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《婚姻之爱》 第112节


  112、最后,天使取出第九张纸,从中读到如下内容:“我们隔间的同胞将我们的判断力集中到摆在我们面前的这两个题目上,即:婚姻之爱及其活力或性能力的源头。在细微地讨论婚姻之爱的源头时,为避免我们的推理模糊不清,我们将性爱(sexual love)区分为属灵、属世和肉体的:我们所说的属灵性爱指的是真正的婚姻之爱,因为它是属灵的;我们所说的属世性爱指的是多配偶的爱,因为它是属世的;我们所说的肉体性爱指的是淫乱之爱,因为它纯粹是肉体欲望。当我们以最敏锐的判断力审视婚姻之爱时,发现这爱只可能存在于一个男性和一个女性之间;它自创世时就是属天和至内在的,是一切善爱的灵魂和父亲;它被吹入我们的始祖(first forefathers),并能被吹入基督徒。此外,它联结的能力如此强大以至于能使两个心智合而为一、两个人好似一个人。这就是“他们成为一体”的意思。《创世记》清楚表明,这爱自创世时就被吹入:
















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Conjugial Love #112 (Chadwick (1996))

112. Finally he took up the ninth paper, from which he read as follows.

'We, the representatives in our committee, have submitted to our judgment the two subjects set before us, the source of conjugial love and the source of its strength or potency. When we engaged in subtle discussions about the source of conjugial love, to avoid obscurity in our reasoning we made a distinction between spiritual, natural and carnal sexual love. By spiritual sexual love we mean truly conjugial love, since this is spiritual. By natural sexual love we mean polygamous love, since this is natural. And by wholly carnal sexual love we mean scortatory love, since this is wholly carnal. When we applied our most penetrating judgment to conjugial love, we realised that this is only possible between one male and one female, and it is from creation heavenly and inmost, the soul and father of all good loves; it was breathed into our first forefathers, and can be breathed into Christians. Moreover, its uniting power is so great that it can make two minds into one, and two persons as it were one person; this is what is meant by their becoming one flesh. The Book of Creation shows plainly that this love was breathed in from creation:

And a man shall leave his father and mother, and cling to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24.

It is clear that this love can be breathed into Christians from the following passage:

Jesus said, Have you not read that the Maker from the beginning made them male and female? Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and the two of them shall become one flesh; so henceforth they are two, not one flesh. Matthew 19:4-6.

This is said of the source of conjugial love.

'We suggest that the source of the strength or potency of truly conjugial love arises from similarity of minds and unanimity. For when two minds are joined in wedlock, these thoughts spiritually kiss each other, and there breathe into their bodies their strength or potency.' This paper was signed with the letter S.

Conjugial Love #112 (Rogers (1995))

112. A final and ninth time the angel took up a piece of paper, and he read from it the following opinion:

"We fellow countrymen in our committee applied our judgment to the two aspects of the subject proposed - to the origin of conjugial love, and to the origin of its vigor or potency.

"When we debated the finer points regarding the origin of conjugial love, in order to avoid obscurities in our arguments we drew distinctions between a spiritual, a natural, and a carnal love between the sexes. By a spiritual love between the sexes we mean truly conjugial love, because it is spiritual. By a natural love between the sexes we mean polygamous love, because it is natural. And by a merely carnal love between the sexes we mean licentious love, because it is merely carnal.

"When we looked with our powers of judgment into truly conjugial love, we saw clearly that this love is possible only between one male and one female, and that it is from creation heavenly, most interior, and the soul and parent of all good loves, having been inspired into the first parents and capable of being inspired into Christians. It is also so conjunctive that by it two minds can become one mind, and two persons like one person, which is what is meant by their becoming one flesh.

"That this love was inspired from creation is apparent from these words in the book of creation:

And a man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)

"That it can be inspired into Christians is apparent from these verses:

(Jesus said,) "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh." (Matthew 19:4-6)

"The subject is the origin of conjugial love.

"As for the origin of the vigor or potency of truly conjugial love, moreover, we theorize that it comes from a similarity and unanimity of minds. For when two minds are joined in marriage, their thoughts then spiritually kiss each other, and they inspire in the body their vigor or potency."

