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《婚姻之爱》 第17节










  “那么告诉他们这里的快乐吧。” “能够触动感官的快乐。之后一些人向他们解释了是什么使得这些快乐令人愉悦。”












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Conjugial Love #17 (Chadwick (1996))

17. When they got back, this was done. Those who had been called in to entertain them by talking about the community's varied joys arrived from the town. After greeting them they engaged in polite conversation as they walked together. The angel guide told them that these ten men had been invited to that heaven to see its joys, and so to form a new idea of everlasting happiness. 'So tell them,' he said, 'something about its joys which affect the bodily senses. Later on the wise men will come to tell them some things that turn these joys into bliss and happiness.

On hearing this the people sent from the town spoke as follows: 'There are here holidays proclaimed by the prince to give mental relaxation from the weariness which some feel as the result of longing not to be outdone. On these days there are concerts of music and singing in the squares, and outside the town sports and theatrical performances. At this time the squares are equipped with galleries surrounded by balustrades of interwoven vines, from which hang bunches of grapes. Amongst these musicians sit in three tiers with string and wind instruments, some high and some low-pitched, some loud and some gentle-sounding, with at either side singers of either sex. These entertain the citizens with the most delightful anthems and songs, either in choirs or as solos, varying the genre from time to time. On holidays these performances last from morning till noon, and then through the afternoon till evening.

[2] 'In addition, every morning there are to be heard coming from the houses round the squares the sweetest singing by maidens and girls, which echoes all through the town. There is one affection of spiritual love which is each day the subject of a song. That is to say, the affection is to be heard in the variations and modulations of the singing voice, and it is felt in the singing as if it were actually present. It flows into the souls of the audience, and rouses them to corresponding feelings. Such is the nature of singing in heaven. These singers say that the sound of their singing as it were inspires them and excites them inwardly, making them pleasurably uplifted, in proportion to the reactions of their listeners. When this is over, the windows and doors of the houses in the squares and streets are shut, and there is silence throughout the town, nor is there noise to be heard anywhere, nor are people to be seen wandering about. All then apply themselves to performing the task of their occupations.

[3] 'But at noon the doors are opened, and in the afternoon the windows too in some places, so that they can watch the boys and girls playing in the streets under the eyes of their nurses and masters, who sit in the porches of the houses.

[4] 'At the outermost edges of the town there are fields for various sports for boys and youths. There are races and games played with balls. There are games played with balls bouncing off walls, what is called rackets. There are competitions among the boys to see who is more and who less energetic in speaking, acting and seizing the point. The more energetic get a few laurel leaves as their prize. There are many other sports intended to develop latent skills in the boys.

[5] 'In addition, there are actors who put on performances in theatres outside the town. These display the various kinds of honourable and virtuous action which take place in civilised society. There are some among them who are actors who show contrasts.' 'What do you mean,' said one of the ten, 'by showing contrasts?' 'No virtue,' they replied, 'can be vividly displayed with all its fine and proper sentiments, except by contrasts between degrees of virtue varying from maximum to minimum. These actors portray the minimum of virtues, until they become zero. But there is a firm rule that they are not to show anything of their opposites, what are called dishonourable and improper actions, except figuratively and as it were seen a long way off. The reason this rule is laid down is that nothing decent and good in any virtue can by successive steps change into what is indecent and evil; but it decreases more and more until it ceases to exist, at which point the opposite begins. Heaven, therefore, where everything is decent and good, has nothing in common with hell, where everything is indecent and evil.'

Conjugial Love #17 (Rogers (1995))

17. When they got back to their apartments, it happened as arranged, and men summoned from the city arrived to entertain them with conversation about the various joys of the society. After an exchange of greetings, they went walking, and the men made polite conversation with them. But their angel guide said that the ten visitors had been invited into that heaven to see its joys and so gain a new idea of eternal happiness.

