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《婚姻之爱》 第140节










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Conjugial Love #140 (Chadwick (1996))

140. The reason why chastity and unchastity are attributed to matters relating to marriages is that both sexes have a tendency towards marriage imprinted on them, from the inmost to the outermost, and on this depend a person's thoughts and affections, and so inwardly their actions and bodily behaviour. It is easier to see the truth of this by looking at the unchaste. They have unchastity resident in their minds, and it can be heard in their tone of voice, and the way they put a lewd interpretation on everything that is said, even a chaste remark. The tone of voice derives from the affection of the will, and what they say from the thinking of the intellect. This is a sign that the will and everything to do with it, and the intellect and everything to do with it, that is, their whole mind, and thus everything in their bodies, from inmost to outermost, is teeming with unchastity.

I have heard from angels that unchastity can be detected in the most consummate hypocrites by listening to them, however chaste their conversation, and it can be felt from the sphere which emanates from them. This too is a sign that unchastity is resident in the inmost parts of their minds, and so in the inmost parts of their bodies, but this is covered over like a shell painted with pictures in various colours. The emanation of a sphere of lewdness from the unchaste is plain from the laws among the Children of Israel, that every single object merely touched by the hand of such people was unclean. From this example the conclusion can be drawn that the same applies to the chaste; that is to say, with them every single thing, from inmost to outermost, is chaste, and this is the result of the chastity of conjugial love. This is why there is a saying in the world that to the clean all things are clean, and to the unclean all things are unclean.

Conjugial Love #140 (Rogers (1995))

140. Chastity and a lack of chastity are terms that apply only to things that have to do with marriage, because the conjugial impulse is engraved on each sex from the inmost elements to the outmost, and it determines accordingly what a person is in his thoughts and affections, consequently what he is inwardly in respect to the behavior and actions of his body.

The truth of this is quite evident from people who are unchaste. The unchasteness inherent in their minds is heard in the sound of their speech and in the appeal to libidinous thoughts in everything they say, even when chastely put. The sound of their speech comes from the affection of their will, and their speech comes from the thought of their intellect. It is a sign that the will with all its qualities and the understanding with all its qualities, in other words, the whole mind, and therefore all the elements of the body - from the inmost elements to the outmost - are overflowing with unchaste desires.

I have been told by angels that the unchasteness in most accomplished hypocrites is perceived on hearing them, however chastely they may speak, and is also felt from the atmosphere exuding from them. This, too, is a sign that unchasteness resides in the inmost elements of their minds and therefore in the inmost elements of their bodies, and that these things are covered over outwardly, like a nutshell painted with various kinds of colors.

That an aura of lasciviousness exudes from unchaste people is apparent from the statutes among the children of Israel declaring that each and every thing which people defiled by unclean things simply touched with their hands was rendered unclean.

One may conclude from this that it is the same with chaste people, namely, that each and every thing in them is chaste, from the inmost elements to the outmost. Also that the chastity of conjugial love is responsible for this.

That is why it is said in the world that to the clean all things are clean, and to the unclean all things are unclean. 1


1. From Titus 1:15.

Love in Marriage #140 (Gladish (1992))

140. "Chaste" and "not chaste" apply to things having to do with marriage because marriage is etched on either sex from deep within all the way to the surface. This leads a person's thoughts and feelings and, behind the scenes, his bodily acts and motions.

The truth of this is easier to see in the unchaste. The unchasteness that besets their minds comes out in the sound of their speech and in the fact that they turn everything in conversation - even chaste things - to something lewd. (The sound of speech comes from your voluntary feelings, and your speech comes from the thought in your intellect.) This is a sign that their will and everything to do with it, and their intellect and everything to do with it, or their whole mind and therefore their whole body, inside and out, seethes with unchasteness.

I have heard from angels that their ears pick up the unchasteness in consummate hypocrites no matter how chastely they talk, and angels can also tell from the aura that these people exude. This, too, is a sign that they have unchastity in their innermost minds and therefore deep inside their bodies, and that it is veiled over outwardly as if by a shell painted with various colored patterns.

From the Children of Israel's statutes it is clear that an aura of lewdness exudes from the unchaste, because every single thing that a person who was defiled in certain ways touched, even with his hand, was unclean.

These ideas lead to the conclusion that the same goes for chaste people. That is to say, that for them each and every thing from inmost to outmost is chaste, and that the chastity of married love does this. This is where the saying comes from in the world: "To the pure all things are pure, and to the impure all things are impure."