This statement was signed below with the letters Sw.

Love in Marriage #112 (Gladish (1992))

112. He brought the last, or ninth paper out and read this from it:

"We countrymen of our group have applied our judgment to both of the matters proposed - the source of love in marriage and the source of its energy or potency. As we discussed the fine points of married love's source, so as to avoid shadowy reasoning we distinguished among spiritual, worldly, and physical love of the other sex. We take spiritual love for the other sex to mean the real love in marriage, because it is spiritual. We take worldly love of it to mean polygamous love, because this is worldly, and we take mere physical love of it to be harlotry, because this is purely physical.

"As we looked into our opinions on the real love in marriage we could see that this love is possible only between one man and one woman, and that from creation it is heavenly, deep inside, and the soul and father of all good loves, instilled in our first Parents and capable of being instilled in Christians. It also has such an ability to join, that by means of it two minds can become one mind and two people one person - which is what 'becoming one flesh' means.

"In the Book of Genesis it is clear that this love was instilled at creation, from these words: I And the man will leave father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they will be one flesh' (Gen.

2:24). It is clear that it can be instilled in Christians, from these words that Jesus said: 'Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female?' And he said,

'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh' (Matthew 19:4-6). So much for the source of married love.

"The source of vigor or potency in real married love, however, we feel, comes from similarity of minds and from unanimity, for when two minds are joined in marriage their thoughts spiritually kiss each other, and this inspires vigor or potency into the body."

This was signed S.

Conjugial Love #112 (Acton (1953))

112. For the last or NINTH time the angel took up a paper, from which he read as follows: "We compatriots, from our committee room, have addressed our judgment to the two points of the proposition, the origin of conjugial love and the origin of its virtue or potency. In discussing the subtleties of the origin of conjugial love, in order to avoid obscurity in our reasonings, we distinguished between spiritual, natural, and carnal love of the sex. By spiritual love of the sex, we mean love truly conjugial because this is spiritual; by natural love of the sex, we mean polygamous love because this is natural; and by merely carnal love of the sex, we mean scortatory love because this is merely carnal. When with our judgments we looked into love truly conjugial, we saw clearly that this love exists only between one male and one female, and that from creation it is heavenly and inmost love and the soul and father of all good loves--a love which was inspired into our first parents and which can be inspired into Christians. Moreover, it is so conjunctive that through it two minds can become one mind, and two human beings can be as one, this being meant by becoming one flesh. That this love was inspired from creation is plain from these words in the book of Creation:

And a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24.

That it can be inspired into Christians is plain from these words:

Jesus said, Have ye not read, that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and he said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. Matthew 19:4-6.

Thus far respecting the origin of conjugial love. As to the origin of the virtue or potency of love truly conjugial, this we surmise arises from a similarity and unanimity of minds. For when two minds are conjoined conjugially, their thoughts kiss each other spiritually, and these thoughts breathe their virtue or potency into the body." To this was subscribed the letter S.

Conjugial Love #112 (Wunsch (1937))

112. The last and ninth time the angel drew a paper, from which he read as follows: "We compatriots in our assemblage have applied our judgment to the two points propounded - the origin of marital love, and the origin of its vigor or potency. While pursuing the subtleties of the origin of marital love, in order to avoid obscurity in our reasoning we distinguished between spiritual, natural and carnal love of the sex. By spiritual love of the sex we mean true marital love, for this is spiritual; by natural love of the sex we mean polygamous love, for this is natural; and by merely carnal love of the sex we mean scortatory love, because this is merely carnal. Looking with the judgment into true marital love, we have seen clearly that it is possible only between one man and one woman; and that by creation it is heavenly, inmost, and the soul and father of all good loves, having been inspired into our first parents, and being inspirable into Christians. It is also so uniting that two minds can be made one by it, and two human beings like one man, which is meant by becoming 'one flesh. That this love was inspired from creation is plain from these words in the Book of Creation: -

And a man shall leave father and mother; and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:24).

That it may be inspired into Christians is plain from these words: -

Jesus said, Have you not read that He who made them from the beginning made them male and female? And He said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; wherefore they are no more two but one flesh (Matthew 19:4-6).