"Tell them, therefore, something about its joys," he said, "the joys that affect the physical senses. Later some men of wisdom will come to explain some of the things that make those joys pleasing and delightful."

Heeding the angel, the men summoned from the city told them the following:

1. "We have days of celebration here, proclaimed by the prince, to relax people's spirits from the fatigue that the drive to excel may have produced in some of them. These days are accompanied by instrumental and choral musical performances in the public squares, and by athletic and theatrical performances outside the city.

"Bandstands are erected in the public squares on such occasions, surrounded by latticework woven out of vines, with clusters of grapes hanging from them. The musicians sit inside in three tiers, with stringed and wind instruments, both high-voiced and low, shrill-voiced and mellow. On either side of them are singers, male and female, and they entertain the citizens with delightful exultation and singing, in concert and solo, varying the type of music periodically. On these days of celebration, such performances last from morning to noon, and after noon till evening."

[2] 2. "In addition, every morning we hear the most charming singing of young women and girls coming from the houses around the public squares, filling the whole city with its sound. Each morning they express some particular affection of spiritual love in song, which is to say that they express it in sound by the variations or modulations of the singing voice, and the affection is perceived in the singing as though the singing were the affection itself. The sound infuses itself into the souls of its hearers and stirs them to a corresponding state. Such is the nature of heavenly song.

"The singers say that the sound of their singing seems to be inspired and to take life on its own from within, and by itself to rise delightfully in quality, according to the reception of it by its hearers.

"When the singing comes to an end, the windows are closed in the houses on the square and at the same time in the houses along the streets, and the doors are shut, too, and then the whole city falls silent. Not a sound is heard anywhere, nor is anyone seen wandering about. All are then ready to carry on the duties of their appointed tasks."

[3] 3. "Around noon, however, the doors are opened, and here and there in the afternoon the windows, too, and boys and girls are seen playing games in the streets, under the supervision of their nursemaids and teachers sitting on the porches of the houses."

[4] 4. "On the edges of the city, in its outskirts, various activities go on for boys and adolescent youths. There are running games, ball games, and games with rebounding balls, called rackets. Competitive exercises are held among the boys to show who is quicker and who is slower in speaking, acting and comprehending. And the quicker ones receive several laurel leaves as a prize. There are also many other activities which serve to encourage the latent abilities in boys."

[5] 5. "Moreover, outside the city theatrical performances are put on by comic actors on stages, who portray the various honorable qualities and virtues of moral life, with dramatic actors among them also to provide points of comparison."

At that, one of the ten visitors asked, "What do you mean, 'to provide points of comparison'?"

And the men answered, "No virtue with its honorable and becoming qualities can be presented convincingly except through relative comparisons of those qualities, from the greatest of them to the least of them. The dramatic actors portray the least of those qualities even to the point that they become non-existent. But it has been prescribed by law that they may not exhibit anything of the opposite that is called dishonorable and unbecoming, except symbolically and, so to speak, from a distance.

"The reason it has been so prescribed by law is that no honorable or good quality of any virtue ever passes through diminishing stages to the point of becoming dishonorable and bad, but only to the point of becoming so very little that it dies, and when it dies, then the opposite begins. That is why heaven, where all things are honorable and good, has nothing in common with hell, where all things are dishonorable and bad."

Love in Marriage #17 (Gladish (1992))

17. When they returned they did just that. The men who were invited from the city to entertain them with talk about the various joys of their community came, and after greetings, they walked with them and talked politely.

But their angel guide said, "These ten men were invited to this heaven to see its joys, to get a new idea from them about eternal happiness. So tell them something about the joys that affect our bodily senses. After that, wise men will come and explain what makes these joys satisfying and happy."

When the men from the city heard this, here is what they said:

First: "The prince here designates holidays to relax our minds from the strain that wanting to do your best gives some people.

