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《婚姻之爱》 第106节










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Conjugial Love #106 (Chadwick (1996))

106. Next he read from the third paper he took from the urn as follows.

'We, the representatives in our cell, have debated the reasons for the development of conjugial love, and have observed that the leading one is its identity with the development of marriage, since this love had not before come into existence. It did so, because when someone is dying [of love], 1that is, is desperately in love with a girl, he wants with all his heart and soul to possess her, as the most attractive of all properties. As soon as she pledges herself, he looks on her as one looks upon oneself. It is quite plain that this is the source of conjugial love from the frenzy each lover displays against his rivals, and his jealousy towards any who violate his love.

'Afterwards we debated the source of the strength or potency of that love, and the verdict by a majority of three to two was that strength or potency with a wife was the result of some licence with the other sex. They said they knew from experience that the potency of sexual love was stronger than that of conjugial love.' This paper was signed with the letter I.

On hearing this there was a cry from the tables, 'Take this paper away, and draw another from the urn.'


1. It has been suggested that perit 'is dying' is here a printer's error for petit 'is seeking', but this is unnecessary.

Conjugial Love #106 (Rogers (1995))

106. Next, drawing for the third time a piece of paper from the urn, the angel read from it the following opinion:

"We fellow countrymen in our cubicle discussed causes of the origin of conjugial love, and we saw the leading one of these to be the same as the original cause for marriage, since before marriage conjugial love did not exist. It came about, then, because when anyone is dying for or desperately loves a young woman, he tries with his heart and soul to possess her as his most prized possession. And as soon as she pledges herself to him, he regards her as an owner regards his property. That this is the origin of conjugial love is plainly evident from everyone's fury at rivals and jealousness against intruders.

"We considered afterwards the origin of the vigor or potency of that love, and the prevailing opinion of three against two was that vigor or potency with one's partner comes from having some license in matters of sex. They said that they know from experience that the potency of promiscuous love is greater than the potency of conjugial love."

This statement was signed below with the letter I.

When the others heard this, they cried from the tables, "Put that paper away and take another from the urn."

Love in Marriage #106 (Gladish (1992))

106. Soon, for the third time, the angel pulled a paper from the urn and read this from it:

"We countrymen in our booth have turned over the reasons for the origin of married love, and we see that this one prevails that it is the same as the origin of marriages, because that love did not exist before marriages did, and it emerged because when someone courts or desperately loves a girl, he wants with all his heart and soul to possess her as his own beloved, above all others.

And once she promises herself to him he sees her as self sees self.

It is clearly evident from everyone's fury toward rivals and from jealousy toward violators that this is the source of married love.

"Next we examined the source of this love's energy or potency, and it came out three to two that a partner's vigor or potency comes from having certain liberties with the other sex."

They said they know from experience that in sexual love the potency is better than the potency in married love. This was signed I.

When the people at the tables heard it they clamored, "Get rid of this paper and pull another one out of the urn!"

Conjugial Love #106 (Acton (1953))

106. Then for the THIRD time the angel drew a paper out of the urn. From this he read as follows: "We compatriots in our stall have reflected on the causes of the origin of conjugial love, and have seen that the chief cause is the same as with the origin of marriage; for before marriage, that love did not exist, and it exists then because when one seeks or desperately loves a virgin, he desires with heart and soul to have her as a possession to be loved above all else; and as soon as she pledges herself, he regards her as self regards self. That this is the origin of conjugial love is very clear from the fury of every man against rivals, and from his zeal against violators. We then considered the origin of the virtue or potency of that love, and three against two have decided that with a married partner its virtue or potency is from some license with the sex. They said that they know from experience that the potency of love of the sex surpasses the potency of conjugial love." This was subscribed with the letter I.

Hearing this, the men at the tables cried out, "Remove this paper and draw another from the urn."

Conjugial Love #106 (Wunsch (1937))

106. Presently the angel produced a paper from the urn for the third time, and read as follows: "We compatriots, in our cell, have pondered the causes of the origin of marital love, and have found that the chief cause is the same as that for the origin of marriage. Previously that love had no existence; it arose from the fact that when one pines for or desperately loves a young woman with heart and soul, he desires to have her as a possession lovely above all things. As soon as she pledges herself, he regards her quite as self regards its own. That this is the origin of marital love is very clear from a man's fury at rivals, and from his jealousy toward trespassers. We afterwards considered the origin of the vigor or potency of that love. Three have prevailed against two that vigor or potency with a married partner is from some license with the sex. They said that they know from experience that the potency of sexual love surpasses the potency of marital love." This was subscribed with the letter I.

Hearing this there was a cry from the tables, "Put that paper aside and take another from the urn."

Conjugial Love #106 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

106. Presently, the third time, he drew a paper out of the urn from which he read as follows: 'We compatriots, in our cell, have meditated upon the causes of the origin of conjugial love, and have seen as the chief of them that it is the same as the origin of marriage. For that love had no existence before, and arises from the fact that when one pines for or desperately loves a virgin with heart and soul, he desires to possess her as a possession lovely above all things. And as soon as she pledges herself he regards her as self regards its own. That this is the origin of conjugial love is very clear from the fury of everyone against rivals, and from the jealousy against violators. We afterwards considered the origin of the virtue or potency of that love; and three against two have decided that the virtue or potency with a married partner is from some license with the sex. They said that they know from experience that the potency of the love of the sex surpasses the potency of conjugial love.' This was subscribed with the letter 1.

Hearing this there was a cry from the tables, 'Put away this paper and take another from the urn.'

De Amore Conjugiali #106 (original Latin (1768))

106. Mox Tertio exprompsit chartam ex urna, ex qua legit haec. "Nos populares in nostra Cella versavimus causas originis Amoris conjugialis, et vidimus illarum hanc dominam, quod sit eadem cum Origine Conjugii, quia Amor ille non prius exstitit; et exstitit, quia cum aliquis perit 1seu perdite amat virginem, anima et corde vult possidere illam ut proprietatem supra omnia amabilem; ac ut primum illa spondet se, spectat illam sicut proprietarius 2spectat proprium: quod hoc sit origo amoris conjugialis, patet clare ex cujusvis furore contra rivales, et ex zelotypia contra violatores. Versavimus postea originem virtutis seu potentiae illius amoris, et tres contra duos praevaluerunt, quod Virtus seu potentia cum conjuge sit ex aliqua licentia cum sexu; dixerunt, quod ab experientia sciant, quod potentia amoris sexus praevaleat potentiae Amoris conjugialis." His subscripta est litera I. His auditis clamaverunt e Mensis, "remove hanc chartam, et extrahe aliam ex urna."


1. Fortasse petit intenditur.

2. Prima editio: proprium

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