So much on the origin of marital love. But the origin of the vigor or potency of true marital love, we conjecture, arises from similarity of minds and unanimity. For when two minds are conjoined in marriage, their thoughts spiritually kiss each other and breathe their vigor or potency into the body." To this was subscribed the letter S.

Conjugial Love #112 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

112. The last, or ninth time he took up a paper from which he read as follows: 'We compatriots, from our assemblage, have exercised our judgments upon the two points of the proposition, the origin of conjugial love, and the origin of its virtue or potency. While discussing the subtleties of the origin of conjugial love, to avoid obscurity in our reasonings, we have distinguished between the spiritual, the natural, and the carnal love of the sex. And by the spiritual love of the sex we mean love truly conjugial, because this is spiritual; and by the natural love of the sex we mean polygamous love, for this is natural; and by the merely carnal love of the sex we mean scortatory love, because this is merely carnal. While looking with our judgments into love truly conjugial, we have seen clearly that it is a love only between one male and one female; and that from creation it is heavenly, inmost, and the soul and father of all good loves, having been inspired into our first parents, and being inspirable into Christians. It is also so conjunctive that by it two minds can become one mind, and two human beings (homo) as one man, which is meant by becoming ' one flesh.' That this love was inspired from creation is plain from these words in the book of Creation:

And a man shall leave father and mother; and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:24).

That it may be inspired into Christians is plain from these words:

Jesus said, Have ye not read that He who made them from the beginning made them male and female? And He said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and the twain shall become one flesh; wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh (Matthew 19:4-6).

This, respecting the origin of conjugial love: But the origin of the virtue or potency of love truly conjugial we conjecture to arise from similarity of minds and unanimity. For when two minds are conjugially conjoined, their thoughts spiritually, mutually kiss each other, and these breathe their virtue or potency into the body.' To this was subscribed the letter S.

De Amore Conjugiali #112 (original Latin (1768))

112. Ultimo seu Nono sustulit chartam, ex qua legit haec: "Nos populares ex nostro comitio, judicium ad duas illas ex propositis res adhibuimus, ad Originem amoris conjugialis, et ad Originem virtutis seu potentiae ejus. Cum agitavimus subtilitates de origine amoris conjugialis, ad evitandum umbras in rationibus, distinximus inter Amorem sexus spiritualem, naturalem, et carnalem; et per Amorem sexus Spiritualem, intelligimus Amorem vere conjugialem, quia hic est spiritualis; et per Amorem sexus naturalem intelligimus amorem polygamicum, quia hic est naturalis; et per Amorem sexus mere carnalem intelligimus amorem scortatorium, quia hic est mere carnalis. Cum introspeximus nostris judiciis in amorem vere conjugialem, perspeximus quod hic amor solum inter unum marem et unam foeminam detur, et quod sit ex creatione coelestis, intimus, ac anima et pater omnium bonorum amorum, inspiratus Primis parentibus, et inspirabilis Christianis; est etiam ita conjunctivus, ut per illum duae Mentes possint fieri una Mens, ac duo Homines sicut unus Homo, quod intelligitur per fieri una Caro. Quod ille Amor inspiratus sit a creatione, patet in Libro Creationis ex his. "Et Vir derelinquet patrem et matrem, et adhaerebit uxori suae, et erunt in unam Carnem." Gen. 2:24; 1quod sit inspirabilis Christianis, patet ex his; Jesus dixit, annon legistis, quod Ipse qui fecit ab initio, masculum et foeminam fecit eos, et dixit, propterea deseret homo patrem et matrem, et adhaerebit uxori suae, et erunt duo in carnem unam; quare non amplius sunt duo sed una Caro, Matth. 19:4-5, 6; haec de Origine amoris conjugialis. Originem autem Virtutis seu potentiae amoris vere conjugialis auguramur exire ex similitudine mentium, et unanimitate; cum enim duae Mentes conjugialiter sunt conjunctae, cogitationes illorum tunc spiritualiter se mutuo osculantur, et hae inspirant corpori suam virtutem seu potentiam." His subscripta est Litera S.


1. Prima editio: 2:24.

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