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《婚姻之爱》 第174节





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Conjugial Love #174 (Chadwick (1996))

174. (xvi) A man has his own duties and a wife has hers; a wife cannot take over her husband's duties, nor a man his wife's, and perform them properly.

There is no need to list the duties proper to a husband and to a wife, in order to demonstrate their existence; there are many of them of different kinds. Anyone can grasp how to classify them into genera and species, if he merely gives his mind to thinking about them. The primary duties by which wives link themselves with their husbands are the bringing up of children of either sex, and of girls up to the age at which they are given in marriage.

Conjugial Love #174 (Rogers (1995))

174. 16. A husband has duties appropriate to him, and a wife duties appropriate to her, and a wife cannot enter into duties appropriate to her husband or a husband into duties appropriate to his wife and perform them properly. There is no need to illustrate by recounting them that there are duties appropriate to a husband and duties appropriate to a wife, for these are many and various in nature. Moreover, everyone knows how to divide them into their categories according to their general and specific kinds, provided he directs his mind to seeing the difference between them. Duties by which wives especially unite themselves with their husbands are duties involved in the upbringing of little children of both sexes, and of girls to the age when they are given in marriage.

Love in Marriage #174 (Gladish (1992))

174. 16. There are activities appropriate to a man and activities appropriate to a wife, and a wife cannot take up the functions that belong to a man, nor a man the functions that belong to a wife, and do them right. It is not necessary to illustrate that there are activities appropriate to a man and activities appropriate to a wife, by listing them, because they are many and varied. Everyone knows how to classify them in order by genera and species if he turns his mind to an inspection of them.

The main activities by which wives unite themselves with husbands are in the rearing of babies of either sex and of girls up to the age when they can marry.

Conjugial Love #174 (Acton (1953))

174. XVI. THAT THERE ARE OFFICES PROPER TO THE MAN, AND OFFICES PROPER TO THE WIFE; AND THAT THE WIFE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE OFFICES PROPER TO THE MAN, NOR THE MAN INTO THE OFFICES PROPER TO THE WIFE, AND RIGHTLY PERFORM THEM. That there are offices proper to the man, and offices proper to the wife, has no need of being illustrated by a recountal of those offices; for they are many and various, and every one knows how to classify them according to their genera and species if only he exert his mind to the distinguishing of them. The offices above all others by which women conjoin themselves to their husbands are the education of the little children of both sexes, and of girls up to the age when they are given in marriage.

Conjugial Love #174 (Wunsch (1937))

174. (xvi) There are activities proper to the man and activities proper to the wife; the wife cannot enter into the activities proper to the man, nor the man into the wife's, and perform them aright. There is no need to illustrate by listing them that there are activities proper to the man, and others proper to the wife, for they are many and various. Any one knows how to arrange them by kind and species, if he applies his mind to discern them. The activity above all others by which wives unite themselves to their husbands is the education of the children of either sex and of the girls until they are of an age to be given in marriage.

Conjugial Love #174 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

174. (16) That there are duties proper to the man, and duties proper to the wife; and that the wife cannot enter into the duties proper to the man, nor the man into the duties proper to the wife, and rightly perform them. That there are duties proper to the man and duties proper to the wife there is no need to illustrate by recounting them; for they are many and various; and everyone knows how to classify them numerically after their kinds and species, if only he directs his mind to the discernment of them. The duties above all others by which wives conjoin themselves to their husbands are the education of the children of both sexes, and of girls up to the age when they are given in marriage.

De Amore Conjugiali #174 (original Latin (1768))

174. XVI: Quod sint officia propria Viri, et officia propria Uxoris; et quod Uxor non possit intrare in officia propria viri, nec Vir in officia propria uxoris, et illis rite fungi. Quod sint Officia propria viri, et propria uxoris, non opus est illustrare per recensionem illorum, sunt enim plura et varia; et quisque scit dispescere illa in numeros secundum genera et species, modo intendat animum ad dispiciendam illa. Officia per quae Uxores praeprimis se cum Maritis conjungunt, sunt educationes infantum utriusque sexus, ac puellarum usque ad aetatem, qua dantur nuptui.

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