On these days we have musical concerts and singing in the squares, and games and entertainment outside the town. Then, in the squares, bandstands are put up, surrounded by lattices thick with vines and clusters, and musicians sit inside on three levels with stringed and wind instruments, treble and bass, loud and soft. On either side are male and female singers. They entertain the people with very delightful music and singing, mixed and solo, with different kinds taking turns. On these holidays this goes on from morning till noon and after that till evening."

Second: "Another thing: Each morning we hear the sweetest songs of virgins and girls, coming from the houses around the squares. The whole town resounds with them. Each morning they sing some feeling of spiritual love. In other words, they express it by the intervals and rhythms of their singing voices, and the feeling comes out in the song as if the song were the feeling itself. It pours into the listeners' souls and awakens its echo in them.

Heavenly song is like that. The singers say that the sound of their song seems to stir up and take life from within them, and rises up joyfully according to how the listeners receive it. When the singing stops, the windows and doors of the houses on the squares and streets close, and then the whole town is quiet, with no clamor anywhere, and no loiterers. Now everyone is ready for the duties of their occupations."

Third: "But at noon the doors open, and in the afternoon the windows open, too, in some places, and you see boys and girls playing in the streets while their nurses and tutors watch over them, sitting on the porches of the houses."

Fourth: "On the outskirts of town there are various games for boys and teenagers. There are running games, ball games, a game in which a ball is hit back and forth, called tennis. There are trials of skill among the boys as to which are quick and which are slow in speech, action, and perception, and the quickest get some laurel leaves as a prize. And there are many other things that bring out the latent abilities of the boys."

Fifth: "Also outside the city are stage shows by comedians representing various kinds of moral integrity and virtue, with actors among them who provide contrasts."

One of the ten said, "Provide contrasts?"

They answered, "No virtue can be represented in a lifelike way, with all its integrity and charm, except by comparisons from the highest degree of the virtue to the lowest. The actors present the lowest degree of the virtue all the way to where there is none of it left. But the law prohibits showing anything opposite - say, shameful or disgraceful - except by metaphor and as from a distance.

This is established because nothing decent and good of any virtue passes over by stages into what is indecent and bad, but diminishes until it ceases, and when it ceases the opposite begins.

So heaven, where everything is decent and good, has nothing in common with hell, where everything is indecent and bad."

Conjugial Love #17 (Acton (1953))

17. When they returned, this was done; and from the city came men who had been called to entertain them with speech concerning the various joys of the society. After mutual greetings, they walked together, and the men from the city spoke courteously with them. Their angel guide then said: "These ten men were invited to this heaven that they might see its joys and might thereby gain a new conception of eternal happiness. Tell them, therefore, something about those of its joys which affect the senses of the body; later, wise men will come who will tell them of the things which render these joys auspicious and happy."

Hearing this, the men who had been invited from the city told them the following:

I. "There are here days of festivity appointed by the prince, that the mind may be relaxed from the weariness which desire of emulation brings upon some. On these days, in the public places are concerts of music and songs, and outside the city games and shows. At such times, stages are erected in the public places, surrounded by latticework woven of vines from which hang clusters of grapes, and behind which sit the musicians in three tiers, with string instruments and wind instruments of a high tone and a low, and of an energetic tone and a tranquil; and at the sides, singers, male and female. These entertain the citizens with the most delightful music and singing, both choral and solo, varying in kind at intervals. On these festive days, this continues from morning till noon, and afterwards until evening.

[2] ii. "Moreover, every morning, songs of the utmost sweetness sung by virgins and young girls are heard from houses around the public places, and the whole city resounds with them. Each morning, some special affection of spiritual love is sung, that is, is expressed in sound by modifications or modulations of the singing voice; and this affection is perceived in the song as though itself were the song. It flows into the souls of the listeners, stirring them into correspondence with itself. Such is heavenly song. The singers say that the sound of their song is self-inspired and animated as though from within, and is delightfully exalted of itself according as it is received by the listeners. This ended, the windows and also the doors of the houses on the public places and likewise of the houses on the streets are closed, and the whole city is still. Not a sound is heard anywhere and no loiterers are seen. All the citizens, girt for their work, then engage in the duties of their several occupations.

