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《婚姻之爱》 第136节










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Conjugial Love #136 (Chadwick (1996))

136. Then they looked at the paper left by the angels on the table, and saw the words written at the bottom: 'Link these three subjects into a single statement of opinion.' Then they brought the three subjects together and saw that they hung together in a single series. This series or opinion was as follows: 'Man has been created so that he may receive love and wisdom from God, yet it appears exactly as if he did so from himself; this is to allow him to receive them and so to be linked. This is why he is born without any love or any knowledge, without even the ability to love and to be wise from himself. If therefore he attributes all the good of love and all the truth of wisdom to God, he becomes a living man; but if he attributes them to himself, he becomes a dead man.'

They wrote these words on a fresh sheet of paper and laid it on the table. Suddenly the angels appeared in a flash of light and carried the document off to heaven. When it had been read there, those sitting in the seats heard from there voices saying, 'Well done, well done, well done.' At once there appeared one as it were flying, with two wings at his feet and two at his temples. He carried in his hand as prizes gowns, hats and laurel-wreaths. He alighted and gave to those who sat on the north gowns of iridescent colour, to those on the west gowns of scarlet, to those on the south hats decorated at the rim with bands of gold and pearls and on the raised left side diamonds cut into the shape of flowers. To those on the east he gave laurel-wreaths decorated with rubies and sapphires. They all left the contest of wisdom decorated with these prizes, and when they were seen by their wives, they were surprised to see their wives come to meet them also decked out with ornaments they had been given from heaven.

Conjugial Love #136 (Rogers (1995))

136. After this the people looked at the piece of paper which the angels had left on the table, and they saw the added instruction written at the end, "Combine the three explanations into a single statement." They then brought their three conclusions together and saw that they formed a single connected series, and that the series or final statement was this:

"Man was created to receive love and wisdom from God, and yet to receive them to all appearances as though they originated from himself, in order that he might be capable of reception and conjunction. Man therefore does not come by birth into any love or into any knowledge, neither does he come into any power to love and become wise from himself. Consequently, if he attributes every good of love and every truth of wisdom to God, he becomes a man with life in him. But if he attributes them to himself, he becomes a man without life."

The people then wrote this statement on a new piece of paper and placed it on the table. And behold, suddenly angels appeared in a bright white light and took the paper away into heaven.

After their statement had been read in heaven, the people sitting on the chairs heard voices from heaven saying, "Good, good, good." And instantly they caught sight of an angel apparently flying from that direction, with a pair of wings about his feet and another pair about his temples, carrying their awards in his hand. The awards were robes, caps, and laurel wreaths.

The angel descended, and to the people who were sitting towards the north he gave opal-colored robes. To those sitting towards the west he gave scarlet-colored robes. To those sitting towards the south he gave caps, the borders of which were decorated with strips of gold and pearls, with elevations on the left side adorned with diamonds cut in the form of flowers. And to those sitting towards the east he gave laurel wreaths set with rubies and sapphires.

The people left the school of wisdom and headed home all decked out in these awards, but though they meant to show themselves off to their wives, their wives came to meet them also arrayed in beautiful gifts from heaven, which the men marveled at.

Love in Marriage #136 (Gladish (1992))

136. After this they looked at the paper the angels left on the table, and they saw a postscript: "Wrap these three statements into one."

They compared them and saw that the three went together in a series, and this is the series - - or the summary of it:

"Man was created to receive love and wisdom from God, yet in all ways seemingly by himself, for the sake of reception and conjunction. And on account of this man is born without any love or any skill, and also without any power to love and be wise by himself. So if he attributes to God all the good that goes with love and all the truth that goes with wisdom, it makes the man alive, and if he attributes it to himself, it makes him dead."

They wrote this on a fresh sheet of paper and put it on the table. Suddenly, in a bright light, angels were there! They carried the paper off into heaven. After it was read there the people sitting in the chairs heard voices, "Good ... Good ... Good ... " And instantly someone appeared from there, as if flying. He had two wings on his feet and two on his temples, and in his hand he had prizes. They were robes, caps, and laurel wreaths. He landed and gave opaline robes to those who sat on the north, and scarlet robes to those on the west. He gave the ones on the south caps with the edges decorated with bands of gold and pearl, and with the left side turned up and decorated with diamonds cut like flowers. But to the ones on the east he gave laurel wreaths with rubies and sapphires in them.

Everyone left the Wisdom Games decorated with these prizes and went home. And when they made a display for their wives, their wives came out to meet them, with gorgeous decorations from heaven themselves! They admired these.

Conjugial Love #136 (Acton (1953))

136. After this, they looked at the paper left on the table by the angels and saw written at the bottom, "COMBINE YOUR THREE CONCLUSIONS INTO A SINGLE STATEMENT." They then put the three together and saw that they were in one coherent series, and that this series or statement was as follows: "Man was created to receive love and wisdom from God, and yet in all likeness as if it were from himself, and this for the sake of reception and conjunction. For this reason he is not born into any love or into any knowledge or even into any power of loving or of being wise from himself. Therefore, if he ascribes all the good of love and all the truth of wisdom to God, he becomes a living man; but if he ascribes them to himself, he becomes a dead man."