Conjugial Love #140 (Acton (1953))

140. That the chaste and the non-chaste are predicated of such things as belong to marriage, is because the conjugial is inscribed upon both sexes, from their inmost parts to their outmost, and such as this conjugial is, such is the man as to his thoughts and affections and thence inwardly as to the acts and gestures of his body. That such is the case is more evidently apparent from the unchaste. With these, the unchastity in seated in their minds comes to the ear from the sound of their speech, and from the application of all the topics of their conversation, even when the latter is chaste, to things libidinous, the sound of the speech being from the affection of the will, and the speech itself from the thought of the understanding. This is a sign that the will with all things thereof, and the understanding with all things thereof, thus the whole mind and hence all the parts of the body from the inmost to the outmost, abound in things unchaste. I have heard from angels, that with the most consummate hypocrites, however chastely they may speak, the unchastity within them is perceived by the ear and is also felt from the sphere which pours forth from them. This too, is a sign that unchastity resides in the inmost regions of their minds and thence in the inmost parts of their bodies, and that these inmosts are veiled over as with an outer shell on which are painted beautiful forms in various colors. That a sphere of lasciviousness pours forth from the unchaste is plain from the statutes among the sons of Israel, that each and every thing contacted by those defiled with such impurities, even by the mere touch of their hand, was itself unclean. From this, the conclusion can be made that it is the same with the chaste; that is to say, that from their inmost parts to their outmost, each and every thing in them is chaste, and that the chastity of conjugial love makes it so. Hence the saying in the world that, to the pure all things are pure, and to the impure all are impure.

Conjugial Love #140 (Wunsch (1937))

140. Chaste and non-chaste are predicated of such things as concern marriage because the marital is inscribed on each sex from inmosts to outmosts, and the man is what that is both in thought and affection and thence inwardly in bodily deed and action. This is most apparent in unchaste persons. The unchastity resident in their minds is betrayed in the tone of their speech, and in their finding allusions in all conversation, even in that of the chaste, to libidinous things. As speech tones are from the affection of the will, and speech from the understanding's thought, the will and the understanding with all their contents, thus the whole mind and so all things of the body from inmosts to outmosts, must then teem with what is unchaste. I have heard from angels that unchastity is detected by the ear in the most consummate hypocrites, howsoever chastely they speak, and is felt, too, in the sphere emanating from them. This is also a sign that unchastity resides in the inmosts of their mind and thence in the inmosts of the body, and that these inmosts are covered over as with a mask painted with varicolored figures. That a sphere of lasciviousness pours forth from the unchaste, appears from statutes of the children of Israel, declaring unclean everything which those who were defiled in given ways only touched. It may be concluded that the like is true of the chaste, namely, that with them each and all things from inmosts to outmosts are chaste; and that the chastity of marital love brings this about. Hence the saying 1in the world that all things are clean to the clean and unclean to the unclean.


1. Cf. Titus 1:15.

Conjugial Love #140 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

140. Chaste and non-chaste are predicated of such things as pertain to marriages, because the conjugial is inscribed upon both sexes, from inmost things to outermost, and according to this inscription is the man, as to thoughts and affections, and thence inwardly as to the acts and gestures of the body. That this is so appears more evidently from the unchaste. The unchastity residing within their minds is heard in the sound of their speech, and from their application of everything in conversation even though it be chaste to things that are lewd. (The sound of speech is from the affection of the will; the speech is from the thought of the understanding.) That is a sign that the will, with all things thereof, and the understanding with all things thereof, thus the whole mind, and all things therefrom in the body, from the inmosts to the ultimates, overflow with unchasties. I have heard from the angels that with the most consummate hypocrites, however chastely they may speak, unchastity is perceived by the ear, and is also felt from the sphere that flows forth from them. This too is a sign that unchastity resides in the inmosts of their minds, and consequently in the inmosts of their bodies; and that these are outwardly veiled from the sight, as with a crust, painted with figures of divers colors. That a sphere of lasciviousness pours forth from the unchaste is plain from the statutes among the sons of Israel, that all things and everything was unclean that one who was defiled with such impurities only touched with the hand. From these considerations it may be concluded that it is similar with the chaste; that is to say, that with them each and all things are chaste, from inmost to outermost, and that the chastity of conjugial love makes it so. Hence the saying in the world, that to the pure all things are pure, and to the impure all things are impure.

De Amore Conjugiali #140 (original Latin (1768))

140. Quod Castum et non Castum praedicentur de talibus quae Conjugii sunt, est quia Conjugiale inscriptum est utrique Sexui ab intimis ad ultima, et secundum id est homo quoad cogitationes et affectiones, et inde interius quoad facta et gestus corporis; quod ita sit, evidentius apparet ab Incastis; incastum insidens mentibus illorum, auditur ex sono illorum loquelae, et ex applicatione omnium sermonis, etiam casti, ad libidinosa; sonus loquelae est ex affectione voluntatis, et loquela ex cogitatione intellectus; quod signum est, quod voluntas cum omnibus ejus, et intellectus cum omnibus ejus, ita tota mens, et inde omnia corporis, ab intimis ad ultima, incastis scateant: audivi ab angelis, quod incastum apud summe hypocritas ex auditu, utcunque caste loquuntur, percipiatur, et quoque ex sphaera ab illis exundante sentiatur; quod etiam signum est, quod incastitas resideat in intimis mentis illorum, et inde in intimis corporis illorum, et quod haec obvelentur exterius sicut crusta picta speciebus ex variis coloribus. Quod sphaera lasciviae exundet ex incastis, patet ex statutis apud filios Israelis, quod immunda essent omnia et singula, quae inquinati a talibus manu modo tangerent. Ex his concludi potest, quod simile sit cum castis, videlicet, quod apud hos casta sint omnia et singula ab intimis ad ultima; et quod Castitas amoris conjugialis hoc faciat: inde est, quod in Mundo dicatur, quod Mundis omnia munda sint, et quod Immundis omnia immunda.

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