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《婚姻之爱》 第352节






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Conjugial Love #352 (Chadwick (1996))

352. (xvi) But no one from either of these groups can associate with angels in the Christian heavens.

The reason is that in the Christian heavens there is heavenly light, which is Divine truth, and heavenly heat, which is Divine love. These two disclose the nature of truths and kinds of good, and the nature of evils and falsities. This is why all communication between the Christian and Mohammedan heavens has been closed off. It is the same with the heavens of the heathen. If there were any communication, only those could be saved who enjoy heavenly light combined with heavenly heat coming from the Lord. Indeed, neither could they be saved, if their heavens were linked together. For this would so undermine the foundations of all the heavens, that the angels could not go on living there. For unchastity and wantonness from the Mohammedans would exert an influence on the Christian heaven which would be intolerable, and chastity and purity from the Christians would exert an influence on the Mohammedan heaven, which would be no more tolerable there. By being in communication and therefore linked Christian angels would become natural and thus adulterers; or, if they remained spiritual, they would continually feel the wantonness around them, which would cut off all the blessedness of their life. A parallel event would occur in the Mohammedan heaven, for the spiritual ideas of the Christian heaven would continually surround and torture them, taking away all their pleasure in life, and in addition instilling the idea that polygamy was a sin, so that they would be constantly criticised.

This is the reason why all the heavens are completely isolated, so that there is no link possible between them, except through the light and heat flowing into them from the Lord, out of the sun in whose midst He is. This radiation enlightens and gives life to each individual in proportion to his ability to receive it; and this depends on his religion. This kind of communication is possible, but not between one heaven and another.

Conjugial Love #352 (Rogers (1995))

352. 16. But no polygamists of any kind can be affiliated with angels in the Christian heavens. The reason is that in the Christian heavens there is a heavenly light which is Divine truth, and a heavenly warmth which is Divine love; and these two reveal the nature of people's truths and goods, also the nature of their evils and falsities. On that account all communication between Christian heavens and Muslim heavens has been taken away; likewise between Christian heavens and gentile heavens. If such a communication were to exist, no others could be saved but those who were in a state of heavenly light and at the same time in a state of heavenly warmth from the Lord. Indeed, not even these would be saved if there were a connection between the heavens; for as a result of that connection all the heavens would be so shaken that the angels could not continue in existence. An unchaste and lecherous ambience would flow from Muslims into the Christian heaven, which could not be endured there; and a chaste and pure ambience would flow from Christians into the Muslim heaven, which could not be endured there. Then as a result of that communication and consequent connection, Christian angels either would become natural and thus adulterers, or, if they remained spiritual, would constantly sense an atmosphere of lechery about them, which would disrupt all their blessedness of life. Something similar would ensue with the Muslim heaven, for spiritual atmospheres from the Christian heaven would continually surround them and cause them distress, taking away all their delight of life; and in addition they would have it insinuated that polygamy was a sin, so that they would suffer continual censure.

For this reason the heavens are all kept entirely apart, so that there is no connection between them, other than by the fact of their receiving an influx of light and warmth from the Lord through the sun, in whose midst He is. This influx enlightens and animates each of them according to their reception, and that reception varies according to their religion. There is that communication, but not a communication of the heavens with each other.

Love in Marriage #352 (Gladish (1992))

352. 16. But none of them can be together with angels in the Christian heavens. The reason is that in the Christian heavens is the light of heaven, which is Divine truth, and the warmth of heaven, which is Divine love. And these two reveal what good and true things are like, and what bad and untrue things are like. This is why all communication between Christian heavens and Mohammedan heavens is taken away, and the same goes for heavens of non-Christians.

If there were communication, no one could have been saved except those in the light of heaven, and at the same time its heat from the Lord. In fact, they could not have been saved if the heavens were united, because this union would weaken all the heavens so much that the angels could not survive. For an unchasteness and lasciviousness that the Christian heaven cannot bear would seep in from the Mohammedans, and a chasteness and purity that the Mohammedan heaven cannot bear would seep in from the Christians. And then Christian angels would become worldly, and thus adulterers from the communication and the union that it brought, or if they remained spiritual, they would always sense a lasciviousness around them that would intercept all the happiness of their life. Something similar would happen in the Mohammedan heaven, for spiritual things from the Christian heaven would always be surrounding and enveloping them and would take away all the joy of their life. And in addition, they would insinuate that polygamy is a sin and thus the Christian influence would be a constant rebuke.

This is the reason why all the heavens are totally separate, so that there is no connection among them except through the influence of the light and heat from the Lord through the sun. He is in the middle of it. This influence enlightens and gives life to everyone according to their reception, and their reception is according to their religion. There is this communication, but no communication of these heavens among each other.

Conjugial Love #352 (Acton (1953))

352. XVI. BUT THAT NONE OF THE LATTER AND THE FORMER CAN BE CONSOCIATED WITH ANGELS IN THE CHRISTIAN HEAVENS. The reason is because in the Christian heavens is heavenly light which is Divine Truth, and heavenly heat which is Divine Love, and these two disclose the nature of goods and truths, and also the nature of evils and falsities. Hence it is that all communication between the Christian heavens and the Mohammedan heavens and likewise the heavens of the Gentiles is taken away. Had there been communication, none could have been saved except those who were in heavenly light from the Lord and at the same time in heavenly heat. Nay, neither could these have been saved had there been a conjunction of the heavens. By reason of such conjunction, all the heavens would have been so greatly ruined that the angels could not have endured; for from Mohammedans would flow into the Christian heaven that which is unchaste and lascivious, and this could not have been endured there; and from Christians would flow into the Mohammedan heaven that which is chaste and pure, and this could not have been endured there. And then, by reason of the communication and the resultant conjunction, Christian angels would become natural and thus adulterers; or, if they remained spiritual, would be continually sensating the lascivious sphere surrounding them, and this would intercept all the blessedness of their life. Something comparable would be the case in the Mohammedan heaven; for the spiritual things of the Christian heaven would continually encompass them, and this would inflict torment upon them and take away every delight of their life. Moreover, it would carry with it the insinuation that polygamy is a sin, and so they would be continually rebuked. This is the reason why all the heavens are so wholly distinct that there is no conjunction between them except through the influx of light and heat from the Lord out of the sun in the midst of which He is--an influx which enlightens and vivifies every one according to his reception of it, his reception being according to his religion. This communication there is, but not a communication of the heavens with each other.

