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《婚姻之爱》 第21节







  王后佩戴俄斐金饰站在你右手边;她的衣服是用金线绣的;她要穿锦绣的衣服,被引到王前;随从她的陪伴童女也要被带进王的殿 (诗篇45:9-15) 。”











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Conjugial Love #21 (Chadwick (1996))

21. Afterwards the angel guide spoke with the guests about his ten companions, telling them that he had been ordered to bring them into the community, and how he had shown them the magnificence of the prince's palace and the wonders it contained, and how they had feasted at the prince's table. Afterwards they had talked with their wise men, and he asked the guests to permit the ten to have some conversation with them too. So they went to them and they talked together.

One of the wise men who was at the wedding said: 'Do you understand the meaning of what you saw?' They said they understood only a little, and they asked him why the bridegroom, who was now the husband, was dressed in this way. He replied that the bridegroom, who was now the husband, represented the Lord, and the bride, who was now the wife, represented the church, because weddings in heaven represent the marriage of the Lord with the church. 'That,' he said, 'is why he had a mitre on his head, and he was dressed like Aaron in a mantle, a tunic and an ephod. That too is why the bride, now the wife, had a crown on her head and wore a cloak, like a queen. Tomorrow they will be dressed differently, because this representative role lasts only for today.'

[2] They asked a second question. 'Since he represents the Lord and she the church, why did she sit on his right?' 'Because,' said the wise man, 'there are two things which make the marriage of the Lord and the church, love and wisdom; and the Lord is love and the church is wisdom. Wisdom is at the right hand of love, because a member of the church has wisdom as if of himself, and to the extent that he is wise, he receives love from the Lord. The right hand also stands for power, and love gets its power by means of wisdom. But as I said, after the wedding the representation is changed, for then the husband represents wisdom, and the bride the love for his wisdom. Yet this love is not the primary one, but a secondary love, which the wife gets from the Lord by means of the husband's wisdom. The love of the Lord, which is the primary love, is a love of being wise in the husband. So after the wedding, the husband and his wife together represent the church.'

[3] They asked another question. 'Why did you men not stand at the side of the bridegroom, now the husband, as the six maidens stood at the side of the bride, who is now the wife?' 'The reason,' replied the wise man, 'is that today we are counted among the maidens, and the number six stands for all and for what is complete.' 'Why is this?' they said. 'Maidens stand for the church, which is composed of people of both sexes. We too, therefore, in respect to the church are maidens. This passage in Revelation proves that this is so:

These are they who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are maidens, and they follow the Lamb wherever he goes. Revelation 14:4.

It was because maidens stand for the church that the Lord likened it to the ten maidens or virgins invited to a wedding (Matthew 25:1 ff). It is because Israel, Zion and Jerusalem stand for the church that the Word says so many times 'the virgin or daughter of Israel, Zion or Jerusalem.' The Lord also describes His marriage with the church in these words from the Psalms of David:

The queen is at your right hand in the finest gold of Ophir, her clothing is woven with gold; in embroidered garments she will be brought to the king, and after her the maidens, her friends, will come into the king's palace. Psalms 45:9-15.'

[4] After this they said: 'Surely it is appropriate to have a priest present to conduct a service over them?' 'This is appropriate,' said the wise man, 'on earth, but not in the heavens, because they represent the Lord Himself and the church. This fact is unknown on earth. Yet with us a priest conducts engagement ceremonies, and hears, receives, confirms and consecrates their consent. Consent is the essential feature of marriage, and the other ceremonies which follow are its formal expression.'

Conjugial Love #21 (Rogers (1995))

21. Afterwards the angel guide spoke with the guests regarding his ten companions, saying that he had brought them in by command and had shown them the magnificence of the prince's palace with the wonders it contained, and that they had dined at luncheon with the prince. He said, too, that they had subsequently spoken with some of the wise men of the society, and he asked the guests if they would permit the visitors to engage in some conversation with them as well.

So they came and spoke with them. And one of the wise among the men at the wedding said, "Do you understand the meanings of the things you have seen?"

