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《婚姻之爱》 第114节







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Conjugial Love #114 (Chadwick (1996))

114. At the end of this speech all rose, and suddenly a window, not seen before, was opened behind the golden table on which lay the headdress; and a voice was heard through the window: 'The headdress is to go to the African.' An angel handed it to him, but he did not place it on his head, and he went home carrying it. The inhabitants of the kingdoms of Europe left the building and mounted their chariots, which took them back to their own people.

Conjugial Love #114 (Rogers (1995))

114. At the conclusion of these words the people all rose, and suddenly, behind the gold table on which the miter rested, a window materialized that had not been visible before. Through it also came a voice, saying, "The miter will go to the African."

The angel then gave the miter to him, handing it to him rather than placing it on his head. And the African went away home with it.

The inhabitants of the kingdoms of Europe also went out and got into their carriages, in which they returned to their companions.

Love in Marriage #114 (Gladish (1992))

114. Everyone stood up after these statements. And behind the gold table with the tiara on it a window was made - one we had not noticed before! Through it we heard a voice, "The tiara goes to the African." The angel placed it in the African's hand, not on his head, and he went home with it. The natives of the European countries went out, got in their chariots, and returned to their own people in them.

Conjugial Love #114 (Acton (1953))

114. After this speech, all arose; and lo, behind the golden table whereon lay the tiara, appeared a window, not seen before; and through the window was heard a voice, The tiara shall go to the African. It was then given him by the angel, who placed it in his hand but not upon his head; and he went home with it. The inhabitants of the kingdoms of Europe then went out and, getting into their chariots, returned to their own peoples.

Conjugial Love #114 (Wunsch (1937))

114. Following these words, all arose; and behind the golden table on which was the tiara, a window showed, invisible before, and from beyond the window a voice was heard, "Let the Tiara be the African's!" The angel gave it into his hand, but did not place it on his head, and the African went home with it. And the natives of the countries of Europe filed out, entered their chariots, and returned to their own people.

Conjugial Love #114 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

114. This having been said all arose; and lo! behind the golden table whereon the tiara lay, a window was made, not seen before, and through the window a voice was heard, 'The Tiara shall be for the African;' and it was given by the angel into his hand, but not on his head, and he went home with it. And the natives of the countries of Europe went out, entered their chariots, and returned to their own.

De Amore Conjugiali #114 (original Latin (1768))

114. His dictis surrexerunt omnes, et ecce post auream Mensam, super qua fuit Cidaris, facta est Fenestra non prius visa, et trans illam audita est vox, Cidaris erit Africo; et ab Angelo data est illi in manum, non autem supra caput, et ille cum illa abivit domum; et incolae Regnorum Europae egressi intraverunt Currus, in quibus redierunt ad suos.

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