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《婚姻之爱》 第129节












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Conjugial Love #129 (Chadwick (1996))

129. (x) The church is from the Lord, and is present with those who approach Him and live in accordance with His commandments.

No one nowadays denies that the church is the Lord's, and being the Lord's that it comes from Him. The reason the church exists with those who approach the Lord is that in the Christian world His church is based on the Word; and the Word is not only from the Lord, but is so in such a way that it is the Lord. In it Divine truth is combined with Divine good, and this too is the Lord. This is precisely what is meant by the Word being with God, and being God, the source of life and light to men, and becoming flesh (John 1:1-14). Furthermore its presence with those who approach the Lord is because it is present with those who believe in Him, believing that He is God the Saviour and Redeemer, Jehovah our righteousness, the gate by which the sheepfold, that is, the church, must be entered; that He is the way, truth and life; that no one comes to the Father except through Him; the Father and He are one; and many more things He teaches. No one, I repeat, can believe these things without approaching Him, since He is the God of heaven and earth, as He also teaches. Ought anyone else to be approached? and can anyone else be approached? His presence with those who live in accordance with His commandments is because linking is only possible with such people. For he says:

He who keeps my commandments and does them, he it is who loves me; and I will love him and make my dwelling with him. He, however, who does not love me does not keep my commandments. John 14:21-24.

Love is linking, and linking with the Lord makes the church.

Conjugial Love #129 (Rogers (1995))

129. 10. The church comes from the Lord and it exists in people who go to Him and live according to His commandments. No one at the present day denies that the church is the Lord's, and that because it is the Lord's, it is from the Lord.

It exists in people who go to Him, because the Lord's church in the Christian world is founded on the Word, and the Word is from Him and from Him in such a way that it is Him. The Word contains Divine truth united to Divine good, and this also is the Lord. This is precisely what is meant by the Word which was with God and which was God, from which men have life and light, and which became flesh (John 1:1-14).

Moreover, the church exists in people who go to the Lord for the further reason that it exists in those who believe in Him. And no one can believe that He is God the Savior and Redeemer, Jehovah who is Righteousness, 1the door by which one must enter the sheepfold (that is to say, the church), 2the way, the truth and the life, that no one comes to the Father except through Him, 3that the Father and He are one, 4besides many other things that the Lord Himself teaches - no one, I say, can believe these things unless he gets his belief from the Lord. No one can believe these things without going to the Lord, because He is God of heaven and earth, as He Himself also teaches. 5Who else should one go to? Who else can one go to?

The church exists in people who live according to the Lord's commandments, because they alone have conjunction with Him. For the Lord says:

He who has My commandments and obeys them, it is he who loves Me....and I will love him....and (I will) make an abode with him. (But) he who does not love Me does not keep My (commandments).... (John 14:21-24)

Love is what conjoins, and conjunction with the Lord is the church.


1. See Jeremiah 23:5-6, 33:15-16, 1 Corinthians 1:30.

2. John 10:1,7,9.

3. John 14:6.

4. John 10:30, 17:11,22, cf. 8:19, 12:45, 14:7-9.

5. Matthew 28:18.

Love in Marriage #129 (Gladish (1992))

129. 10. The church is from the Lord and is within those who approach Him and live by His teachings. Today people do not deny that the church is the Lord's and that since it is the Lord's it is from the Lord.

The reason why the church is among those who approach Him is that His church in the Christian world is from the Word, and the Word is from Him - from Him in such a way that it is He.

It has Divine Truth united with Divine Good in it, and this, too, is the Lord. This is exactly the meaning of the Word that "was with God and was God," from which is the life and light of men, and which "was made flesh" (John 1:1-14).

Moreover, it is with those who approach Him because it is with those who believe in Him - that He is God, Savior, Redeemer, Jehovah Justice, the Door where you enter the Sheepfold (i.e., the church), the Way, the Truth, and Life; that no one comes to the Father except through Him; that He and the Father are one; and the other things that He teaches. I tell you, no one can believe these things unless it is of His doing.

The church can be with only those who approach Him because He is God of heaven and earth, as He also teaches. Whom else would you approach, and who else could be approached? The church can be only with those who live according to His instructions because for others the connection is not there, for He says:

Whoever keeps My commandments and does them, he is the one who loves Me, and I will love him and make My home with him. But surely whoever does not love Me does not keep My commandments. (John 14:21-24)

Love is joining together, and joining with the Lord is a church.

Conjugial Love #129 (Acton (1953))

129. X. THAT THE CHURCH IS FROM THE LORD AND IS WITH THOSE WHO APPROACH HIM AND LIVE ACCORDING TO HIS COMMANDMENTS. It is not denied at this day that the Church is the Lord's, and, being the Lord's, that it is from the Lord. That it is with those who approach Him, is because in the Christian world His Church is from the Word, and the Word is from Him, being from Him in such wise that it is Himself. In the Word is Divine Truth united with Divine Good, and this also is the Lord. Nothing else is meant by the Word which was with God and which was God, from which men have life and light, and which was made flesh (John 1:1-14). Furthermore, that the Church is with those who approach Him, is because it is with those who believe in Him; and the belief that He is God, the Savior and Redeemer, Jehovah our Justice, the Door by which to enter into the sheepfold--that is, into the Church--the Way the Truth and the Life, that no one comes to the Father but by Him, that the Father and He are one, and much else which He Himself teaches, this belief, I say, is possible to no one except from Him. That it is not possible unless He is approached, is because He is the God of heaven and earth, as He also teaches. Who else is to be approached? and who else can be approached? That He is with those who live according to His commandments, is because with others there is no conjunction; for He says:

He that hath my commandments, and doeth them, he it is that loveth me, and I will love him and will make my abode with him. But he that loveth me not keepeth not my commandment. John 14:21-24.

