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《婚姻之爱》 第265节




  265、之后有两个地狱打开了。我看见两个人,一个人坐在长凳上,脚 放在一个装满 蛇的蓝子里,并且蛇爬到了他们的胸部和脖子上。另一个人坐在一个着着火的驴上,在他的两侧是恶毒的蛇,它们跟着骑驴的人。


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Conjugial Love #265 (Chadwick (1996))

265. Afterwards hell was opened up, where I saw two persons, one sitting on a bench with his feet in a basket full of snakes, which could be seen creeping up over his chest to his neck; the other sitting on a fiery ass, with red snakes crawling beside it, lifting up their heads and necks, and following the rider. I was told that they were popes who had deprived emperors of their thrones, speaking ill of them and treating them badly when they came to Rome to beg for help and to show them reverence. The basket with snakes to be seen in it, they said, and the fiery ass with snakes beside it, were pictorial images of their love of controlling arising from self-love. Such sights were only to be seen by those who looked that way from a distance. There were some clergy present, and I asked them whether they were really the same popes; they replied that they recognised them and they knew them to be the same.

Conjugial Love #265 (Rogers (1995))

265. Another hell was subsequently opened where I saw two men. One was sitting on a bench, with his feet in a basket full of snakes, and as I looked they were slithering up over his breast to his neck. The other man was sitting on a donkey on fire, and at each side of it crept serpents that were red in color, lifting their necks and heads and following the rider.

I was told that the two had been popes who had deposed emperors from power and had treated them with vituperation and abuse when these came supplicating them and venerating them at Rome. The basket in which I saw the snakes, and the donkey on fire with the serpents on each side, were representations of their love of governing from a love of self. However, that is not how they appear to others unless they view them from a distance.

Some members of a religious order were present, and I asked them whether the men were those same popes. They said they recognized them and knew that they were.

Love in Marriage #265 (Gladish (1992))

265. Then a hell opened where I saw two people, one sitting on a bench with his feet in a basket of snakes. They seemed to creep up over his chest to his neck. The other sat on a blazing donkey, and at the animal's sides red snakes crawled along, following the rider with their necks and heads lifted up. I learned that these were popes who had taken dominions away from emperors, had defamed them and had treated them badly at Rome, where they came to supplicate and adore them. The baskets of snakes and the blazing donkey with serpents at its sides depicted their love of ruling due to self - love. But I found out that things like this appear only to those who look at them from a distance. There were several clerics there, and I asked them if these were those same popes. They said they knew they were. They had been acquainted with them.

Conjugial Love #265 (Acton (1953))

265. After this, a hell was opened where I saw two men, one sitting on a bench holding his feet in a basket full of serpents which were seen to be creeping up over his breast to his neck, and the other sitting on a fiery ass at whose sides, accompanying the rider, were crawling red serpents with uplifted necks and heads. I was told that these were popes who had deprived emperors of their dominion, and at Rome had dealt wickedly in word and deed with emperors who had gone thither to make supplication and to adore them; also that the basket wherein were seen serpents, and the fiery ass with serpents at its sides, were representations of their love of ruling from the love of self; but that such representations are seen only by those who look thither from a distance. Some canons were present, and I asked them whether these were the same popes. They said that they recognized them and knew them to be the same.

Conjugial Love #265 (Wunsch (1937))

265. Then a hell was opened in which I saw two men, one seated on a bench with his feet in a basket full of serpents which seemed to be creeping up over his breast to his neck; and the other seated on a blazing ass, beside which red serpents crawled, stretching neck and head high, and pursuing the rider. I was told that these two had been popes, who had deprived emperors of their dominion and defamed and illtreated them at Rome, whither they had come supplicating and worshiping; and that the basket in which serpents appeared and the blazing ass with serpents beside it were representations of their love of ruling from self-love, but that such things appear only when one looks on from a distance. Some ecclesiastics were present and I inquired whether these were the identical popes. They said they had been acquainted with them and knew that they were.

Conjugial Love #265 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

265. After this a hell was opened where I saw two, one sitting on a bench holding his feet in a basket full of serpents, which appeared to be creeping up over the breast to his neck, and the other sitting upon a blazing ass, at whose sides red serpents were crawling, with necks and heads uplifted, and following the rider. I was told that these were popes, who had deprived emperors of their dominion and defamed and ill-treated them at Rome, whither they came supplicating and adoring them; and that the basket in which serpents appeared and the blazing ass with serpents at its sides, were representations of their love of ruling from the love of self, but that such things do not appear to any except to those who look thither from a distance. There were several canons present of whom I asked whether these were those same popes. They said they had been acquainted with them, and knew that they were.

De Amore Conjugiali #265 (original Latin (1768))

265. Postea apertum est Infernum, ubi vidi duos, unum sedentem super scamno, tenentem pedes in Canistro pleno serpentibus, qui visi sunt sursum per pectus usque ad collum subrepentes; et alterum sedentem super Asino ignito, ad cujus latera repebant serpentes rubri, elevantes colla et capita, et sequentes equitantem. Dictum est mihi, quod essent Papae, qui dominio abdicaverunt Imperatores, ac male loquuti et male egerunt cum illis Romae, quo supplicantes et adorantes illos venerunt: at quod canistrum, in quo visi sunt serpentes, et quod asinus ignitus cum colubris ad latera, essent repraesentationes illorum amoris dominandi ex amore sui, et quod similia non appareant aliis, quam qui e longinquo illuc spectant. Erant aliqui Canonici praesentes, quos interrogavi, num iidem illi Papae essent; dicebant, quod cognoscant illos, et sciant quod illi sint.

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