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《婚姻之爱》 第206节







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Conjugial Love #206 (Chadwick (1996))

206. (xviii) This happens because the child's soul is from the father, and its clothing is from the mother.

No wise man can doubt that the soul is from the father. This is also plain to see from the characters, as well as the faces, which are marks of character, of descendants proceeding in a direct line from the head of each family. For the father is repeated as it were in a copy, if not in his sons, at least in his grandsons and great-grandsons. This happens because the soul constitutes the inmost part of a person, and although this may be covered up in the immediate offspring, it still comes to light and is revealed in later progeny.

The fact that the soul is from the father and it is clothed by the mother can be illustrated by analogous facts in the vegetable kingdom. Here the earth or soil is the mother all share, which as it were receives seeds in itself as if in a womb and clothes them; in fact, so to speak, it conceives, carries, gives birth to and brings them up, just as a mother does the father's offspring.

Conjugial Love #206 (Rogers (1995))

206. 18. This occurs because the soul of the offspring comes from its father, and its clothing from its mother. No one who is wise calls into question the idea that the soul comes from the father. Moreover, it is clearly visible in later generations which descend from fathers of families in a true line of descent, from their qualities of mind, and, in addition, from their facial features (these being images of the qualities of mind). Indeed, the father reappears, as though in effigy, if not in his children, nevertheless in his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The reason is that the soul forms the inmost element in a person, and though this may be covered over in the immediate offspring, still it emerges and displays itself in generations after that.

The fact that the soul comes from the father and the clothing from the mother may be illustrated by analogous parallels in the vegetable kingdom. Here the earth or ground is the common mother. It admits seeds into it as though in a womb, and clothes them. Indeed, in a way it conceives, carries, gives birth to and rears the seedlings, as a mother does her offspring from a father.

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Love in Marriage #206 (Gladish (1992))

206. 18. This happens because a child's soul comes from its father and the soul's clothing from its mother. No one who is wise questions that the soul is from the father. You can also see this obviously from the souls and also from the faces, which are the images of souls, in the descendants that come from the fathers of families in a direct line. For the father comes back as if in effigy, if not in the children, then in the grandchildren and great - grandchildren. This happens because a soul makes up the most inward part of a person, and this can skip the next offspring but still come out and show itself in later descendants.

The fact that the soul is from the father and its clothing from the mother can be illustrated by analogues in the vegetable kingdom, where the earth or soil is the common mother. She takes seeds into herself as into a womb and clothes them. In fact, she figuratively conceives, carries, gives birth, and rears them, as a mother does her offspring from a father.

Conjugial Love #206 (Acton (1953))

206. XVIII. THAT THIS COMES TO PASS BECAUSE THE SOUL OF THE OFFSPRING IS FROM THE FATHER, AND ITS CLOTHING FROM THE MOTHER. That the soul is from the father is not called into question by any wise man. Moreover, in the case of posterities descended in a legitimate series from fathers of families, it is clearly seen from their dispositions, and also from their faces, the face being a type of the disposition; for the father returns as in effigy, if not in his sons, yet in his grandsons and great-grand-sons. This is because the soul makes the inmost of a man; and though this may be covered over by the proximate offspring, it yet comes out and reveals itself in a later progeny. That the soul is from the father and its clothing from the mother, can be illustrated by analogous things in the vegetable kingdom. In this kingdom, the earth or ground is the common mother; this receives seeds into itself as into a womb and clothes them, yea, as it were, conceives them, carries them, brings them forth, and educates them, as a mother her offspring from the father.

Conjugial Love #206 (Wunsch (1937))

206. (xviii) This takes place because the soul of the offspring is from the father, and its covering from the mother. No wise man calls in question that the soul is from the father. The fact is manifest, too, from dispositions and also from faces, which are types of dispositions, in any posterity which proceeds from the fathers of families in the direct line, the father returning in an image, as it were, if not in his sons, still in grandsons and great-grandsons. This is because the soul constitutes man's inmost, and though it may be obscured in the first offspring, nevertheless it persists and reveals itself in later progeny. We may illustrate by analogies in the vegetable kingdom that the soul is from the father, and the covering from the mother. In that kingdom, the earth or ground is the general mother; she receives seeds in herself as in a womb and clothes them, indeed as it were conceives them, gestates, bears and rears them, as a mother her offspring from the father.

Conjugial Love #206 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

206. (18) That this comes to pass because the soul of the offspring is from the father, and its clothing from the mother. That the soul is from the father is by no wise man called in question. It is also plainly manifest in posterities which have come down in regular succession from the fathers of families, in their dispositions, and in their faces which are types of the disposition. The father in fact returns as in effigy, if not in his sons yet in his grandsons and great grandsons; and this because the soul constitutes a man's inmost; and though this may be covered over in the nearest offspring, yet it comes out and reveals itself in later progeny. That the soul is from the father and its vesture from the mother, may be illustrated by things analogous in the vegetable kingdom. In this the earth or ground is the common mother. This receives into itself as into a womb and clothes the seed; yea, it as it were conceives, bears, brings forth, and rears them, as a mother her offspring from the father.

De Amore Conjugiali #206 (original Latin (1768))

206. XVIII. Quod ita fiat, quia anima prolis est a patre, ac induitio ejus a matre. Quod anima sit a patre, a nullo sapiente in dubium vocatur; conspicitur etiam hoc manifeste ex animis, et quoque ex faciebus, quae sunt typi animorum, in posteritatibus, quae a patribus familiarum in justa serie procedunt; redit enim pater sicut in effigie, si non in filiis, usque in nepotibus et pronepotibus; et hoc fit ex causa, quia anima facit intimum hominis, et hoc potest obduci a proxima prole, sed usque prodit et se revelat in progenie postea. Quod anima sit ex patre, ac induitio ex matre, illustrari potest per analoga in Regno vegetabili; in hoc, Terra seu Humus est communis Mater; haec in se sicut in utero recipit, et induit semina, imo quasi illa concipit, gestat, gignit, et educat, sicut mater suas progenies ex patre.

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