Love is conjunction; and conjunction with the Lord is the Church.

Conjugial Love #129 (Wunsch (1937))

129. (x) The Church is from the Lord and with those who approach Him and live according to His commandments. It is not denied at this day that the Church is the Lord's, and being His, is from Him. It exists with those who approach Him, because in Christendom His Church is from the Word, which is from Him and in such wise as to be Himself. In the Word Divine Truth and Divine Good are united, and these are also the Lord. Nothing less is meant by the Word

Which was with God, and which was God, from which is the life and light of men, and which was made flesh (John 1:1-14).

Again, the Church is with those who approach the Lord, because it is with those who believe in Him. To believe that He is God the Savior and Redeemer, Jehovah our Righteousness, the Door by which one enters the sheepfold or the Church, and that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that no one comes to the Father except by Him; that the Father and He are one, besides much else which He teaches - these things, I say, no one can believe except from Him. One cannot believe them unless the Lord is approached, for the reason that He is God of heaven and earth, as He also teaches. Who else is there to approach? And who else can be approached? Finally, the Church is with those who live according to His commandments, for the reason that only with these is conjunction effected. For he says,

He who has My commandments and does them, he it is that loves Me, ... and I will love him ... and will make My abode with him ... but he who loves Me not, does not keep My commandments (John 14:21-24).

Love is conjunction, and conjunction with the Lord is the Church.

Conjugial Love #129 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

129. (10) That the Church is from the Lord, and is with those who come to Him and live according to His commandments. It is not denied at this day that the church is the Lord's, and because it is the Lord's that it is from the Lord. It is with those who come to Him, because His church in the Christian world is from the Word, and the Word is from Him, yea, from Him in such wise that it is Himself. Therein is the Divine Truth united with the Divine Good, and this also is the Lord. Nothing else is meant in John 1:1-14, by the Word 'which was with God, and which was God, from which is the life and the light of men, and which was made flesh.' And further, it is with those who come to Him because it is with them that believe in Him; and no one can believe that He is God, the Saviour and Redeemer; Jehovah the Justice; the Door by which to enter into the sheepfold, that is, into the church; the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that no one. cometh to the Father but by Him; that He and the Father are one; and many more things which He Himself teaches; these things, I say, no man can believe except from Him. That it cannot be unless He is approached, is because He is the God of heaven and earth, as He also teaches. Who else should be approached? Who else can be approached? It is with those who live according to His commandments, because with others there is no conjunction; for He says: -

He that hath My commandments and doeth them, he it is that loveth Me, and I will love him, and will make My abode with him. But he that loveth Me not doth not keep My commandments (John 14:21-24).

Love is conjunction; and conjunction with the Lord is the church.

De Amore Conjugiali #129 (original Latin (1768))

129. X: Quod Ecclesia sit a Domino, et apud illos qui adeunt Ipsum, et vivunt secundum praecepta Ipsius. Hodie non negatur, quin Ecclesia sit Domini, et quia est Domini, quod sit a Domino: quod sit apud illos, qui adeunt Ipsum, est quia Ecclesia Ipsius in Christiano Orbe 1est ex Verbo, ac Verbum est ab Ipso, ac ita ab Ipso ut sit Ipse; est ibi Divinum Verum unitum Divino Bono, et hoc etiam est Dominus; non aliud intelligitur per Verbum, quod fuit apud Deum, et quod fuit Deus, ex quo est Vita et Lux hominibus, et quod Caro factum est, Joh. 1:1-14: et porro, quod sit apud illos, qui adeunt Ipsum, est quia est apud illos qui credunt in Ipsum; et credere quod sit Deus Salvator et Redemptor, Jehovah Justitia, Ostium per quod ingrediendum est in Ovile, hoc est, in Ecclesiam, Via, Veritas et Vita, quod nemo veniat ad Patrem nisi per Ipsum, quod Pater et Ipse unum sint, praeter plura, quae Ipse docet; haec, inquam, credere nemo potest nisi ab Ipso; quod non possit nisi adeatur, est quia est Deus Coeli et Terrae, ut quoque docet; quis alius adeundus est, et quis alius potest adiri. Quod sit apud illos, qui vivunt secundum praecepta Ipsius, est quia cum aliis non est conjunctio, dicit enim, qui habet praecepta mea, et facit illa, ille est qui amat Me, et Ego amabo 2illum, et mansionem apud illum faciam; qui vero non amat Me, praecepta mea non servat, Joh. 14:21-24; amor est conjunctio, et conjunctio cum Domino est Ecclesia.


1. Prima editio: Orbe,

2. Prima editio: amabo,

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