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《新教会教义纲要》 第105节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 105

105. XXV. Roman Catholics at this day know nothing of the Imputation of Christ's Merit, or of Justification by Faith therein, into which Faith their Church has been initiated, because this lies entirely concealed under their external forms of worship, which are numerous. Wherefore, if they recede even in part from the externals of their worship, and approach God the Saviour Jesus Christ direct, and also receive the Holy Eucharist in both elements, they may be brought into the New Jerusalem, that, is into the Lord's New Church, before the Reformed.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 105

105. XXV. The Roman Catholics at this day know nothing of the imputation of the merit of Christ, and of justification by faith therein, into which their church was formerly initiated, because it is entirely concealed under their externals of worship, which are many; for which reason, therefore, if they recede but in part from their externals of worship, and immediately approach God the Savior Jesus Christ, and administer the Holy Eucharist in both kinds, they may be brought into the New Jerusalem, that is, into the New Church of the Lord, more easily than the Reformed.

Summaria Expositio 105 (original Latin 1769)

105. XXV. Quod Romano-Catholici de Imputatione Meriti Christi, et de Justificatione per fidem ejus, in quam Ecclesia illorum initiata est, hodie nihil sciant, quoniam prorsus obtecta jacet per Externa cultus, quae sunt plura: et quod ideo si illi quoad partem recedunt ab externis cultus sui, ac immediate adeunt Deum Salvatorem Jesum Christum, et quoque binas Species in sacra Eucharistia sortiuntur, possint in Novam Hierosolymam, hoc est, in Novam Ecclesiam Domini prae Reformatis introduci.

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