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《婚姻之爱》 第245节







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Conjugial Love #245 (Chadwick (1996))

245. The objection can be raised to what has been proved above, that the soul is still propagated from the father, even though it is not linked to the mother's soul, even, in fact, though there is coldness lodged there which causes separation. But the reason souls or offspring are none the less propagated is because the man's intellect is not shut off, so as to prevent it being raised into the light enjoyed by the soul. But the love of his will is not raised into the heat corresponding to the light there, except by the way he lives; this is what makes him spiritual instead of natural. This is how it is that the soul is procreated, but wrapped up as it comes down to become sperm by the kind of things which have to do with his natural love. It is from this source that hereditary evil wells up.

To this I shall add a secret I have been told from heaven, that between the unlinked souls of the two, especially if they are married, a linking takes place in the middle of making love; and but for this the conception of human beings could not occur. See in addition what is said about coldness in marriage, and its location in the highest region of the mind, in the last account of experiences in this chapter (270).

Conjugial Love #245 (Rogers (1995))

245. To what we have just affirmed, an objection may be raised on the ground that life is still procreated from the father's life - even if his soul is not united with the soul of the mother - indeed, even if a deep-seated coldness there separates them. But souls or offspring are nevertheless still procreated for the reason that a man's intellect is not so closed up that it cannot be elevated into the light that the soul is in (in contrast with love in his will, which is not elevated into a warmth corresponding to the light there except by his living a life which transforms his character from natural to spiritual).

It is owing to this that life is still procreated, but during its descent, until it becomes seed or sperm, the soul is enveloped by elements of a type that have to do with the father's natural love. This is the source from which hereditary evil springs.

To this I will add a secret, which I have from heaven, that between two disunited souls, especially those of married partners, conjunction is accomplished in the area of some intermediary love. Otherwise conceptions would not occur among human beings.

(For more on the subject of coldness in marriage and where it has its seat - namely, in the highest region of the mind - see the concluding narrative account at the end of this chapter, no. 270.)

Love in Marriage #245 (Gladish (1992))

245. A rebuttal to the above demonstration can be made on the grounds that the father's soul does reproduce even if it is not in union with the mother's soul - even if a coldness residing there separates them, in fact. The reason why souls or offspring are conceived in spite of this, however, is that the man's intellect is not closed off enough to keep it from rising into the light where his soul is. But the love of his will is not raised into the warmth that corresponds to the light there. Only a life that makes him spiritual instead of worldly can do this. This is why a soul is still conceived. But as it is descending, becoming seed, elements of the man's worldly love cover it over. This is where hereditary evil springs from.

I add to this something unknown from heaven. Between two disunited souls, especially partners, the union takes place in love on an intermediate level. Otherwise there would be no conception among people.

In addition to what I have said about marital coldness and how its seat is in the highest region of the mind, see the last story in this chapter (no. 270).

Conjugial Love #245 (Acton (1953))

245. Against what has been confirmed above, the objection may be made that a soul is propagated from the father even though it is not conjoined with the soul of the mother, yea, even though the cold there residing separates them. The reason why souls or offspring are propagated despite this, is because the man's understanding is not so closed but that it can be elevated into the light in which the soul is, though the love of his will is not elevated into the heat corresponding to the light there, except by a life which from natural makes him spiritual. Hence it is, that the soul is still procreated; but in its descent, while becoming seed, it is covered over by such things as are of the man's natural love. From this springs hereditary evil. To the above I will add an arcanum which comes from heaven: Between the disunited souls of two, especially partners, a conjunction is effected in a mediate love; otherwise there would be no conceptions among men. In addition to what has been said concerning conjugial cold and concerning its seat as being in the supreme region of the mind, see the last Memorable Relation of this chapter (no. 270).

Conjugial Love #245 (Wunsch (1937))

245. To what we have affirmed above it may be objected that the soul is propagated nevertheless from the father, even though his soul is not conjoined to the mother's soul, nay, even if cold, resident in it, separates the two. But souls or offspring are propagated nevertheless, because the man's understanding is not closed up so that it cannot be raised into the light in which the soul is (though the love of his will is not raised into a heat corresponding to the light there, save by a life which from natural makes him spiritual). Hence the soul is still procreated, but as it descends and becomes seed, is enveloped with such things as are of man's natural love; from this springs inherited evil. I shall add to this an arcanum from heaven: conjunction between the disjoined souls of two, especially of partners, is effected through a medial love; otherwise no conceptions would take place with mankind. For more about marital cold and its seat in the highest region of the mind, see the last Memorabilia in this chapter (270).

Conjugial Love #245 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

245. The objection may be raised, against the things confirmed above, that still the soul from the father is propagated, although it is not conjoined with the soul of the mother, yea, although cold residing there separates. But the reason why nevertheless souls or offspring are propagated, is that the understanding of the man is not closed, but that it can be elevated into the light in which the soul is, although the love of his will is not elevated into the heat correspondent to the light there, except by a life which from natural makes him spiritual. Hence it is that nevertheless the soul is procreated; but in its descent, while it is becoming seed, it is covered over by such things as are of his natural love. From this springs hereditary evil. I will add to this a secret which is from heaven: That between the disunited souls of the two, especially of married partners, a conjunction is effected in a middle love, and that otherwise with men (homines) conceptions would not take place. Besides these things respecting conjugial cold, and relating to the seat of it - that it is in the highest region of the mind - see the last Relation of this chapter, n. 270.

De Amore Conjugiali #245 (original Latin (1768))

245. Contra supra confirmata potest fieri objectio, quod usque anima ex patre propagetur, tametsi non conjuncta est animae matris, imo tametsi frigus ibi residens separat; sed quod tamen propagentur animae seu proles, est causa, quia Intellectus viri non occluditur, quin hic elevari possit in lucem, in qua est anima; at amor voluntatis ejus non elevatur in calorem correspondentem luci ibi, nisi per vitam, quae facit illum a naturali spiritualem; inde est, quod usque anima procreetur, sed obveletur in descensu, dum fit semen, per talia quae sunt amoris naturalis ejus; ex hoc scaturit malum haereditarium. His adjiciam arcanum, quod e Coelo est, quod inter Animas disjunctas duorum, imprimis conjugum, fiat conjunctio in medio amore, et quod alioquin apud homines non fierent conceptiones. Praeter haec de frigore conjugiali, et de sede ejus, quod sit in suprema regione mentis, videatur Memorabile ultimum hujus Capitis270

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