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《婚姻之爱》 第131节





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Conjugial Love #131 (Chadwick (1996))

131. (xii) Since the church is from the Lord, so too is conjugial love from Him.

As this follows from what was said above, I refrain from giving further proofs. Moreover, all the angels of heaven bear witness to the fact that conjugial love comes from the Lord; and also that this love depends upon one's state of wisdom, and this depends on the state of the church with one. This witness by the angels of heaven is plainly recorded in the accounts of experiences seen and heard in the spiritual world, to be found at the end of each chapter.

Conjugial Love #131 (Rogers (1995))

131. 12. So, then, because the church comes from the Lord, conjugial love comes from Him as well. Because this follows as a consequence from what we have already said, I refrain from confirming it further. Besides, the angels of heaven all testify that truly conjugial love comes from the Lord; and they testify also that this love depends on the state of their wisdom, and that the state of their wisdom depends on the state of the church in them. That angels of heaven testify to these points is apparent from the narrative accounts at the end of the chapters, which are things I saw and heard in the spiritual world.

Love in Marriage #131 (Gladish (1992))

131. 12. The church comes from the Lord, so married love does, too.

This follows from what has already been said, so I refrain from reinforcing it with more words. Besides, all the angels in heaven will testify that real love in marriage comes from the Lord, and also that this love is in keeping with the condition of their wisdom, and the condition of their wisdom keeps pace with the condition of their religion. (The stories after this chapter, seen and heard in the spiritual world, make it clear that the angels do testify to this.)

Conjugial Love #131 (Acton (1953))

131. XII. AND BECAUSE THE CHURCH IS FROM THE LORD, THAT CONJUGIAL LOVE ALSO IS FROM HIM. As this follows from what has been said above, I refrain from further confirmation. Moreover, that love truly conjugial is from the Lord is testified to by all the angels of heaven; and also that that love is according to the state of wisdom with them, and the state of wisdom according to the state of the Church. That such is the testimony borne by the angels of heaven is plain from the Memorable Relations following the chapters, being Relations of things seen and heard in the spiritual world.

Conjugial Love #131 (Wunsch (1937))

131. (xii) Inasmuch as the Church is from the Lord, marital love also is. I let this go without further argument because it is a consequence from what has been said. Besides, all the angels of heaven bear witness that true marital love is from the Lord, and that that love is according to the state of wisdom, and the state of wisdom according to the state of the Church with them. That the angels of heaven so testify, is evident from Memorabilia after the chapters, which are things that were seen and heard in the spiritual world.

Conjugial Love #131 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

131. (12) And because the Church is from the Lord, conjugial love also is from Him. As this follows from what has been said above, I refrain from further confirmations. Besides, that love truly conjugial is from the Lord all the angels of heaven testify; and also that this love is according to the state of wisdom, and the state of wisdom is according to the state of the church with them. That such is the testimony of the angels of heaven is plain from the Relations after the chapters, which are things seen and heard in the spiritual world.

De Amore Conjugiali #131 (original Latin (1768))

131. XII: Et quia Ecclesia est a Domino, quod etiam Amor conjugialis sit ab Ipso. Hoc quia est consequens ex supradictis, supersedeo confirmare pluribus. Praeterea, quod Amor vere conjugialis sit a Domino, testantur omnes Angeli Coeli; et quoque quod ille Amor sit secundum statum sapientiae, et status sapientiae secundum statum Ecclesiae apud illos: quod Angeli Coeli testentur illa, patet ex Memorabilibus post Capita, quae sunt visa et audita in Mundo spirituali.

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