They said, a little. And then they asked him why the bridegroom - now the husband - was dressed as he was.

The wise man replied that the bridegroom - now the husband - represented the Lord, and the bride - now the wife - represented the church, because weddings in heaven represent a marriage of the Lord with the church.

"That is why the groom had a turban on his head," the wise man said, "and why he was dressed in a robe, tunic and ephod like Aaron. And that is why the bride - now the wife - wore a crown on her head and was dressed in a mantle like a queen. Tomorrow, however, they will be dressed differently, because this representation lasts only this one day."

[2] Again the visitors asked, "If the groom represented the Lord and the bride the church, why did she sit on his right side?"

The wise man answered, "It is because a marriage of the Lord and the church is formed by two things, namely, love and wisdom, the Lord being the love and the church being the wisdom, and wisdom sits on the right hand of love. For a person of the church becomes wise as though on his own, and as he becomes wise, he receives love from the Lord. The right hand also symbolizes power, and love has power through wisdom.

"But as I said, after the wedding the representation changes, for then the husband represents wisdom and the wife represents love of that wisdom. This love, however, is not the first love referred to before, but a secondary love which the wife has from the Lord through the wisdom of her husband. The Lord's love, which is the first love, is the love in the husband of becoming wise. Consequently, after the wedding the two together, the husband and his wife, represent the church."

[3] The visitors further asked, "Why did you men not stand beside the bridegroom - now the husband - as the six bridesmaids stood beside the bride - now the wife?"

The wise man answered, "The reason is that on this day we are counted among the maidens, and the number six symbolizes all people and completeness."

But they said, "What do you mean?"

He replied, "Maidens symbolize the church, and the church is made up of both sexes. Therefore we, too, are maidens in terms of the church. That this is so appears from these words in the book of Revelation:

These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins and follow the Lamb wherever He goes. (Revelation 14:4)

"Moreover, because maidens symbolize the church, therefore the Lord likened the church to ten virgins invited to a wedding (Matthew 25:1 ff.). And because the church is symbolized by Israel, Zion and Jerusalem, therefore the Word so often refers to the 'virgin' and 'daughter' of Israel, of Zion and of Jerusalem. The Lord also describes His marriage with the church by these words in the Psalms of David:

At your right hand, the queen in the fine gold of Ophir..., her clothing of inweavings of gold, she shall be brought to the King in garments of needlework, the virgins after her, her companions..., they shall come into the palace of the King. (Psalms 45:9-15)"

[4] Afterwards the visitors asked, "Is it not proper for a priest to be present and officiate in these ceremonies?"

The wise man answered, "It is proper on earth, but not in heaven because of the couple's representing the Lord and the church. People on earth do not know this. But among us a priest still performs betrothals and hears, receives, confirms and consecrates the consent. The consent is the essential element in marriage, and the rest of the things that follow are its formalities."

Love in Marriage #21 (Gladish (1992))

21. Afterwards the angel guide spoke with the wedding guests about his ten companions - how he brought them by command and showed them the splendor of the prince's palace and the wonders there, and how they had eaten at the table with him and afterwards had talked with their wise men. And he asked, "May they have some conversation with you, too?"

They came and spoke with them.

And one of the wedding guests, a wise man, asked, "Do you understand what the things you saw mean?"

"A little," they said, and asked him, "Why was the groom, now a husband, dressed in clothing like that?"

"The groom, now a husband, represented the Lord, and the bride, now a wife, represented the church," he answered, "because in heaven a wedding represents the Lord's marriage with the church. This is why he had a miter on his head and was dressed like Aaron in a robe, a tunic, and an ephod. It is also why there was a crown on the head of the bride, now a wife, and she wore a mantle like a queen. But after this they will be dressed differently, because this representation lasts only for today."

They had another question. "Given the fact that he represented the Lord and she the church, why did she sit at his right?"

