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《揭秘启示录》 第89节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 89

89. "'I will give to eat from the tree of life.'" This symbolizes an assimilation of the goodness of love and charity from the Lord.

In the Word, to eat means, symbolically, to assimilate, and the tree of life symbolizes the Lord in respect to the goodness of love. Thus eating of the tree of life symbolizes an assimilation of the goodness of love from the Lord.

To eat means, symbolically, to assimilate because as natural food, when eaten, is assimilated into the life of a person's body, so spiritual food, when received, is assimilated into the life of his soul.

The tree of life symbolizes the Lord in respect to the goodness of love because that is what the tree of life symbolizes in the Garden of Eden, and because a person has celestial and spiritual life from the goodness of love and charity that he receives from the Lord.

Many passages make mention of a tree, and it means a person of the church, and in the broadest sense the church itself, its fruit meaning goodness of life. The reason is that the Lord is the tree of life, the source of every good in the church and in a person of the church. But more on this subject in its proper place.

We say the goodness of love and charity, because the goodness of love is celestial good, which is an expression of love toward the Lord, and the goodness of charity is spiritual good, which is an expression of love for the neighbor. The nature and character of each good will be told in discussions to follow. Something about them may be seen in the book Heaven and Hell, nos. 13-19.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 89

89. 'I will give to eat of the tree of life' signifies the appropriation of the good of love and charity from the Lord. By 'to eat' in the Word is signified to appropriate, and by 'the tree of life' is signified the Lord as to the good of love. Consequently by 'to eat of the tree of life' is signified the appropriation of the good of love from the Lord. 'To eat' signifies to appropriate, because just as natural food, when it is eaten, is appropriated to the life of a man's body, so spiritual food, when it is received, is appropriated to the life of his soul. The Lord as to the good of love is signified by 'the tree of life' because nothing else is signified by the TREE OF LIFE in the garden of Eden; also because a man's celestial and spiritual life is the result of the good of love and charity that is received from the Lord. 'A tree' is mentioned in many places, and by it is understood a man of the Church, and in the universal sense the Church itself, and by its fruit the good of life. This is because the Lord is the Tree of Life, from Whom is every good with the man of the Church, and in the Church; but of this in its own place. It is said 'the good of love and charity' because the good of love is a celestial good that is of love directed to the Lord, and the good of charity is a spiritual good that is of love towards the neighbour. What the one good is and what the other, and the quality of each, will be stated in the things following. Some things about them may be seen in the work concerning HEAVEN AND HELL 13-19.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 89

89. I will give to eat of the tree of life, signifies appropriation of the good of love and charity from the Lord. "To eat" in the Word signifies to appropriate; and "the tree of life" signifies the Lord as to the good of love; therefore by "eating of the tree of life" is signified the appropriation of the good of love from the Lord. "To eat" signifies to appropriate, because as natural food when it is eaten is appropriated to the life of man's body, so spiritual food when it is received is appropriated to the life of his soul. "The tree of life" signifies the Lord as to the good of love, because nothing else is signified by the tree of life in the garden of Eden; also because man has celestial and spiritual life from the good of love and charity which is received from the Lord. "Tree" is mentioned in many places, and by it is meant the man of the church, and in the universal sense the church itself, and by its "fruit" the good of life; the reason is, that the Lord is "the tree of life," from whom comes all good with the man of the church, and in the church; but of this in its own place. It is said the good of love and charity, because the good of love is celestial good, which is that of love to the Lord, and the good of charity is spiritual good, which is that of love towards the neighbor. What and of what quality the one and the other good is will be told in what follows. Something may be seen concerning them in the work concerning Heaven and Hell, (13-19).

Apocalypsis Revelata 89 (original Latin 1766)

89. Dabo edere de Arbore vitae," significat appropriationem boni amoris et charitatis a Domino. - Per "edere" in Verbo significatur appropriare et per "Arborem vitae," significatur Dominus quoad bonum amoris; inde per "edere de Arbore vitae," significatur appropriatio boni amoris a Domino. Quod per "edere" significetur appropriare, est quia sicut cibus naturalis, cum editur, appropriatur vitae corporis hominis, ita cibus spiritualis, cum recipitur, appropriatur vitae animae ejus. Quod per "Arborem vitae" significetur Dominus quoad bonum amoris, est quia non aliud per "Arborem vitae" in Horto Edenis significatur; tum quia vita caelestis et spiritualis homini est ex bono amoris et charitatis quod recipitur a Domino. Multis in locis nominatur "Arbor," et per illam intelligitur homo Ecclesiae, ac in universali sensu ipsa Ecclesia, et per "fructum" ejus bonum vitae; causa est, quia Dominus est "Arbor vitae," ex Quo omne bonum apud hominem Ecclesiae et in Ecclesia est; sed de hoc in suo loco. Dicitur bonum amoris et charitatis, quia bonum amoris est bonum caeleste, quod est amoris in Dominum, et bonum charitatis est bonum spirituale, quod est amoris erga proximum; quid et quale unum bonum et alterum, in sequentibus dicetur; videantur aliqua de illis in Opere de Caelo et Inferno 13-19.

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