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《婚姻之爱》 第15节






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Conjugial Love #15 (Chadwick (1996))

15. The clothing of the prince and his ministers was like this. The prince wore an ankle-length robe of purple colour, decorated with embroidered silvery stars. Under the robe he wore a tunic of glistening, blue silk; this was open at the chest, where the front of a belt with the emblem of his community was to be seen. The badge was an eagle brooding over its young on a tree-top; it was made of gleaming gold surrounded by diamonds. The privy councillors wore much the same dress, but without the emblem; in its place they had carved sapphires hanging from their necks on a golden chain. The courtiers wore gowns of chestnut colour with a woven pattern of flowers surrounding egrets; their tunics underneath were of iridescent silk, and so were their breeches and stockings. Such was their clothing.

Conjugial Love #15 (Rogers (1995))

15. The dress of the prince and his ministers, moreover, was as follows. The prince wore a full-length purple robe decorated with embroidered silver-colored stars. Under the robe he had on a blue tunic of shiny silk. It was open around the chest, revealing the front part of a kind of cummerbund bearing the emblem of his society. The emblem was an eagle brooding over her young at the top of a tree. It was made of gleaming gold bordered with diamonds.

The privy councillors were dressed in almost the same manner, but without the emblem. Instead of the emblem they had carved sapphires hanging from the neck by a golden chain. The courtiers were in gowns of a light brown color, inwoven with flowers surrounding young eaglets. Their tunics underneath were of silk having an opalescent color. So, too, were their breeches and stockings.

That was what their dress was like.

Love in Marriage #15 (Gladish (1992))

15. The prince and his ministers were dressed as follows. The prince wore a purple robe embroidered with silver stars. Under the robe he was wrapped in a shining silk tunic colored blue. It was open at his chest, and you could see a sash with the medal of his community. The medal was an eagle brooding over her young in the top of a tree. It was of shining gold in a circle of diamonds.

The chief counselors were clothed not much differently, but without the medal. Instead, carved sapphires hung from their necks on chains of gold. The courtiers had cloaks of chestnut brown with flowers woven on them encircling young eagles, and underneath, tunics of opal - colored silk, and the same for their breeches and stockings. This was what their clothing was like.

Conjugial Love #15 (Acton (1953))

15. The apparel of the prince and of his ministers was as follows: The prince was clad in a long purple robe, embroidered with stars of the color of silver. Under the robe, he wore a tunic of shining silk of a violet color. This was open at the breast where the front part of a sash was seen bearing the badge of his society. This badge was an eagle on the top of a tree, brooding over her young; it was of shining gold in a circle of diamonds. The privy councilors were attired in garments not unlike those of the prince but without the badge, in place of which were graven sapphires pendent from the neck by a chain of gold. The courtiers had cloaks of chestnut brown on which were woven flowers encircling young eagles. Under their cloaks were tunics of opaline silk, as were also their breeches and stockings. Such was their apparel.

Conjugial Love #15 (Wunsch (1937))

15. And this was the apparel of the prince and his ministers. He was dressed in a long purple robe, embroidered with stars of the color of silver. Under the robe he wore a tunic of shining silk of a blue shade. This was open at the breast, where the badge of his society was to be seen on a sash. The badge showed an eagle on a tree-top, brooding over her young; it was of shining gold in a circle of diamonds. The chief counsellors wore garments not unlike those of the prince but without the badge, in place of which carved sapphires hung from the neck by a gold chain. The courtiers wore gowns of brown, on which were woven flowers around young eagles. Their tunics were of an opal-colored silk, as were their breeches and stockings. Such was their clothing.

Conjugial Love #15 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

15. And this was the apparel of the prince and of his ministers: The prince was clad in a long purple robe, embroidered with stars of the color of silver; under the robe be wore a tunic of shining silk of violet color. This was open at the breast where the front part of a kind of belt was seen, bearing the badge of his society. The badge was an eagle on the top of a tree, brooding over her young. This was of shining gold in a circle of diamonds. The chief counselors were not very differently attired, but without the badge in place of which were graven sapphires pendent from the neck by a chain of gold. The courtiers were in togas of chestnut brown, into which were woven flowers encircling young eagles. The tunics under them were of opaline silk, as were also their breeches and stockings. Such was their apparel.

De Amore Conjugiali #15 (original Latin (1768))

15. Amictus autem Principis et ejus Ministrorum erat hic: Princeps indutus erat Talari coloris purpurei, insignito stellis acupictis coloris argentei; sub talari cinctus erat tunica ex serico lucente coloris hyacinthini; haec erat circa pectus aperta, ubi anterior pars cujusdam zonae cum Insigni suae Societatis visa est; Insigne erat Aquila super pullis in vertice arboris cubans; hoc erat ex fulgente auro circumcincto adamantibus. Consiliarii a latere erant non dissimiliter amicti, sed absque illo Insigni; loco ejus erant sculpti sapphiri e collo ex aureo torque pendentes. Aulici erant in togis coloris badii, quibus intertexti erant flores circum aquilinos pullos; tunicae sub illis ex serico coloris opalini; similiter femoralia et tibialia. Talis erat Vestitus illorum.

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