"Because the things that make the marriage of the Lord and the church are two: love and wisdom," the wise man answered, "and the Lord is love, and the church is wisdom, and wisdom is at love's right hand. For a person of the church discerns as if by his own resources, and as he develops wisdom he receives love from the Lord. The right hand also stands for power, and the power of love is through wisdom. But, once again, the representation changes after the wedding, for then the husband represents wisdom and the wife love for his wisdom - which love is not the primary love, certainly, but a secondary love that the wife gets from the Lord through her husband's wisdom. Love of the Lord which is the primary love - is, for the husband, love of being wise. So after the wedding the husband and his wife both together represent the church."

They had another question. "How come you men didn't stand beside the groom, now the husband, the way the six virgins stood beside the bride, now the wife?"

"Because," the wise man answered, "we are numbered among the virgins today, and the number six stands for us all, and completeness."

But they said, "How so?"

He answered, "The virgins stand for the church, and the church includes both sexes, so we are also the virgins as far as the church goes. The truth of this is consistent with these words in Revelation: 'These are the ones who have not been contaminated by women, for they are virgins, and they follow the Lamb wherever He goes' (14:4). And because virgins do stand for the church the Lord compared the church to ten virgins invited to the wedding

(Matthew 25:1-13). And because Israel, Zion, and Jerusalem stand for the church, the 'virgin and daughter' of Israel, Zion, and Jerusalem is often mentioned in the Word. The Lord also describes His marriage with the church in these words in David:

The queen at your right, in the best gold of Ophir .... Her clothing is woven gold. She will be brought to the King in clothing of many colors, her virgin friends after her .... They will enter the King's palace. (Psalms 45:9, 13-15)

Afterwards they said, "Isn't it proper for a minister to be present and serve at these ceremonies?"

"On the earth it is," the wise man answered, "but not in the heavens, because the Lord and the church are represented. On earth they do not realize this. And even among us a minister serves at engagement ceremonies. He hears, receives, confirms, and consecrates the consent. Consent is the essential factor of a marriage, and the other things that follow are its formalities."

Conjugial Love #21 (Acton (1953))

21. After this, the angel guide told the guests about his ten companions, saying that he had introduced them [into the society] by command, and had shown them the magnificent things of the prince's palace and the wonders there; that they had eaten with the prince at his table; and that afterwards they had conversed with our wise men. He then asked, "May they be allowed to have some conversation with you also?" And they came and spoke with them.

One of the wedding guests, a wise man, then asked them, "Do you understand what the things you have seen signify?" They answered, "A little." They then asked him why the bridegroom, now the husband, was arrayed in such apparel.

He answered: "The bridegroom, now the husband, represented the Lord, and the bride, now the wife, represented the Church, because in heaven a wedding represents the marriage of the Lord and the Church. That is why he wore a miter on his head and was arrayed in a robe, a tunic, and an ephod, like Aaron; and why the bride, now the wife, wore upon her head a crown and was attired in a mantle, like a queen. But tomorrow they will be clothed differently, for this representation lasts only today."

[2] They asked further: "Since he represented the Lord, and she the Church, why did she sit at his right hand?" The wise man replied: "Because there are two things which make the marriage of the Lord and the Church, love and wisdom. The Lord is love and the Church is wisdom, and wisdom is at the right hand of love; for the man of the Church becomes wise as if of himself; and as he becomes wise, he receives love from the Lord. Moreover, the right hand signifies power, and love has power by wisdom. But, as I said before, after the wedding the representation is changed; for then the husband represents wisdom, and the wife the love of his wisdom. This, however, is not a prior but a secondary love which the wife has from the Lord through the wisdom of her husband. With the husband, the love of the Lord, which is the prior love, is the love of growing wise. Therefore, after the nuptials, both together, the husband and his wife, represent the Church."

[3] Again they asked, "why did you men not stand beside the bridegroom, now the husband, as the six virgins stood beside the bride, now the wife?" The wise man replied: "The reason is because today we are numbered among virgins, and the number six signifies all, and what is complete." They asked, "what does that mean?" He answered: "Virgins signify the Church, and the Church consists of both sexes. Wherefore, as respects the Church we also are virgins. That this is so, is seen from these words in the Apocalypse:

These are they who have not been defiled with women, for they are virgins; and they follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. Apocalypse 14:4.

