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《婚姻之爱》 第301节




















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Conjugial Love #301 (Chadwick (1996))

301. (v) Their agreement is to be confirmed and established by a formal engagement.

The reasons for an engagement are these:

1. So that subsequently the souls of the couple may incline towards each other.

2. So that the sexual love all feel may be restricted to one person of the other sex.

3. So that each may get to know the other's inner affections, and by making them conformable link them in the inward cheerfulness of love.

4. So that the spirit of each may enter upon marriage, and become ever more closely associated.

5. So that conjugial love may thus advance duly from its first warmth to the wedding flame.

6. Consequently, so that conjugial love may develop and grow in the proper sequence from its origin.

The state of being engaged can be likened to the state of spring before the summer begins, and the inner pleasantness of that state to the flowering of trees before they form fruit. Since the first and subsequent stages of conjugial love develop in sequence because of their influence on the realisation of love, which begins with the wedding, there are also engagements in the heavens.

Conjugial Love #301 (Rogers (1995))

301. 5. Their agreement to marry should be affirmed and established by a formal betrothal. Reasons for formal betrothals are as follows:

1. To encourage a mutual inclination of the couple's souls to each other following betrothal.

2. To encourage a determination of a general love for the opposite sex to the one of the sex.

3. To encourage a mutual recognition of each other's inward affections and a conjunction of them through appeals to them in a state of the inner gladness of love.

4. To encourage a marriage of the couple's spirits and a closer and closer affiliation of these.

5. To encourage in this way a proper progression of conjugial love from its first warmth to its nuptial flame.

6. Consequently, to encourage a just and orderly progression and development of conjugial love from its spiritual origin.

The state of betrothal may be likened to a state of spring preceding summer, and the inner enjoyments of that state to the flowerings of trees before their production of fruit. Since the beginnings and progressions of conjugial love develop in sequence in order for them to flow into the fruitful love which begins with the wedding, therefore betrothals take place in heaven as well.

Love in Marriage #301 (Gladish (1992))

301. 5. Consent should be strengthened and confirmed by a solemn commitment. Here are the reasons for commitments. (a) So that after them the souls of both will incline toward each other. (b) To limit a general love of the other sex to one masculine or feminine person of the other sex. (c) To make known their mutual inner feelings and let these feelings be joined in the inner happiness of love, by inclination. (d) So that each one's spirit may enter marriage and be brought closer and closer together. (e) So that married love can progress properly from its first warmth clear to the blaze of the wedding. Consequently, (f) so that married love can advance and grow from its spiritual origin by the right steps.

The state of engagement can be compared to the condition of spring before the summer, and this state's inner delights compare to the blossoming of trees before they bear fruit.

There are engagements in the heavens, too, because the beginnings and the progress of married love proceed in order for the sake of their influencing the completed love that begins on the wedding day.

Conjugial Love #301 (Acton (1953))

301. V. THAT CONSENT IS TO BE STRENGTHENED AND CONFIRMED BY A SOLEMN BETROTHAL. The reasons for betrothals are as follows: 1. That after them the two souls may mutually incline to each other. 2. That the universal love to the sex may be determined in each to one of the sex. 3. That the interior affections may be mutually known, and by applications may be conjoined in the inward cheerfulness of love. 4. That the spirits of the two may enter into marriage and be more and more consociated. 5. That conjugial love may thus rightly progress from its first heat to its nuptial flame. 6. Consequently, that conjugial love may proceed from its spiritual origin in just order and may take increase. The state of betrothal may be likened to the state of spring before summer, and the internal amenities of that state to the blossoming of trees before fructification. Since the initiations and progressions of conjugial love proceed in order, to the end that they may flow into the effective love which commences from the wedding, therefore in the heavens also there are betrothals.

Conjugial Love #301 (Wunsch (1937))

301. (v) Consent is to be assured and established by a solemn betrothal. The reasons for betrothal are these: 1. That after betrothal the souls of the two may be mutually inclined to each other. 2. That the general love of the sex may be determined in each to one of the sex. 3. That the interior affections of each may be known and may be conjoined by mutual address in love's inward gaiety. 4. That the spirits of the two may enter into marriage and be brought together more and more. 5. That marital love may thus progress duly from its first warmth to the nuptial flame. 6. Consequently, that marital love may advance and grow up in due order from its spiritual origin. The state of betrothal may be likened to the state of spring before summer, and its internal pleasantness to the blossoming of trees before fructification. Betrothals take place in the heavens, too, inasmuch as there is this due order for the inception and progress of marital love, so that it may flow into the active love which begins from the nuptials.

Conjugial Love #301 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

301. (5) That the consent ought to be established and con firmed by a solemn betrothal. The reasons for betrothal are these: (1) So that after them the two souls may mutually incline to each other. (2) So that the universal love for the sex may be determined in each to one of the sex. (3) So that the interior affections may be mutually cognized, and by applications in the inward cheerfulness of love, may be conjoined. (4) That the spirits of the two may enter into marriage, and be consociated more and more. (5) That conjugial love may thus rightly progress from its first heat even to its nuptial flame. (6) That conjugial love may consequently proceed and grow up in just order from its spiritual origin. The state of betrothal may be likened to the state of spring before the summer, and its inward pleasantness to the blossoming of trees before fructification. Since the initiations and progressions of conjugial love proceed in order, for the sake of their inflowing into the effective love which begins from the nuptials, therefore, there are bethrothals also in the heavens.

De Amore Conjugiali #301 (original Latin (1768))

301. V: Quod consensus per solennem desponsationem firmandus et constabiliendus sit. Causae desponsationum sunt hae; 1. Ut post illas duorum animae inclinent ad se mutuo. 2. Ut amor universalis ad sexum determinetur ad unum seu unam e sexu. 3. Ut affectiones interiores mutuo cognoscantur, et per applicationes in hilaritate interna amoris conjungantur. 4. Ut utriusque spiritus ineant conjugium, ac plus et plus consocientur. 5. Ut sic amor conjugialis a primo suo calore rite progrediatur usque ad flammam nuptialem; consequenter, 16. Ut amor conjugialis a spirituali sua origine justo ordine procedat et succrescat. Status desponsationis 2assimilari potest statui veris ante aestatem; et amaenitates internae illius status efflorescentiis arborum ante fructificationes. Quoniam initiationes et progressiones amoris conjugialis procedunt in ordine propter influxum illarum in effectivum amorem, qui inchoat a nuptiis, ideo in Coelis etiam desponsationes sunt.


1. Prima editio: consequenter.

2. Prima editio: disponsationis

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