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《婚姻之爱》 第274节








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Conjugial Love #274 (Chadwick (1996))

274. (iii) It is outward affections which generally influence people in the world to get married.

This is because inward affections are rarely taken into account, and if they are, the similarity on the woman's side is still not seen, since her native talents lead her to keep these deeply hidden in the recesses of the mind. There are numerous outward affections which induce men to get married. The leading one in this period is the desire to increase one's patrimony by extra wealth, either to become rich or to ensure plenty. Another is the ambition to gain honours, either to achieve a high reputation or to live at a more exalted level. Apart from these there are various things which attract and inspire lust; these do not even allow any opportunity for finding out if there is a match between inward affections. These few remarks will make it plain that it is generally outward affections which influence people in the world to get married.

Conjugial Love #274 (Rogers (1995))

274. 3. Marriages in the world are generally contracted on the basis of outward affections. This is because inward affections are rarely considered; and even if they are, still a reflection of them is not seen in the woman, for by native instinct she withdraws her inner affections into the secret chambers of her mind.

There are many outward affections which induce men into marrying. A primary affection in today's world is enlargement of the family fortune by wealth, either to become rich or to have the means. Another is aspiration to positions of honor, either to be held in high regard, or to enjoy an increased state of prosperity.

Added to these are various enticements and lusts. These, too, do not allow opportunity for exploring congruences of inward affections.

From these few observations it is apparent that marriages in the world are generally contracted on the basis of outward affections.

Love in Marriage #274 (Gladish (1992))

274. 3. In the world, the affections that lead to matrimony are ordinarily the ones on the surface. This is because inner feelings are rarely considered, and if they are, their pattern is not always clear in the woman, for she has a natural gift of withdrawing them into the inner recesses of her mind.

Many superficial inclinations lead men into marriage. The primary one these days is to improve family matters with wealth in order to be rich and have plenty. Another is seeking status, either to have influence or to become more successful. Then there are various seductions and yearnings, too, which leave no room for looking into the harmony of inner dispositions. These few observations show that ordinarily marriages are made with superficial motives, in the world.

Conjugial Love #274 (Acton (1953))

274. III. THAT IT IS EXTERNAL AFFECTIONS ACCORDING TO WHICH MATRIMONIES ARE COMMONLY CONTRACTED IN THE WORLD. This is because internal affections are rarely consulted, and if consulted, the similitude between them is not seen in the woman; for by her native gift she withdraws her internal affections into the inner recesses of her mind. The external affections which induce men to contract matrimony are many in number. The first affection of this age is for the enlargement of the family estate by wealth, both that they may be rich in lands and that they may have abundant means in their possession. The second is aspiration after honors, either for the sake of being held in high esteem or for the sake of being in an enlarged state of prosperity. Besides these, there are various allurements and concupiscences. Such affections leave no room for searching into the agreements of internal affections. From these few considerations, it is clear that in the world matrimonies are commonly contracted in accordance with external affections.

Conjugial Love #274 (Wunsch (1937))

274. (iii) It is external affections in accord with which matrimony is generally contracted in the world. Internal affections are rarely consulted; even when they are, the similarity of them in the woman is not descried, for by a native gift she withdraws them into the sanctuary of her mind. External affections leading men to contract matrimony are many. A chief affection of the present age is the enlargement of the household through wealth, both to be enriched and to have ample necessaries. Another is the aspiration after honors, either to be highly regarded or to enjoy a heightened good fortune. There are also various allurements and lusts which do not leave room for examining any agreement in internal affections. These few reflections make it plain that in the world matrimony is generally contracted according to external affections.

Conjugial Love #274 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

274. (3) That the affections according to which matrimony is commonly contracted in the world are external. This is because internal affections are rarely considered, and if considered their similitude is not seen in the woman; for by native gift she withdraws her internal affections into the interior recesses of her mind. The external affections which induce men to contract matrimony are many. The first affection of this age is for the enlargement of family estate by wealth, both that they may be enriched and that they may have abundance; another is aspiration after honors, either to be held in high esteem, or to be in an enlarged state of fortune. Besides these, there are various allurements and concupiscences, neither do these give room for searching into the agreements of internal affections. From these few considerations it is clear that matrimony is commonly contracted in the world according to external affections.

De Amore Conjugiali #274 (original Latin (1768))

274. III: Quod sint externae affectiones, secundum quas Matrimonia communiter contrahuntur in Mundo; est quia affectiones internae raro consuluntur; et si consuluntur, usque non videtur similitudo illarum in foemina, haec enim ex nativa dote retrahit internas in penetralia mentis suae. Affectiones externae, quae viros ad contrahendum matrimonia, inducunt, sunt plures; prima affectio hujus saeculi est rei familiaris amplificatio per opes, tam ut locupletentur, quam ut suppetant copiae; altera est aspiratio ad honores, vel ut magnipendantur, vel ut in amplificato statu fortunae sint: praeter has sunt variae pellectiones et concupiscentiae; hae nec dant locum explorandi convenientias affectionum internarum. Ex his paucis patet, quod Matrimonia communiter contrahantur in Mundo secundum affectiones externas.

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