And because virgins signify the Church, therefore the Lord likened it to ten virgins who were invited to the wedding (Matthew 25:1-13 q.). It is because the Church is signified by Israel, Zion, and Jerusalem, that the virgin and daughter of Israel, of Zion, and of Jerusalem is so often spoken of in the Word. The Lord also describes His marriage with the Church by these words in David:

Upon thy right hand the queen in fine gold of Ophir. Her clothing is of wrought gold; she shall be brought unto the King in garments of needlework; the virgins, her companions that follow her, shall come into the King's palace." Psalms 45:9, 13-15.

[4] After this, they asked, "Is it not fitting that in a wedding a priest should be present and perform the ceremony?" The wise man answered: "It is fitting on earth but not in the heavens, and this on account of the representation of the Lord and the Church. This is not known on earth. Yet with us a priest does minister at betrothals, and hears, receives, confirms, and consecrates the consent. Consent is the essential of marriage, all that follows being its formalities."

Conjugial Love #21 (Wunsch (1937))

21. Afterwards the angel guide called his ten companions to the notice of the guests, saying that he had brought them by command, and had shown them the magnificent things in the prince's palace, and the wonders there; that they had eaten with the prince at his table, and later had talked with their wise men. He asked, "May they be allowed to have some conversation with you, also?" And they came and conversed with them.

One of the wedding guests, a sage, inquired, "Do you understand what the things signify which you have seen?" They replied that they understood a little of them; but then asked him, why the bridegroom, now a husband, was dressed as he was.

He answered: "The bridegroom, now a husband, represented the Lord, and the bride, now a wife, represented the Church, because nuptials in heaven represent the marriage of the Lord with the Church. That is why the bridegroom wore a mitre on his head and was dressed in a robe, tunic and ephod like Aaron; and the bride, now a wife, wore a crown on her head and was attired in a cloak like a queen. Tomorrow they will be differently clothed, because this representation is only for today."

[2] "Why," they asked again, "if he represented the Lord and she the Church, did she sit at his right hand?"

The wise man replied: "Two things constitute the marriage of the Lord and the Church, namely, love and wisdom. The Lord is love and the Church wisdom. Wisdom is at love's right hand. For the man of the Church becomes wise as if of himself, and as he does so, receives love from the Lord. The right hand, moreover, signifies power, and love has power through wisdom. But as I said before, the representation is changed after the wedding; for then the husband represents wisdom, and the wife the love of his wisdom. This love, however, is not the prior love, but a secondary one - the wife has it from the Lord through her husband's wisdom. The love from the Lord which is the prior love, is the husband's and is a love of growing wise. After the wedding, therefore, the two together, husband and wife, represent the Church."

[3] Again they asked, "Why did not you men stand beside the bridegroom, now a husband, as the six young women stood beside the bride, now a wife?"

The wise man answered, "For the reason that we are numbered today among the virgins, and the number six signifies all and what is complete." But they asked, "How is that?"

He answered, "Virgins signify the Church, which consists of both sexes. As respects the Church we also are virgins. This is plain from the following words in the Apocalypse:

These are they who were not defiled with women; for they are virgins; and they follow the Lamb wherever He goes (Revelation 14:4).

Because 'virgins' signify the Church, the Lord likened it to

Ten virgins invited to a wedding (Matthew 25:1 seq.).

And because Israel, Zion and Jerusalem mean the Church, the Word speaks so often of the 'Virgin' and Daughter' of Israel, of Zion and Jerusalem. The Lord describes His marriage with the Church by these words, too, in David:

At your right hand the queen in the best gold of Ophir ... Her clothing is inwrought with gold; she shall be brought unto the king in broidered work; the virgins, her companions, after her ... shall enter into the king's palace (Psalm 45:9-15)."

