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《婚姻之爱》 第180节








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Conjugial Love #180 (Chadwick (1996))

180. (xxi) The states of this love are innocence, peace, tranquillity, intimate friendship, full trust and a desire shared by the disposition and heart of each to do the other all the good they can. All these things give rise to blessedness, bliss, joy and pleasure, and by their everlasting enjoyment heavenly happiness.

The reason why conjugial love enjoys and is the source of both these sets of states is that it is the product of the marriage of good and truth, a marriage that comes from the Lord. It is the nature of love to wish to communicate with the object of heartfelt love, in fact to give pleasure to the other and to seek one's own pleasure from him. So even infinitely more does the Divine love in the Lord for man, whom He created to receive the love and wisdom which proceed from Him. Since He created man to receive, the male to receive wisdom, the female to receive the love of her husband's wisdom, He therefore instilled into the innermost region of human beings conjugial love, as being the means of conferring all the blessedness, happiness, joy and pleasure which proceed solely from His Divine love by means of His Divine wisdom together with life, and enter into human beings. Consequently it affects those who enjoy truly conjugial love, because they are the only ones to receive this. Innocence, peace, tranquillity, intimate friendship, full trust and a desire shared by the disposition and heart to do to the other all the good they can are mentioned, because innocence and peace belong to the soul, tranquillity to the mind, intimate friendship to the chest, full trust to the heart, and the desire shared by the disposition and heart to do to the other all the good they can belongs to the body as the result of the others.

Conjugial Love #180 (Rogers (1995))

180. (21) The states produced by this love are innocence, peace, tranquillity, inmost friendship, complete trust, a mutual desire of the mind and heart to do the other every good; also, as a result of all these, bliss, felicity, delight, pleasure, and, owing to an eternal enjoyment of states like this, the happiness of heaven. All of these states are inherent in conjugial love and consequently spring from it, and the reason is that conjugial love originates from the marriage between goodness and truth, and this marriage comes from the Lord. Moreover, it is the nature of love to will to share with another, indeed, to confer joys upon another whom it loves from the heart, and to seek its own joys in return from doing so; and this being the case, infinitely more, therefore, does the Divine love in the Lord will to confer joys upon mankind, whom He created to be recipients of both the love and the wisdom emanating from Him. Because He created them to receive these attributes - men to receive wisdom, women to receive love for the wisdom of men - therefore on the deepest levels He infused into people conjugial love, to which he could impart all kinds of bliss, felicity, delight and pleasure, states which, together with life, emanate and flow in solely from the Lord's Divine love through His Divine wisdom. Consequently they flow into people who are in a state of truly conjugial love, because they alone are receptive of them.

We list these states as innocence, peace, tranquillity, inmost friendship, complete trust, and a mutual desire of the mind and heart to do the other every good, since innocence and peace have to do with the soul, tranquillity has to do with the mind, inmost friendship has to do with the breast, complete trust has to do with the heart, and a mutual desire of the mind and heart to do the other every good has to do with the body as a result of these.

Love in Marriage #180 (Gladish (1992))

180. 21. The attributes of this love are innocence, peace, tranquility, deep friendship, full confidence, and a desire in heart and soul to do everything good for each other. And from all these things come blessedness, happiness, joy, passion, and from the eternal enjoyment of these, heavenly bliss. The reason these things are in married love and therefore come from it is that its source is the marriage of good and truth, and this marriage is from the Lord. The nature of love is that it wants to communicate with another whom it loves from the heart. Indeed, it wants to give the person joy and obtain its own joy from doing that. The Lord's divine love for people is infinitely more so. He made people a vessel for both the love and the wisdom that radiate from Him. And since He made people vessels, he made man to receive wisdom and woman to receive love for the man's wisdom.

For that reason He infused the love of marriage into people from deep inside them. In this love He could bring together every blessing, happiness, joy, and satisfaction that comes only from Divine Love through His Divine Wisdom together with life. Consequently, these things come together in people who have the real love of marriage, since they are the only receptive ones.

Innocence, peace, tranquility, deep friendship, full confidence, and a desire in heart and soul to do everything good for each other are mentioned because innocence and peace have to do with your soul, tranquility has to do with your mind, deep friendship has to do with your breast, full confidence has to do with your heart, and a desire in heart and soul to do everything good for each other involves your body in all of these attributes.

Conjugial Love #180 (Acton (1953))

