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《婚姻之爱》 第354节











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Conjugial Love #354 (Chadwick (1996))

354. When the angels had finished saying this and had left, two priests arrived accompanied by a man who in the world had been his country's ambassador. I repeated to them what I had heard from the angels. On hearing this they began to argue about intelligence and wisdom, and so about prudence, whether they were from God or from man. It was a fierce argument. All three of them at heart believed alike that these were from man, because they were in man; and they claimed that actual perception and feeling confirmed that this is so. But the priests, being then under the influence of religious zeal, insisted that nothing of intelligence and wisdom, and so of prudence, came from man. But when the ambassador retorted that in this case nothing of thought could either, they insisted that this too was so.

But since in heaven it was perceived that the three of them shared a similar belief, the king's ambassador was told, 'Put on a priest's clothes and convince yourself you are a priest, and then speak.' He did so, and he believed. Then he spoke out loud, saying that no intelligence or wisdom, and so no prudence, could be granted except by God, and he employed his usual eloquence to prove it fully by rational arguments. It is a special feature of the spiritual world that a spirit thinks himself to be what the clothes he wears indicate. The reason is that it is the intellect which clothes each person there.

[2] Then the two priests were told from heaven, 'Take off your clothes, and put on those of ministers of state, and convince yourselves that is what you are.' They did so, and at once they thought from their inward nature and used the arguments they inwardly approved in speaking in favour of their own intelligence. At that instant a tree was seen near the path. They were told, 'It is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; take care not to eat from it.' But still the three, made foolish by their own intelligence, were fired with the desire to eat from it, so they said to each other, 'Why shouldn't we? It's good fruit. isn't it?' So they went up to it and ate. Then immediately the three became bosom friends, because they shared a similar belief; and they started out together on the path of one's own intelligence, which leads to hell. However, I saw them brought back from there, because they were not yet prepared.

Conjugial Love #354 (Rogers (1995))

354. At the end of this conversation the angels went away, and two priests came, accompanied by a man who in the world had been an ambassadorial envoy. I related to them what I had overheard from the angels; and on hearing it they began to argue among themselves as to whether intelligence and wisdom and the resulting prudence are from God or from man. The argument was heated. At heart the three believed alike, thinking that because these are in man they are from man, and that the very perception and sensation of its being so confirm it. But the priests, being then in a state of theological zeal, kept saying that nothing of intelligence and wisdom and so nothing of prudence is from man. When the ambassadorial envoy would retort in reply that that would mean nothing of thought as well, the priests would agree that that was so.

However, because it was perceived in heaven that the three men shared a similar belief, a voice from there said to the ambassadorial envoy, "Put on the apparel of a priest, and suppose yourself to be a priest, and then speak."

So he did as he was bidden. And he loudly declared then that nothing of intelligence and wisdom and so nothing of prudence can ever exist except it be from God, which he also demonstrated using the customary eloquent manner of speaking, full of rational arguments. (It is a peculiar phenomenon in the spiritual world that a spirit thinks himself to be this or that sort of person according to the kind of garment he has on. The reason for this is that it is the understanding which clothes everyone there.)

[2] After that the voice from heaven said likewise to the two priests, "Put off your attire and put on the attire of ministers of state, and suppose that that is what you are." So they did accordingly; and they at once then thought from their inner selves and spoke using arguments they had inwardly cherished in favor of their having their own intelligence.

At that moment a tree then appeared along the path, and a voice said to them: "It is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Take care that you do not eat of it."

But despite this, infatuated as they were with their own intelligence, the three of them burned with a desire to eat of it; and they began to say to each other, "Why not? Is the fruit not good?" And they went over and ate.

Immediately then the three became warm friends, because they shared a similar belief; and together they entered on the path of their own intelligence, which led to hell. Nevertheless, I saw them brought back from there, because they had not yet been prepared.

Love in Marriage #354 (Gladish (1992))

354. At the end of this conversation the angels went away, and two clergymen came, together with a man who in the world was an ambassador of a kingdom. I reported to them what I heard from the angels.

After they heard it they began to argue about intelligence and wisdom and the practical judgment from it - whether these come from God or from people. It was a heated discussion. At heart, the three believed the same - that these come from the person, because they are in a person, and that the very idea and feeling that it is like this proves it. But the ministers, who had theological zeal at that time, said that not a shred of intelligence and wisdom, and so not a shred of practical judgment, is from a person. And when the ambassador retorted, "Then not anything of thought?" they said, "No, nothing."

