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《新教会教义纲要》 第58节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 58

58. XIII. The dogmas of the present Church cannot be learned without great difficulty, nor retained, since they slip from the memory, neither can they be preached nor taught without using great care and caution lest their nakedness appear, because sound reason neither perceives nor receives them.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 58

58. XIII. The dogmas of the present church cannot be learned and retained without great difficulty, nor can they be preached or taught without using great care and caution to conceal their nakedness, because true reason neither perceives nor receives them.

Summaria Expositio 58 (original Latin 1769)

58. XIII. Quod Dogmata hodiernae Ecclesiae non possint nisi cum magna difficultate disci. et quin elabantur retineri, et non nisi cum multa parcimonia et cautela, ne nuditas illorum appareat, praedicari et doceri, propter causam, quia vera Ratio illa non percipit et recipit.

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