in se diaboli et satanae, et tamen sicut homines Ecclesiae, prae reliquis damnati sunt.

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