180. XXI. THAT THE STATES OF THIS LOVE ARE INNOCENCE, PEACE, TRANQUILLITY, INMOST FRIENDSHIP, FULL CONFIDENCE, AND A MUTUAL DESIRE OF ANIMUS AND HEART TO DO TO THE OTHER EVERY GOOD; AND FROM ALL THESE, BLESSEDNESS, HAPPINESS, DELIGHT, PLEASURE; AND FROM THE ETERNAL FRUITION OF THESE, HEAVENLY FELICITY. The reason why all these are within conjugial love and thus come from it, is because its origin is the marriage of good and truth, and this marriage is from the Lord. The nature of love is such that it desires to be in communion with another whom it loves from the heart, yea, to confer joys on that other and therein to take its own joys. Infinitely more is this true of the Divine Love which is in the Lord, in respect to man whom He created a receptacle of the love and wisdom proceeding from Himself. And because He created him for the reception of these--man for the reception of wisdom, woman for the reception of the love of man's wisdom--therefore, from their very inmost, He infused into them conjugial love, that into this, and consequently into those who are in love truly conjugial, these alone being recipients, He might gather all things blessed, happy, delightful, and pleasurable, which, together with life, proceed and flow in solely from His Divine Love through His Divine Wisdom. Innocence, peace, tranquillity, inmost friendship, full confidence, and the mutual desire of animus and heart to do to the other every good, are mentioned, because innocence and peace are predicated of the soul, tranquillity of the mind, inmost friendship of the breast, full confidence of the heart, and the mutual desire of animus and heart to do to the other every good, of the body from these.

Conjugial Love #180 (Wunsch (1937))

180. (xxi) The states of this love are innocence, peace, tranquillity, inmost friendship, full trust, a desire in mind and heart to do the other every good; and from all these blessedness, satisfaction, joy, pleasure, and in eternal fruition of these, heavenly happiness. These states are all in marital love and issue from it, because marital love has its origin in the marriage of good and truth, and this marriage is from the Lord. Love wishes to share its gladnesses with another whom it loves from the heart, indeed, to bestow them on him, and in turn to find its own. Infinitely more does the Divine Love of the Lord bear itself so toward the human being. The Lord created man a receptacle of both the love and the wisdom proceeding from Him, and having created him so (the man to receive wisdom, and the woman to receive love for man's wisdom), He has infused in them from the inmosts a marital love, on which He can bestow all things blessed, happy, joyous and pleasant, proceeding and flowing in from the Divine love by the Divine wisdom along with life into those who are in true marital love, for these alone are receptive of them. Innocence, peace, tranquillity, inmost friendship, full trust, and the mutual desire in mind and heart to do each other every good are severally named, because innocence and peace are of the soul, tranquillity is of the mind, inmost friendship of the bosom, full trust of the heart, and the mutual desire in mind and heart to do each other every good is of the body from them.

Conjugial Love #180 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

180. (21) That the states of this love are innocence, peace, tranquility, inmost friendship, full confidence, and a mutual desire of mind and heart to do each other every good; and from all these come blessedness, happiness, joy, pleasure, and from their eternal fruition, heavenly felicity. The reason why these things and those are in conjugial love, and hence are from it, is that its origin is from the marriage of good and truth, and this marriage is from the Lord. And as love is such that it desires to communicate its joy to another whom from the heart it loves, yea, to confer joys upon him and from thence itself to take its own, infinitely more then does Divine Love - which is in the Lord - towards man, whom He created to be a receptacle both of the love and the wisdom proceeding from Himself. And as He created him for the reception of these - the man for the reception of wisdom, the woman for the reception of the love of the man's wisdom - therefore, He, from the imposts, infused into men conjugial love, into which He might bring together all the blessedness, happiness, joys, and pleasures, that together with life proceed and flow in only from Divine Love through His Divine Wisdom, that is into those who are in love truly conjugial, for they only are the recipients. Innocence, peace, tranquility, inmost friendship, full confidence, and the mutual desire of mind and heart to do each other every good are mentioned, because innocence and peace are of the soul, tranquility is of the mind, inmost friendship is of the bosom, full confidence is of the heart, and the mutual desire of mind and heart to do each other every good is of the body from these.

De Amore Conjugiali #180 (original Latin (1768))

180. XXI: Quod Status hujus amoris sint Innocentia, Pax, Tranquillitas, Amicitia intima, Confidentia plena, Desiderium animi et cordis mutuum faciendi alteri omne bonum; et ex omnibus illis Beatitudo, Faustitas, Jucunditas, Voluptas, et ex harum fruitione aeterna coelestis Felicitas. Causa, quod haec et illa sint in Amore conjugiali, et inde ex illo, est quia origo ejus est ex Conjugio boni et veri, et hoc conjugium est a Domino; et quia Amor talis est, ut velit cum altero, quem ex corde amat, communicare, imo in illum conferre gaudia, et exinde ipse captare sua; infinite itaque plus Divinus Amor, qui in Domino est, in hominem, 1quem creavit Receptaculum et Amoris et Sapientiae a Se procedentium; et quia creavit in illorum receptionem, Virum in receptionem sapientiae, Foeminam in receptionem amoris sapientiae viri, ideo ab intimis infudit hominibus Amorem conjugialem, in quem conferre posset omnia beata, fausta, jucunda, et volupia, quae unice ex Divino Amore per Divinam Sapientiam Ipsius una cum vita procedunt, et influunt; consequenter in illos, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, quia hi soli sunt recipientes. Nominantur Innocentia, Pax, Tranquillitas, Amicitia intima, Confidentia plena, et Desiderium animi et cordis mutuum faciendi alteri omne bonum, quoniam Innocentia et Pax sunt animae, Tranquillitas est mentis, Amicitia intima est pectoris, Confidentia plena est cordis, et Desiderium animi et cordis mutuum faciendi alteri omne bonum est corporis ex illis.


1. Prima editio: hominem;

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