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《婚姻之爱》 第228节






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Conjugial Love #228 (Chadwick (1996))

228. (xix) A number of likenesses can be linked, but not with unlikenesses.

The varieties of likeness are very many, and they may be more or less remote. Yet even those which are remote can in time be linked together by various things; chiefly by adapting to the other's desires, by sharing duties, by courtesy, by avoiding unchaste acts, by shared love of babies and taking care of children. Most important is conformity in religious matters, for these bring about the inward linking of even remote likenesses, while the other things only effect an outward linking. But in the case of unlikenesses, no linking is possible since they are hostile.

Conjugial Love #228 (Rogers (1995))

228. 19. Various similar qualities can be joined together, but not with dissimilar ones. Instances of similarities are many and various, and some of them are further apart, some less so. Yet even those that are further apart can in time be joined by various means, especially by a couple's accommodations to one another's wishes, by their performance of mutual duties, by their courteous treatment of each other, by their refraining from things unchaste, by their joint love of little children and care for their children; but above all, by their conformity in matters connected with the church. For through matters connected with the church a joining of distant similarities is achieved inwardly, and only outwardly through other means.

No conjunction, however, can be achieved with dissimilar qualities, because they are incompatible.

Love in Marriage #228 (Gladish (1992))

228. 19. The various similarities can unite with each other but not with the differences. There are many varieties of similarity, and they can be more or less distant ones. Even remote similarities, though, can in time be united by various means - mainly through accommodations to wishes, shared duties, courtesy, refraining from unchaste things, a common love of babies and care of children, but most of all through conforming in religious matters. Things having to do with religion do join inwardly remote similarities, while other things unite only outwardly distant ones.

Differences, however, cannot be joined together, because they have a mutual aversion.

Conjugial Love #228 (Acton (1953))

228. XIX. THAT VARIOUS SIMILITUDES CAN BE CONJOINED, BUT NOT WITH DISSIMILITUDES. Similitudes and dissimilitudes exist in great variety and are more or less remote. Yet, those which are remote can in time be conjoined by various means, especially by accommodations to desires, by mutual offices, by civilities, by abstinence from things unchaste, by a common love of infants and care of children, and above all, by conformity in things of the Church. By means of things of the Church, conjunction is effected of similitudes inwardly remote, but by other means only of those which are outwardly remote. With dissimilitudes, no conjunction can be effected because they are antipathetic.

Conjugial Love #228 (Wunsch (1937))

228. (xix) Various likenesses can be conjoined, but unlikenesses cannot. There are very many varieties of likenesses, more or less remote from one another; but even remote likenesses can in time be conjoined by various means, especially by adjustments to desires, by mutual good offices, by civilities, by abstention from things unchaste, by common love of the little ones and the care of the children; especially, however, by agreement in things of the Church; for by things of the Church conjunction of remote likenesses is effected inwardly, but only outwardly by other means. But there can be no conjunction between unlikenesses, because they are antipathetic.

Conjugial Love #228 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

228. (19) That various similitudes can be conjoined but not with dissimilitudes. The varieties of similitudes are very numerous, and are more and less distant. And yet those that are distant can in time be conjoined by various means; especially by accommodations to desires, by mutual kindnesses, by civilities, by abstinence from things unchaste, by the common love of infants and the care of children, and above all by conformity in the things of the church. For through the things of the church a conjunction is effected of similitudes inwardly distant; through other things only those that are outwardly distant. But conjunction cannot be effected with dissimilitudes because they are in antipathy.

De Amore Conjugiali #228 (original Latin (1768))

228. XIX: Quod variae similitudines possint conjungi; sed non cum dissimilitudinibus. Varietates similitudinum sunt permultae, ac distant plus et minus; at usque illae quae distant, possunt tempore conjungi per varia, imprimis per accommodationes ad desideria, per officia mutua, per civilitates, per abstinentias ab incastis, per communem amorem infantum, et curam liberorum; imprimis autem per conformitates in rebus Ecclesiae; per res enim Ecclesiae fit conjunctio similitudinum distantium interius, per reliqua modo exterius. Sed cum dissimilitudinibus non potest fieri conjunctio, quia sunt antipathicae.

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