[3] iii. "But at noon, the doors are opened and, in the afternoon in some places, the windows also, and boys and girls are seen playing in the streets, under the charge of governesses and tutors sitting on the porches of the houses.

[4] iv. "In the outskirts of the city are various games for boys and young men, namely, races, ball games, games with balls driven back and forth called racket, and trials of skill among the boys as to which of them are more and which less ready in speech, action, and perception. To the more active are given some laurel leaves as a prize. There are also many other games calling forth the latent abilities of boys.

[5] v. "Moreover, outside the city there are also theatrical performances by players, representing the varieties of honorableness and virtue characteristic of the moral life; and among them, for the sake of relationship, are also actors."

Here one of the ten asked, "why for the sake of relationship?" They answered: "No one of the virtues with its display of honorableness and decorum can be presented in a living way except by things related thereto from the greatest of them to the least. The actors present the least of these up to the point of there being none. But it is established by law that nothing of the opposite, which is called dishonorable or unseemly, shall be exhibited except figuratively and, as it were, remotely. The reason why it is so decreed is because nothing honorable or good in any virtue ever passes over by successive progression to what is dishonorable and evil, but only to the least of that virtue until it disappears; and when it disappears, the opposite begins. Therefore, heaven, where all things are honorable and good, has nothing in common with hell where all things are dishonorable and evil."

Conjugial Love #17 (Wunsch (1937))

17. On their return it was so done. Those invited from the city to entertain them with discussion of the different joys of the society arrived, and having greeted them, began talking amenities to them as they walked. But their angel guide said: "These ten men were invited here to see the joys of this heaven and to gain a new conception of eternal happiness. Tell them therefore something about the joys of heaven which affect the bodily senses. Afterwards, wise men are coming who will discuss what renders these joys really happy." Those who had been invited from the city then gave them the following information.

1. Our prince appoints days of festivity to relax the mind from the fatigue which the ambition to excel brings to some. On these days there are concerts of music and song in the squares, and games and shows outside the city. In the squares platforms are erected, with balustrades entwined with vines and hanging clusters, where the musicians are seated on three levels, with their string and wind instruments of high pitch and low, loud and soft. At the sides are men and women singers, who delight the citizens with the sweetest anthems and songs, in chorus and solo, varied in kind at intervals. On festive days these concerts last from morning until noon, and again into the evening.

[2] 2. Every morning the sweetest singing by young women and girls is to be heard from the houses around the squares - the whole city resounds with it. Each morning they sing some affection of spiritual love. That is, some affection is so expressed by modifications or modulations of the voice that the song seems the affection itself. It flows into the souls of listeners and excites them to correspondence with it. Such is the nature of heavenly song. The singers declare that the volume of the song is as it were inspired and animated from within, and delightfully exalted in the measure in which it is received by listeners. This ended, the windows and doors of the houses on the squares and streets are closed, and the whole city falls silent; not a sound is to be heard anywhere, and no loiterers are to be seen. All have made ready and now engage in the duties of their several occupations.

[3] 3. At noon the doors are opened, and here and there windows in the afternoon, and boys and girls appear playing in the streets, while their governesses and tutors oversee them from the porches of the houses.

[4] 4. In the outskirts of the city there are various games for boys and youths - running games, ball-games, games with balls struck back and forth, called tennis. There are trials of skill for the boys, to see how ready they are in speech, action and comprehension. The readiest receive laurel leaves for prizes. Not to mention many other games to call out the latent aptitudes of the boys.

[5] 5. Outside the city there are also theatrical performances with players depicting the different virtues and excellencies of the moral life, among them some actors, too, to create contrasts.

One of the ten asked, "Why contrasts?"