These words they wrote upon a fresh sheet of paper which they placed upon the table. And lo, suddenly angels were present in a bright white light, and they carried the paper to heaven. After it had been read there, those who were sitting on the seats heard thence the words, thrice repeated, "Well said." And immediately an angel therefrom was seen as though flying. He had two wings about his feet, and two about his temples, and in his hand he held the awards, which consisted of robes, caps, and wreaths of laurel. After alighting, he gave to those sitting at the north, robes of the color of opal; to those at the west, robes of scarlet; to those at the south, hats, the brims of which were adorned with fillets of gold and pearls, and the risings at the left side with diamonds cut in the form of flowers; and to those at the east, wreaths of laurel in which were rubies and sapphires. Adorned with these awards, they all went home from the sport of wisdom; and when they would show themselves to their wives, the latter came out to meet them, they also being distinguished with adornments given them from heaven, whereat the men wondered.

Conjugial Love #136 (Wunsch (1937))

136. After this they consulted the paper left on the table by the angels, and saw written underneath, "Combine these three into one view." Then they gathered up the three and saw that they made a series, and the series or whole view was this: "Man was created to receive love and wisdom from God, and yet to all appearance as of himself, and this for the sake of reception and conjunction. For this reason man is not born into any love or knowledge, not even into any power of loving or becoming wise of himself. If therefore he ascribes every good of love and truth of wisdom to God, he becomes a living man; but if he ascribes them to himself, he becomes a dead man."

They wrote this upon a clean piece of paper, which they placed on the table. Suddenly, in a brilliant white light, angels were present and carried the paper into heaven. When it had been read there, the members of the assembly heard from heaven the words, "Well done! Well done! Well done!" And on the instant a figure appeared, as if flying thence, with two wings at the feet and two at the temples, bringing the rewards, which were robes, caps and wreaths of laurel. He alighted and gave those sitting at the north robes of an opal color; those sitting at the west, scarlet robes; those at the south, caps, the edges of which were adorned with fillets of gold and pearls, and the upper left side with diamonds cut in the forms of flowers; while to those on the east he gave wreaths of laurel in which were rubies and sapphires. Decorated with these rewards they all went home from the school of wisdom; and as they were about to show themselves to their wives, their wives came out to meet them, also decorated with honors bestowed from heaven, at which they wondered!

Conjugial Love #136 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

136. After this they looked at the paper left by the angels on the table, and saw written underneath, 'Join these three into one statement.' And then they brought them together and saw that the three cohered in a series, and that series or statement was this: 'That man was created to receive love and wisdom from God, and yet all likeness as if it were from himself, and this for the sake of reception and conjunction; and that for this reason man is not born into any love, nor into any knowledge, nor even into any power of loving or becoming wise of himself; and therefore, if he ascribes every good of love and every truth of wisdom to God he becomes a living man; but if he ascribes them to himself he becomes a dead man.'

They wrote this upon a fresh paper and placed it on the table, and lo! angels were suddenly present, in bright white light, and carried the paper away into heaven. And after it was read there, they that were sitting on the seats heard thence the words, 'Well, Well, Well.' And immediately one appeared, as if flying from thence, who had two wings about the feet, and two about the temples, bearing in his hand the rewards, which were robes, caps, and wreaths of laurel. And he came down, and to those sitting at the north he gave robes of the color of opal; to those who sat at the west he gave scarlet robes; to those at the south, caps, the borders of which were adorned with fillets of gold and pearls, and the turned up left side adorned with diamonds cut in the form of flowers; and to those on the east he gave wreaths of laurel in which were rubies and sapphires. Decorated with these rewards they all went home from the school of wisdom; and when they showed themselves to their wives, they came out to meet them, decorated also with gifts of honor from heaven, whereat they wondered.

De Amore Conjugiali #136 (original Latin (1768))

136. Post haec inspexerunt Chartam ab Angelis super mensa relictam, et viderunt subscriptum, Conjungite illa tria in unam sententiam; et tunc collegerunt illa, et viderunt, quod tria illa in una serie cohaererent, et quod series seu sententia illa sit haec, "Quod homo creatus sit, ut recipiat amorem et sapientiam a Deo, et tamen in omni similitudine sicut a se, et hoc propter receptionem et conjunctionem; et quod ideo homo non nascatur in aliquem amorem, nec in aliquam scientiam, et quoque non in aliquam potentiam amandi et sapiendi ex se; quare si addicit omne bonum amoris et verum sapientiae Deo, fit homo vivus, at si addicit illa sibi, fit homo mortuus." Haec inscripserunt Novae Chartae, et hanc posuerunt super Mensa: et ecce subito Angeli in candida luce aderant, et chartam in Coelum deportabant, et postquam ibi lecta est, sedentes super soliis audiverunt inde voces, "bene, bene, bene:" et actutum apparuit unus inde sicut volans, cui duae alae erant circa pedes et duae circa tempora, habens in manu praemia; quae erant, Togae, Pilei, et Laureae; ac demisit se, et illis qui sederunt ad Septentrionem dedit Togas coloris opalini; illis qui ad Occidentem Togas coloris coccinei; illis qui ad Meridiem Pileos, quorum limbos ornabant fasciae ex auro et margaritis, et sinistri lateris elevationes adamantes secti floriformes; illis autem qui ad Orientem dedit Laureas, in quibus rubini et sapphiri. Omnes his praemiis decorati e Ludo sapientiae abiverunt domum, et cum ostentarent se uxoribus suis, venerunt illae in occursum illorum, etiam decoribus e Coelo donatis insignitae, quod mirati sunt.

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