But in heaven they could tell that the three had the same belief, so they told the ambassador of a kingdom, "Put on a minister's clothes, and think of yourself as a minister, and then talk."

He put the clothes on and talked, and now he said in a loud voice, "There can't be a shred of intelligence and wisdom, and therefore not a shred of practical judgment except from the Lord," and with his usual eloquence he demonstrated this fully, with rational arguments. It is extraordinary, in the spiritual world, how a spirit thinks he is like whatever the clothing on him is like. The reason is that intellect is everybody's clothing there.

Then the two ministers were told from heaven, "Take off your vestments, and put on the clothes of public servants, and consider yourselves public servants." They did so, and then at once they thought from deep within themselves and spoke in favor of self - intelligence, from arguments that they inwardly cherished. Just then a tree appeared near the path, and they were told, ''It is a tree of knowing good and bad. Beware that you don't eat from it." But the three were so infatuated with their own intelligence that they burned with a desire to eat from it and said among themselves, "Why not? Isn't it good fruit?"

They went over and ate. The three at once became best friends, because they had the same belief, and turned together to the road of self - intelligence, which led them toward hell. However, I saw them brought back from there, because they were not ready yet.

Conjugial Love #354 (Acton (1953))

354. When this discourse was concluded, the angels departed. Then came two priests, together with a man who in the world had been a royal ambassador. I told them what I had heard from the angels, and on hearing this, they began a discussion among themselves concerning intelligence and wisdom and prudence therefrom, as to whether these are from God or from man. The discussion was warm. At heart the three believed alike that they are from man because in man, and that the perception and sensation of its being so, confirms this. But the priests, Who were then in theological zeal, said that nothing of intelligence and wisdom, and so nothing of prudence, is from man; and when the ambassador retorted that then neither is there anything of thought, they said, "No, not anything."

But as it was perceived in heaven that the three were of the same belief, it was said to the royal ambassador, "Put on the garments of a priest and believe yourself to be a priest, and then speak." So he put them on and believed. Then, in a loud voice he said, "Nothing of intelligence and wisdom, and hence nothing of prudence, is ever possible except from God"' and this he demonstrated with his customary eloquence, full of rational arguments.

It is peculiar to the spiritual world that a spirit thinks himself to be such as is the garment he wears, and this because, in that World, the understanding clothes every one.

[2] After this, it was said from heaven to the two priests, "Put off your garments and put on the garments of ministers of state, and believe that you are such." They did so. Then at once they thought from their inner self, and on the basis of arguments which they had inwardly cherished, they spoke in favor of self-intelligence.

At that moment there appeared near the path a tree, and it Was told them: "This is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Take care that you do not eat of it." Nevertheless, the three, infatuated with their own intelligence, burned with a desire to eat of it, and said among themselves. "Why not? is not the fruit good?" And they approached and ate. Then, being of the same belief, the three at once became cordial friends and together they entered on the way of self-intelligence which led to hell; yet I saw them coming back for they were not yet prepared.

Conjugial Love #354 (Wunsch (1937))

354. The angels left when the conversation was over, and two priests came, accompanied by a man who in the world had been a royal ambassador. I told them what I had heard from the angels. Hearing it, they began to debate with each other whether intelligence and wisdom and the prudence therefrom are from God or man. The debate was warm. At heart the three believed alike that intelligence, wisdom and prudence are from man, because they are in man, and that the perception and sensation that they are, establishes the fact. But the priests, moved by theological zeal, said that intelligence and wisdom and consequently prudence are not at all from man. When the ambassador retorted that then there was nothing of thought from man, they said there was not.

But, as it was perceived in heaven that the three were in similar belief, the ambassador was bidden, "Put on the garments of a priest and believe yourself to be a priest, and then speak."

He put on the garments and in the belief he was a priest, declared roundly that there is never any intelligence or wisdom or prudence except from God. He demonstrated the fact with the usual eloquence, full of rational arguments.

It is a peculiarity of the spiritual world that a spirit thinks himself to be such as is the garment he is wearing. The reason is that in the spiritual world the understanding clothes every one.

Then the two priests were bidden from heaven, "Put off your garments and put on the garments of ministers of state, and believe yourselves to be such."

They did so. At once they thought from their interior selves and spoke from the reasonings, cherished by them inwardly, in favor of man's own intelligence.

At that moment a tree appeared beside the road. They were told, "This is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Take care not to eat of it."