Conjugial Love #352 (Wunsch (1937))

352. (xvi) But none of the latter or of the former can be associated with angels in the Christian heavens. For in the Christian heavens there is a heavenly light which is Divine truth and a heavenly warmth which is Divine love; and the two expose the nature of goods and truths, thus of evils and falsities. Hence all communication has been taken away between Christian and Mohammedan heavens, as also between Christian and gentile heavens. If there were communication, no others could be saved than those in heavenly light and at the same time in heavenly warmth from the Lord. Indeed, if there were a conjunction of the heavens, not even these could be saved. For in conjunction all the heavens would be so shaken that the angels could not survive. For into the Christian heaven there would inflow from the Mohammedans what is unchaste and lascivious, which could not be endured there, and from the Christians the chaste and pure would inflow into the Mohammedan heaven, and this could not be endured there. Then in the communication and conjunction Christian angels would turn natural and thus become adulterers; or, if they remained spiritual, they would constantly feel the lascivious about them, frustrating all that is blessed in their life. Something equivalent would befall the Mohammedan heaven, for the spiritualities of the Christian heaven would constantly surround and torture them and take all enjoyment in life away from them, and moreover would keep intimating that polygamy is sin, so that they would suffer continual rebuke. For this reason the heavens are all quite distinct, so that there is no conjunction of them other than by the influx of light and heat from the Lord out of the sun in the midst of which He is. This influx enlightens and quickens every one according to reception, and reception is according to the religion. Such communication there is, but not of the heavens with one another.

Conjugial Love #352 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

352. (16) But none from either of these heavens can be consociated with the angels in the Christian heavens. The reason is, that in the Christian heavens there is heavenly light which is Divine truth, and heavenly heat which is Divine love, and these two discover of what kind goods and truths are, as well as of what kind are evils and falsities. It is on this account that all communication between the Christian heavens and the Mahometan heavens is taken away; likewise between them and the heavens of the Gentiles. If there were communication none could have been saved but they who were in heavenly light, and at the same time in heavenly heat, from the Lord. Nay, nor could these have been saved if there were conjunction of the heavens, for all the heavens would be so shaken by the conjunction that the angels could not subsist. For from the Mahometans the unchaste and lascivious would flow into the Christian heaven, which could not be endured there; and from the Christian heaven the chaste and pure would flow into the Mahometan heaven, which would be insufferable there. And then, by the communication and thence conjunction Christian angels would become natural and thus adulterers, or if they remained spiritual they would feel what is lascivious around them continually, which would take away all the blessedness of their life. Something like this would be the effect in the Mahometan heaven; for the spiritual influences of the Christian heaven would continually surround and torment them, and deprive them of every enjoyment of their life; and moreover would insinuate that polygamy is sin, and they would thus be perpetually reproved. This is the reason why all the heavens are altogether distinct, so that there is no conjunction between them, except through the influx of light and heat from the Lord out of the sun in the midst of which He is; and this influx enlightens and vivifies everyone according to reception, and the reception is according to the religion. There is this communication, but not of the heavens between themselves.

De Amore Conjugiali #352 (original Latin (1768))

352. XVI: Sed quod nulli ex his et illis consociari possint cum Angelis in Christianis Coelis. Causa est, quia in Coelis Christianis est Lux coelestis, quae est Divina Veritas, et est Calor coelestis qui est Divinus Amor; et illa duo detegunt, qualia sunt vera et bona, tum qualia sunt mala et falsa; inde est, quod inter Coelos Christianos et inter Coelos Mahumedanos omnis communicatio sublata sit; similiter inter gentilium Coelos; si communicatio foret, non salvari potuissent alii, quam qui in luce coelesti et simul in calore coelesti a Domino essent; imo nec hi salvarentur, si conjunctio Coelorum foret; ex conjunctione enim omnes Coeli labefactarentur in tantum, ut Angeli non potuissent subsistere; e Mahumedanis enim incastum et lascivum influeret in Christianum Coelum, quod ibi non sufferri posset; et a Christianis influeret castum et purum in Mahumedanum Coelum, quod nec ibi sufferri posset; et tunc ex communicatione et inde conjunctione, Angeli Christiani fierent naturales et sic adulteri, vel si manerent spirituales, circum se continue sentirent lascivum, quod omne beatum vitae illorum interciperet; parile quid fieret cum Coelo Mahumedano, spiritualia enim Coeli Christiani continue ambirent et torquerent illos, ac omne jucundum vitae illorum auferrent, ac insuper insinuarent, quod polygamia esset peccatum, et sic jugi increparentur. Haec causa est, quod omnes Coeli sint prorsus distincti, ut non detur inter illos conjunctio, quam per influxum lucis et caloris a Domino e Sole, in cujus medio est; et hic influxus quemlibet illustrat et vivificat secundum receptionem, et receptio est secundum religionem; haec communicatio datur, sed non Coelorum inter se.

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