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《新教会教义纲要》 第107节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 107

107. Nevertheless, this faith has been so obliterated among Roman Catholics at this day that they know scarcely a syllable about it. Not that it has been repudiated by any Papal decree, but because it has been concealed by externals of worship, which are, in general, the adoration of Christ's vicar, the invocation of saints, the veneration of images; and also by such things as, from being accounted holy, affect the senses, such as, masses in an unknown tongue, vestments, lights, incense, and solemn processions; also by mysteries respecting the eucharist. By these and many similar things, faith justifying through the imputation of Christ's merit, although this is an original dogma of the Roman Church, has been so removed out of sight and withdrawn from the memory, that it is like something buried in the earth and covered with a stone, over which the monks have set a watch to prevent its being dug up and revived; for, were it revived, belief in their supernatural power of forgiving sins, and thus of justifying, sanctifying and saving, would cease, and therewith all their sanctity, preeminence and opulent gains.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 107

107. Nevertheless this faith is so far obliterated with the Roman Catholics at this day, that they scarcely know a jot about it; not that it has been reprobated by any papal decree, but because it has been concealed by the externals of worship, which are in general the adoration of Christ's vicar, the invocation of saints, the veneration of images; and moreover by such things as, from being accounted holy, affect the senses, as masses in an unknown tongue, garments, lights, incense, the pomp of processions; also mysteries respecting the Eucharist. By these things, and others of a like nature, faith justifying by the imputation of the merit of Christ, although a primitive tenet of the Roman church, has been so removed out of sight, and withdrawn from the memory, that it is like something buried in the earth, and covered over with a stone, which the monks have set a watch over, to prevent its being dug up and recalled; for were it recalled, the belief of their possessing a supernatural power of forgiving sins, and thus of justifying, sanctifying, and saving, would cease, and therewith all their sanctity, pre-eminence, and prodigious gains.

Summaria Expositio 107 (original Latin 1769)

107. Attamen fides illa hodie apud Romano-Catholicos in tantum obliterata est, ut vix sciant jotam 1de illa, non quod aliquo Decreto Papali sit reprobata, sed quia contecta est per Externa cultus, quae in genere sunt, Adoratio Vicarii Christi, Invocatio Sanctorum, Veneratio Imaginum, ac insuper talia, quae ut Sancta afficiunt sensus, sicut Missae in Lingua non intellecta, Vestes, Lumina, Thymiamata, Pompae processionum; tum Mystica de Eucharistia; per haec et similia plura, Fides justificans per Imputationem meriti Christi, tametsi primitiva Ecclesiae Romanae, ita e conspectu remota, et ex memoria extracta est, sicut id quod infossum est terrae, ac superintectum lapide, et ad quem custodiae a monachis, ne effodiatur et revocetur, positae sunt; nam si revocaretur, fides in potentiam supranaturalem eorum remittendi peccata, ita justificandi, sanctificandi, et salvandi, recederet, et cum illa sanctitas, supereminentia, ac opulenti quaestus illorum.


1. jotam pro jotham.

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