[4] Afterwards they asked, "Is it not fitting that a priest be present and officiate at weddings?"

The sage replied, "It is fitting on earth, but not in heaven, in view of the representation by the two of the Lord Himself and the Church. This is not known on earth. Even with us a priest officiates at betrothals, and hears, receives, confirms and consecrates consent. Consent is the essential in a marriage; the ceremonies which follow are its formalities."

Conjugial Love #21 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

21. After this the angel guide spoke to the guests about his ten companions; telling them that by command he had introduced them, and had shown them the magnificence of the prince's palace, and the wonders there; that they had eaten with the prince at his table; and afterwards had conversed with their wise men.

And he asked, 'May they be permitted to have some conversation also with you?' And they came and spoke with them.

And one of the wedding-guests, a wise man, asked, 'Do you understand what these things signify that you have seen?' They replied, 'That they understood a little of them; and asked him then, why the bridegroom, now the husband, was arrayed in such apparel?'

He answered, 'The bridegroom, now the husband, represented the Lord, and the bride, now the wife, represented the church, because in heaven nuptials represent the marriage of the Lord with the church. That is why he wore a miter on his head, and was arrayed like Aaron in a robe, a tunic, and an ephod; and why the bride, now the wife, wore upon her head a crown, and was attired in a mantle like a queen. But to-morrow they will be differently clad, for this representation lasts only to-day.'

They asked again, 'Since he represented the Lord, and she the church, why did she sit at his right hand?'

The wise man replied, 'Because there are two things which make the marriage of the Lord and the church, love and wisdom, and the Lord is love and the church is wisdom, and wisdom is at love's right hand. For the man of the church has wisdom as if of himself, and as he becomes wise, he receives love from the Lord. Besides, the right hand signifies power, and the power of love is by wisdom. But as I said before, after the nuptials the representation is changed; for then the husband represents wisdom, and the wife the love of his wisdom. But this is not the prior, but a secondary love, which the wife has from the Lord through the wisdom of the husband The love of the Lord, which is the prior love, with the husband is the love of growing wise. Therefore, after marriage both together, the husband and his wife, represent the church.'

Again they asked, 'Why did you men not stand beside the bridegroom, now the husband, as the six virgins stood beside the bride, now the wife?'

The wise man replied, 'The reason is that we to-day are numbered among the virgins, and the number six signifies all, and what is complete.' But they asked, 'How is this?'

He answered, 'Virgins signify the church, and the church is of both sexes, and therefore, as respects the church also we are virgins. That this is so appears from these words in the Apocalypse: -

These are they that were not defiled with women, for they are virgins; and they follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth (Revelation 14:4).

And because virgins signify the church, therefore, the Lord likened it to 'ten virgins who were invited to the nuptials' (Matthew 25:1-13). And it is because the church is signified by Israel, Zion, and Jerusalem, that 'the virgin and daughter of Israel, of Zion, and of Jerusalem' is so often spoken of in the Word; and that the Lord describes His marriage with the Church by the words in David: -

Upon thy right hand did stand the queen in pure gold of Ophir. Her clothing is of wrought gold; she shall be brought unto the King in embroideries; the virgins, her companions, that follow her, shall come into the king's palace (Psalms 45:9, 13-15).'

Afterwards they asked, 'Whether it is not proper that a priest should be present and minister in these ceremonies?' The wise man answered, 'It is proper on earth, but not in the heavens on account of the representation of the Lord Himself and the church. This is not known on earth. And even with us a priest ministers at betrothals, and hears, receives, confirms, and consecrates the consent. Consent is the essential of marriage; and the other things that follow are its formalities.'