Infatuated by their own intelligence, however, all three burned with desire to eat of it. Saying to one another, "Why not? Is the fruit bad?" they went up to it and ate.

Immediately the three, being in similar faith, became bosom friends, and started on the way of one's own intelligence which tends toward hell; but I saw them come back, for they were not yet prepared.

Conjugial Love #354 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

354. The conversation being ended the angels went away, and two priests came, having with them a man who in the world had been an ambassador of a kingdom; and I related to them what I had heard from the angels, hearing which they began to dispute among themselves on the subject of intelligence and wisdom, and of prudence therefrom, whether they are from God or from man. There was a warm discussion. In heart the three alike believed that they are from man, because in man, and that the very perception and sensation that they are so confirms it. But the priests, who were then in theologic zeal, said that nothing of intelligence and wisdom, and consequently nothing of prudence is from man; and when the ambassador retorted that, 'If so there is not anything of thought,' they said, 'Not anything.'

But, as it was perceived in heaven that the three were in similar belief, it was said to the ambassador, 'Put on the garments of a priest and believe yourself to be a priest, and then speak.'

And he put them on and believed, and then said in a loud voice that nothing of intelligence and wisdom, and thence nothing of prudence, can ever be except from God; and he maintained it with accustomed eloquence, full of rational arguments.

It is peculiar in the spiritual world that a spirit thinks himself to be such as the garment upon him is. The reason is that there the understanding clothes everyone.

Afterwards it was said from heaven to the two priests also, 'Put off your garments and put on the garments of ministers of state, and believe that you are such.'

And they did so, and then at once thought from their interior selves, and they spoke from reasonings which they had inwardly cherished in favor of man's own intelligence.

At that moment there appeared a tree by the way, and it was told them, 'This is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Have a care that you do not eat of it.'

But nevertheless the three, infatuated with their own Intelligence, were inflamed with a desire to eat of it, and said among themselves, 'Why not? Is the fruit not good?' And they went to it and ate.

Then immediately the three, because they were in similar faith, became cordial friends, and went together in the way of their own intelligence which tends towards hell; but yet I saw them coming back, for they were not yet prepared.

De Amore Conjugiali #354 (original Latin (1768))

354. Angeli hoc sermone finito abiverunt, et venerunt bini Sacerdotes una cum Viro, qui in Mundo fuerat Legatus Regni, et illis retuli quae audiveram ex Angelis; quibus auditis, coeperunt inter se disceptare de Intelligentia et Sapientia, et inde Prudentia, num sint a Deo, vel num ab homine; ardens erat disceptatio; Tres illi corde crediderunt similiter, quod sint ab homine quia in homine, et quod ipsa perceptio et sensatio quod ita sit, id confirment; sed Sacerdotes, qui tunc erant in Zelo Theologico, dicebant, quod nihil intelligentiae et sapientiae, et sic nihil prudentiae, sit ab homine; at cum Legatus regerebat, quod sic nec aliquid cogitationis, dicebant quod non aliquid: at quia perceptum est in Coelo, quod Tres illi in simili fide essent, dictum est Legato Regni, "indue vestes sacerdotis, et crede te sacerdotem esse, et tunc loquere;" ac induit et credidit; et tunc alte loquutus est, quod nihil intelligentiae et sapientiae, et inde nihil prudentiae usquam dari possit nisi a Deo, ac sueto eloquio argumentis rationalibus pleno id demonstravit; peculiare est in Mundo Spirituali, quod spiritus cogitet se talem esse, qualis super illum est vestis; causa est, quia Intellectus vestit unumquemvis ibi.

[2] Postea e Coelo binis illis Sacerdotibus etiam dictum est, "exuite vestes vestras, ac induite vestes Ministrorum Politicorum, et credite quod illi sitis;" ac fecerunt ita, et tunc simul cogitaverunt ex interiori se, et loquuti ex argumentis, quae intus foverant pro Intelligentia propria. Eo momento apparuit Arbor circa viam, et dicebatur illis, "est Arbor scientiae boni et mali; cavete vobis ne edatis ab illa;" at usque tres illi infatuati propria intelligentia arserunt cupiditate edendi ex illa, et dicebant inter se, "cur non; estne bonus fructus;" et accesserunt et ederunt: actutum tunc, tres illi, quia in simili fide fuerunt, amici cordis facti sunt, et viam propriae intelligentiae, quae in Infernum tetendit, simul iniverunt; sed usque hos vidi reduces inde, quia nondum erant praeparati.

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