"No virtue," they replied, "can be shown to the life in its grace and seemliness except by contrasts between greater and less; there are actors to present even the least phase of virtue down to the vanishing point. But the law requires that nothing of the opposite, or of what is called dishonorable or unseemly, shall be exhibited, except figuratively and so to speak remotely. This requirement is laid down because nothing honorable or good in a virtue passes over progressively into the dishonorable or evil, but only to its least, when it perishes. Then the opposite sets in. Heaven, where all is honorable and good, has nothing in common therefore with hell, where all is dishonorable and evil."

Conjugial Love #17 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

17. When they returned it was so done. And the men came who were invited from the city to entertain them with conversation about the various joys of the society; and after salutations, walking up and down they talked with them with much refinement. But their angel guide said,

'These ten men were invited into this heaven that they might see its joys, and thus gain a new conception of eternal happiness. Tell them, therefore, something about its joys which affect the senses of the body; after that wise men will come who will speak of some things that render these joys satisfying and happy.' The men invited from the city then told them these things:

(1) There are days of festivity here appointed by the prince, that the mind may be relaxed from the weariness which is brought upon some by the zeal of emulation. On these days there are concerts of music with Song of Solomon in public places; and outside of the city are public games and shows. At such times orchestras are erected in the public places, surrounded by lattices thick with vines and hanging clusters, within which the musicians sit, at three elevations, with stringed instruments and wind instruments, of high and low tone, and loud and soft. On either side are singers, male and female; and they delight the citizens with most charming, melodious rejoicings and songs, in chorus and with solos, varying in character at intervals. These diversions continue there on such festive days from morning to noon, and afterwards until evening. (2) Besides this, every morning from out the houses around the public places are heard the sweetest songs of virgins and young girls - with which the whole city resounds. Each morning there is some one affection of spiritual love which they sing, that is, which is expressed by modifications or modulations of the voice in singing; and the affection is perceived in the singing as if the Song of Solomon were the affection itself. It flows into the souls of the listeners, exciting them into correspondence with it. Such is heavenly song. Those who sing say that the sound of their singing inspires and animates itself as it were from within, and is joyously exalted according as it is received by the listeners. This ended, the windows and also the doors of the houses on the public places are closed, and at the same time those of the houses on the streets, and the whole city is still, not a sound is anywhere heard, and no loiterers appear; all being ready then engage in the duties of their several occupations. (3) But at noon the doors are opened, and in some places in the afternoon the windows also, and boys and girls are seen playing in the streets, their nurses and tutors sitting in the porches of the houses overseeing them. (4) At the sides in the extreme parts of the city are various games for boys and youths; there are games of running; games at ball; games with balls driven back and forth called tennis; trials of skill among the boys as to which are more and which less ready in speech, in action, and in perception, and to the more active some laurel leaves are given as a reward. And there are many other games for calling forth the latent abilities of boys. (5) Outside of the city there are also spectacular entertainments by players on the stage, representing the various virtues and excellencies of the moral life, among whom are also actors for the sake of comparison.'

One of the ten asked, 'Why for comparison?'

They answered, 'No one of the virtues can be presented in its grace and excellence to the life, except by comparisons from the greatest of them to the least; the actors present their least even until they become none. But it is established by law that nothing of the opposite shall be exhibited, which is called dishonorable or unseemly, unless by metaphor and remotely as it were. The reason why it is so established is that nothing honorable or good of any virtue, passes by successive progression down to what is dishonorable and evil; but only to its least until it perishes; and when it perishes the opposite begins. And therefore, heaven, where all things are honorable and good, has nothing in common with hell where all things are dishonorable and evil.'