De Amore Conjugiali #21 (original Latin (1768))

21. Postea loquutus est Angelus ductor cum invitatis de decem comitibus suis, quod ex mandato introduxerit illos, et monstraverit 1illis magnifica Palatii Principis, et mirifica ibi, et quod epulati sint ad mensam cum illo; et quod postea loquuti sint "cum Sapientibus nostris;" ac petiit, "ut liceat illis etiam vobiscum sociare aliquem sermonem;" et accesserunt, et colloquuti sunt; et unus sapiens ex viris nuptiarum dixit, "intelligitis quid significant illa quae vidistis;" dixerunt quod parum; et tunc quaesiverunt illum, cur Sponsus nunc Maritus in tali vestitu fuit; respondit, quod Sponsus nunc Maritus repraesentaverit Dominum, ac Sponsa nunc Uxor repraesentaverit Ecclesiam, quia Nuptiae in Coelo repraesentant Conjugium Domini cum Ecclesia; "inde est quod super Illius capite esset Cidaris, et ille indutus pallio, tunica, et ephodo, sicut Aharon; et quod super Sponsae nunc Uxoris capite esset Corona, et illa induta Chlamyde sicut Regina; sed cras erunt aliter amicti, quia Repraesentatio haec modo perstat hodie."

[2] Quaesiverunt iterum, "quia Ille repraesentavit Dominum, et Illa Ecclesiam, cur Illa ad dextram Ejus sedit;" respondit sapiens, "quia duo sunt, quae faciunt Conjugium Domini et Ecclesiae, Amor et Sapientia, ac Dominus est Amor, et Ecclesia est Sapientia, et Sapientia ad dextram amoris est, sapit enim homo Ecclesiae sicut a se, et sicut sapit, recipit amorem a Domino; dextra etiam significat potentiam, et potentia amori est per sapientiam: sed ut dictum est, post nuptias mutatur repraesentatio, nam tunc Maritus repraesentat Sapientiam, et uxor sapientiae ejus Amorem; verum hic Amor non est amor prior, sed est amor secundarius, qui est a Domino uxori per sapientiam mariti; amor Domini, qui est amor prior, est amor sapiendi apud maritum; quare post nuptias, ambo simul, maritus et ejus uxor, repraesentant Ecclesiam."

[3] Quaesiverunt denuo, "cur non vos Viri stetistis ad latus Sponsi nunc Mariti, sicut sex Virgines steterunt ad latus Sponsae nunc Uxoris;" respondit sapiens, "causa est, quia nos hodie numeramur inter virgines, ac numerus sex significat omnes et completum;" at dixerunt, "quid hoc;" respondit, "Virgines significant Ecclesiam, et Ecclesia est ex utroque sexu, quare etiam nos quoad Ecclesiam sumus Virgines; quod ita sit, constat ex his in Apocalypsi, "Hi sunt, qui cum mulieribus non inquinati sunt, Virgines enim sunt, et sequuntur Agnum quocunque vadit," Cap Apocalypsi 14:4. Et quia Virgines significant Ecclesiam, ideo Dominus assimilavit illam decem Virginibus invitatis ad nuptias, Cap Matth. 25:1 2seq. et quia per Israelem, Zionem et Hierosolymam, significatur Ecclesia, ideo toties in Verbo dicitur Virgo et Filia Israelis, Zionis et Hierosolymae: Dominus etiam describit Conjugium suum cum Ecclesia his verbis apud Davidem, "Regina ad Dextram tuam in auro optimo 3Ophiris, 4de implexis auri vestis ejus, in Acupictis adducetur Regi, Virgines post illam amicae ejus venient in palatium Regis," . 5

[4] Postea dixerunt, "numne conveniens est, ut aliquis Sacerdos adsit et ministret in his;" respondit sapiens, "hoc in terris est conveniens, non autem in coelis, propter repraesentationem Ipsius Domini et Ecclesiae; hoc in terris non sciunt; at usque apud nos administrat Sacerdos Desponsationes, et Consensum audit, recipit, confirmat et consecrat; Consensus est essentiale conjugii, et reliqua, quae sequuntur, sunt ejus formalia."


1. Prima editio: monstaverit

2. Prima editio: Psalm 24:1.

3. Sic alibi. Prima editio: opimo (sic etiam Vera Christiana Religio 748[3])

4. Prima editio: ophiris,

5. Biblia Anglica: vv. 9-15.

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