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《婚姻之爱》 第30节


  30、天使和灵人就是人,这一点通过在亚伯拉罕、 基甸、但以理及其他先知,尤其是写启示录的约翰,以及主坟墓旁的妇人等面前显现的天使可以看出来。实际上,主复活后曾亲自在门徒面前显现。之所以出现这些现象,是因为凡看见他们的人,其灵眼都被打开了。灵眼一旦被打开,天使就会显出真实的形体,也就是人。不过,当灵眼被关闭,即被从物质世界获取一切感觉的肉眼所遮蔽时,天使和灵人就不可见了。



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Conjugial Love #30 (Chadwick (1996))

30. Angels and spirits are human beings, as is evident from their being seen by Abraham, Gideon, Daniel and the Prophets, and especially by John when he wrote the Book of Revelation, as well as by the women in the Lord's tomb. Indeed the Lord Himself was seen by the disciples after the resurrection. The reason why they could see them is that the eyes of their spirits were then opened; and when this happens angels are to be seen in their own form, which is the human one. But they are invisible when those eyes are shut, that is, obscured by the sight of eyes which draw all their impressions from the material world.

Conjugial Love #30 (Rogers (1995))

30. Angels and spirits are people, and this can be seen from the ones who appeared to Abraham, Gideon, Daniel and the prophets, especially to John when he wrote the book of Revelation, and also to the women at the Lord's tomb. Indeed, the Lord Himself appeared to the disciples after His resurrection. These appearances occurred because the eyes of the spirit of the people who saw them were opened, and when the eyes of the spirit are opened, angels appear in their true form, which is human. But when the eyes of the spirit are closed, that is, when they are covered over by the sight of eyes which draw all their sensations from the material world, then angels and spirits do not appear.

Love in Marriage #30 (Gladish (1992))

30. You can see that angels and spirits are people from the ones Abraham, Gideon, Daniel, and the prophets saw - - especially the ones John saw while he was writing Revelation and also the ones the women saw in the Lord's tomb. In fact, the disciples saw the Lord Himself after His resurrection. The reason they saw angels and spirits was that their spiritual eyes were opened, and when these eyes are opened you can see angels in their own form which is human. But when those eyes are closed - that is, veiled over by the sight of the eyes that receive everything from the material world - spirits are not visible.

Conjugial Love #30 (Acton (1953))

30. That angels and spirits are men is evident from those seen by Abraham, Gideon, Daniel, and the prophets; and especially from those seen by John when he wrote the Apocalypse, and also by the women at the Lord's sepulchre; yea, after His resurrection, the Lord Himself was seen by the disciples. They were seen because the eyes of the spirit of the one who saw them were then opened, and when these are opened, angels appear in their own form, which is the human form. But when those eyes are closed, that is, are veiled over by the sight of the eyes which derive their all from the material world, they are not seen.

Conjugial Love #30 (Wunsch (1937))

30. That angels and spirits are human beings is plain from those seen by Abraham, Gideon, Daniel and the prophets, especially by John when he wrote the Apocalypse, and also by the women at the Lord's sepulchre. Indeed, the Lord Himself was seen by the disciples after His resurrection. These had such vision because the eyes of their spirits were opened then. When these eyes are opened, angels appear in the form they have, namely, the human form; but when those eyes are closed, that is, veiled with the vision of the eyes which derive their all from the material world, angels do not appear.

Conjugial Love #30 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

30. That angels and spirits are men is evident from those seen by Abraham, by Gideon, and by Daniel and the prophets; and especially from those seen by John while he was writing the Apocalypse, and by the women also at the Lord's sepulcher. Yea, the Lord Himself was seen by the disciples after His resurrection. They were seen because the eyes of the spirit were then opened, and when these are opened angels appear in their own form, which is the human form. But when these eyes are closed, that is, are veiled with the sight of the eyes which derive their all from the material world, they do not appear.

De Amore Conjugiali #30 (original Latin (1768))

30. Quod Angeli et Spiritus sint homines, constare potest ex illis visis Abrahamo, Guideoni, Danieli, et Prophetis, imprimis Johanni cum scripsit Apocalypsin, et quoque Mulieribus in Sepulchro Domini; imo Ipse Dominus post resurrectionem [visus est] Discipulis. Quod visi sint, fuit causa, quia tunc aperti sunt oculi spiritus illorum; et cum hi aperiuntur, apparent Angeli in sua forma, quae est humana; at cum illi oculi clausi sunt, hoc est, obvelati visu oculorum, qui omnia sua trahunt ex materiali Mundo, tunc non apparent.

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