De Amore Conjugiali #17 (original Latin (1768))

17. Cum redierunt, factum est ita; et vocati ex urbe, qui sermone de variis gaudiis Societatis oblectarent illos, venerunt; et hi post salutationes ambulando loquebantur elegantias cum illis; sed Angelus ductor illorum dixit, quod decem hi viri invitati sint in hoc coelum, ut videant Gaudia ejus, et inde novam ideam de Felicitate aeterna recipiant; "commemorate ergo aliqua de gaudiis ejus, quae afficiunt sensus corporis; postea venturi sunt Sapientes, qui memorabunt aliqua, quae illa gaudia reddunt fausta et felicia;" his auditis vocati ex urbe commemorabant haec. "[1.] Sunt hic dies festivitatis indicti a Principe, ut animi relaxentur a defatigatione, quam cupiditas aemulationis aliquibus induxerat; his diebus sunt Harmoniae musicae et Cantus in foris, et extra urbem Ludi et Spectacula; in Foris tunc sunt elevatae Orchestrae circumductae cancellis consertis ex vitibus, e quibus pendent botri, intra quos in tribus elevationibus sedent Musici cum instrumentis chordae, et cum instrumentis soni, vocis altae et vocis humilis, ac vocis strenuae et vocis blandae, et ad latera sunt Cantores et Cantrices, et cum amaenissimis jubilis et cantibus, mixtis et solis, per intervalla quoad species variatis, cives oblectant; haec ibi diebus illis festivitatis a mane ad meridiem, et post hanc ad vesperam, persistunt. [2] 2. Praeterea unoquovis mane e domibus circum Fora audiuntur suavissimi Cantus virginum et puellarum, ex quibus tota urbs personat; est una affectio amoris spiritualis, quae quovis mane cantatur, hoc est, per modificationes vocis canorae seu modulationes sonatur, et affectio illa in cantu percipitur sicut ipsa foret; influit in audientium animas, et excitat illas ad correspondentiam; talis est cantus coelestis; dicunt cantrices, quod sonus cantus illarum se sicut inspiret et animet ex interiori, et jucunde exaltet, secundum receptionem ab audientibus: hoc finito, clauduntur fenestrae domuum Fori, et simul domuum platearum, et quoque januae, et tunc silet tota urbs, nec ullibi auditur clamor, nec apparent vagabundi; omnes tunc accincti obeunt munia suorum officiorum. [3] 3. At tempore meridiei aperiuntur januae, et post meridiem etiam alicubi fenestrae, et spectantur ludi puerorum et puellarum in plateis, moderantibus illos alumnis et magistris illorum, sedentibus in porticibus domuum. [4] 4. Ad latera urbis in ejus extremis, sunt varii ludi puerorum et adolescentum; sunt ludi cursorii, sunt ludi cum pilis; sunt ludi cum pilaminibus repercussis, rachets 1vocatis; sunt certamina palaestrica inter pueros, quis impigrior et quis pigrior loquendo, agendo et percipiendo; et pro impigrioribus aliqua folia laurus in praemium; praeter plura alia, quae sunt excitatoria habilitatum in pueris latentium. [5] 5. Insuper extra urbem sunt Spectacula comoedorum super theatris, repraesentantium varias vitae moralis honestates et virtutes, inter quos etiam sunt histriones propter relationes;" et quaesivit unus ex decem, "quid propter relationes," et responderunt, "non potest aliqua virtus cum ejus honestis et decoris sisti ad vivum, nisi per relativa ab illorum maximis ad minima, histriones repraesentant minima illorum usque dum fiunt nulla; sed lege sancitum est, ne aliquid oppositi, quod vocatur inhonestum et indecorum, nisi figurate et sicut e longinquo exhibeant: quod ita sancitum sit, est causa, quia non aliquod honestum et bonum alicujus virtutis per successivas progressiones transit ad inhonestum et malum, sed ad minima ejus usque dum perit, et cum perit inchoat oppositum; quare Coelum, ubi omnia honesta et bona sunt, nihil commune habet cum inferno, ubi omnia inhonesta et mala sunt."


1. Prima editio: rachets,

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