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《婚姻之爱》 第219节






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Conjugial Love #219 (Chadwick (1996))

219. (x) Wives do not share the arousal which men feel, but they have a state of readiness to receive.

It is obvious that the emission of semen and so arousal is the function of men, but women do not have the one, and therefore not the other. I can only report from hearsay that women have a state of being ready to receive, which leads to conception. What this state of women's is, however, I am not allowed to describe; and also it is known only to them. Whether their love, when they are in this state, is pleasurable or not (as some of them claim), has not been disclosed by them. The only matter which is popularly known is that it is not permissible for a husband to tell his wife that he is able, but does not wish it, for this does significant damage to the state of receiving, which is made ready in proportion to the husband's state of potency.

Conjugial Love #219 (Rogers (1995))

219. 10. Wives do not experience a state of arousal as their husbands do, but theirs is a state of readiness to receive. It is apparent that men have the power of insemination and because of it experience a state of arousal, and that women do not experience this arousal because they do not have that power. Nevertheless, I can relate from what I have been told that women experience a state of readiness to receive and thus to conceive. I am not permitted, however, to describe what this state in women is like, and it is also something known only to them. Nor have they divulged whether their love feels its delight when they are in that state or whether they find it something distasteful, as some of them say. This only is commonly known, that a husband may not say to his wife that he has the ability but does not want to; for this injures considerably her state of reception, which becomes ready in the measure that her husband is able.

Love in Marriage #219 (Gladish (1992))

219. 10. Wives do not experience arousal the way men do, but they have a state of being ready to accept. Clearly, men produce semen, which results in arousal, and women do not have arousal because they do not produce semen. But I report from what I have heard that women have a state of being ready to accept and therefore to conceive. I am not supposed to describe what this state in women is like, and besides, only they know it. But they have not disclosed whether their love finds pleasure in that state or is unhappy, as some say. Only this is generally known - that it is not permissible for a husband to tell his wife that he is able and not willing, for this markedly hurts the receptive state, which becomes ready in response, when the husband is able.

Conjugial Love #219 (Acton (1953))

219. X. THAT WIVES ARE IN NO EXCITATION AS MEN ARE, BUT THAT WITH THEM THERE IS A STATE OF PREPARATION FOR RECEPTION. That men have semination and hence excitation, and that women do not have the latter because not the former, is evident. That women have a state of preparation for reception and so for conception, this I relate from what I have heard, though what this state with women is, I am not permitted to describe. Moreover, it is known only to themselves. Whether when they are in that state their love is in its delight or, as some women say, in undelight, they have not divulged. This only is commonly known: That it is not lawful for a husband to say to his wife that he is able and not willing, for thus grievous hurt is done to her state of reception which is prepared in accordance with the state of her husband's ability.

Conjugial Love #219 (Wunsch (1937))

219. (x) Wives have no excitation such as men have, but a state of preparation for reception. It is plain that men know seminal activity and an excitation thence, but that the latter does not exist with women as the former does not. But I report from things heard that women have a state of preparation for reception and so for conception. It is not allowed to describe the nature of this state with women, however; only they know it, anyway. But whether, when they are in that state, their love is in delight or, as some say, in undelight, has not been divulged. This only is commonly known, that the husband may not say to his wife that he is able but will not, for so the state of reception is decidedly injured, which is made ready according to the husband's state of ability.

Conjugial Love #219 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

219. (10) That wives are in no excitation as men are; but that with them there is a state of preparation for reception. That with men there is semination and the consequent excitation; and that the latter is not with women, because the former is not, is evident. But that with women there is a state of preparation for reception, and so for conception, I relate from things heard. But what that state with women is I may not describe. It is also known only to them. But whether their love while they are in that state is in its delight, or in undelight as some women say, they have not divulged. This only is known in general: That the husband may not say to the wife that he can and will not, for thus her state of reception is grievously injured, which is prepared in accordance with the state of the husband in that he is able.

De Amore Conjugiali #219 (original Latin (1768))

219. X: Quod Uxores in nulla excitatione sint sicut viri; sed quod illis sit status praeparationis ad receptionem. Quod Viris sit seminatio, et inde excitatio, et quod Foeminis non haec sit quia non illa, patet; quod autem Foeminis sit status praeparationis ad receptionem, et sic ad conceptionem, ex auditis refero; qualis autem hic status foeminis est, non licet describere, et quoque solis illis notus est: num autem amor illarum, dum in illo statu sunt, sit in suo jucundo, aut in injucundo, ut quaedam dicunt, non ab illis evulgatum est; hoc solum in vulgo notum est, quod non licitum sit marito dicere uxori, quod possit et non velit, sic enim insigniter laeditur status receptionis, qui praeparatur secundum statum mariti quod possit.

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